Restoring Belief
Restoring The Belief

First time attempt at an Omake consisting of localised depression and a mobile phone.

Taylor was browsing her hoard when she noticed an oddity within it; a burned cardboard box sitting next to a book and amethyst, alone away from other treasures.

Curious, she walked over and inspected the burnt box.

"Here Were Dragons." Taylor muttered as she read the old writing written on the destroyed box.

Picking up the book she took a peek and was surprised to find that it was a journal of sorts, and so she began to read.

The journal was simply amazing, speaking of fantastical creatures and life in a world just as impressive, during her read she noticed the amethyst had the words 'One Last Time' carved into it and had been unable to figure out why.

Attempting to open the box was impossible even with all her strength, this of course baffled Taylor so she set out to figuring why it wouldn't do so.

Her find was not in good taste it seems. Old research notes written by scientists of a sort describing events that happened with the box referred to as 1762-1 by the researchers.

At some point it was active and apparently animated origami dragons would appear and do things of their nature. They would contact the researchers describing their situation and the need to restore 'belief'. Unfortunately the researchers did not care and simply observed as the world called 'Fantasy' died.

As a dragon herself she could sympathise with these creatures. She would find a solution to this problem and bring back the forgotten Belief.

The other wards simply stared as their fellow member brought in a cardboard box that has seen better days.

"What?" Taylor said in confusion as her friends continued to stare.

"You do realise that you're holding a box, right?" Dennis asked.

"Of course I do. Now I just need to figure out how to repair it." She responded leaving the rest of them even more confused.

Taylor set to work, trying out ways to restore the box until she realised the problem. She needed a new box.

~ The Next Day ~

The Wards stared again as Taylor brought in a much larger cardboard box that wasn't practically destroyed.

"Should we even ask this time?" Missy was the first to say something.

Taylor simply smiled and set the box down before grabbing the amethyst and a marker. She wrote down the words 'Here Be Dragons' on the side and placed the precious gem on top, hoping for the best that her plan would work.

Sadly it seemed that nothing would happen so she resorted to placing the gem inside the box and left it overnight.

~ Later That Night ~


Light shone through the cracks of the cardboard box as something seemingly magical happened.


The light became more intense as the box began to shake slightly.

...You have not Forgotten us.

The shaking stopped and the light ceased.

...Thank you, Friends.

The box opened up and a kaleidoscope of colours burst out for thirty seconds before closing off again.

...The Belief is being restored. Fantasy is being restored.

~ Tomorrow ~

As Dennis entered the Wards area in the PRT building he caught sight of the strangest thing happening.

Multiple animated origami dragons flying about letting off small sparks and puffs of smoke here and there.

He simply stood slack-jawed as they continued doing their thing.

When the other Wards arrived they were treated to the sight of a wild Dennis looking completely baffled at something in front of him and as they proceeded inside to see what was going on they were similarly shocked, except for one person.

Taylor smiled as she watched the other expressions of the Wards and the little dragons flying about having fun.

It seems she had succeeded and that she had restored the Belief once lost.

No longer will Fantasy be forgotten.

Fantasy is recovering. The Belief was restored. Your Room is still small, but we're happy You haven't stopped Believing.
Fantasy is recovering. The Belief was restored. Your Room is still small, but we're happy You haven't stopped Believing.

We will visit soon, Friends!


When I first read about that anomaly it was cheery and happy. I don't know when it got updated but when it did it was no longer considered Safe and became Neutralised. In my personal opinion it was the saddest of the SCP's, so I decided because dragons are cool and all and you shouldn't forget them to have a nice little Omake where our resident Dragon Girl restores the Room and helps the old myth recover and hopefully come back in full.

No way this was just me wanting to write about Here Be Dragons. No sirs.

Also because BB is now the "Here Be Dragons" capital of the world.
Sadly, SCP would consider Taylor something to contain, study, and maybe try neutralizing. Then again, they would feel the same way about parahumans. And that likely wouldn't end well for anyone.

Oh you're definitely not wrong about that. SCP mythos is absolutely insane on the level of bullshit it contains, I'd bet almost guaranteed they'd either contain or destroy the depressed alien. It's not entirely impossible with what they've recorded (People are really creative) then there's also the way they could cease the threat as if it never happened. Everyone knows square pets can't fit in round holes, and the universe definitely can't handle that level of impossible so it simply... resets.
Yeah, I've never liked the SCP-verse. Did we really need someone to look at the X-Files and say, "You know what we need? For the MiB's to be even more unrealistic and sociopathic!"
Ok, Arc 2 has been run through native Spell Check, Grammerly, and the archived corrections, and chapter titles added.

Arc 2 chapter titles:
  1. Testing Limits
  2. Making the Grade
  3. Insights and BSOD
  4. Thinking, Seeing, Believing
  5. Wards and Welcome
  6. Firstflight
  7. Second Looks, Second Lair
  8. Danny's Interlude

Arc 3 will be gone through Wednesday through Friday, and Arc 4 on Friday through Sunday.

Hopefully, I'm stomping most of the egregious errors. I suspect a number of the new readers who are coming through will inform me of missed mutations of spelling and grammar.
"The first four centuries, actually," a whisper of a woman's voice replies. "After that, I wandered wherever I wandered. China, Korea, India, Europe, the Americas. I have seen enough war, famine, and suffering for entire nations, wrought by Man on his fellow Men. And they called me evil. I still wander, helping in little ways where I can. Someone rescued from a concentration camp who goes on to free others, a sailor pushed overboard before his ship explodes. A lost wedding ring found, a shoulder for someone to cry on."

A ghostly fox of nine tails appears, and looks sad.

"Enlightenment eludes me," she continues," or I am missing something so simple it is literally in front of me and I cannot see it. So, my journey continues, a spirit wandering through the lives around me, looking for something, and experiencing joy where I can find it..."
*gently scritches the fox's ears and strokes her tails*

Immortality was oft said to be a curse. Not so much for those born to it, but for mortals, the heartache soon becomes unbearable, to see all those you've ever known pass away as dust in the winds of time, to meet new people, make new friends, only to loose them to the inevitable. Makes the Elves' perspective in Tolkien's work more understandable.
*gently scritches the fox's ears and strokes her tails*

Immortality was oft said to be a curse. Not so much for those born to it, but for mortals, the heartache soon becomes unbearable, to see all those you've ever known pass away as dust in the winds of time, to meet new people, make new friends, only to loose them to the inevitable. Makes the Elves' perspective in Tolkien's work more understandable.
yeah that is why the characters i have made that become immortal or will usually developed some serious issues that results in them looking into ways out of it or to make it bearable, humans weren't meant to live forever after all
"Enlightenment eludes me," she continues," or I am missing something so simple it is literally in front of me and I cannot see it. So, my journey continues, a spirit wandering through the lives around me, looking for something, and experiencing joy where I can find it..."

The greatest secret to enlightenment is that there is no secret. There is no Covenant, no Grand Design, no Great Meaning. There is only what happens, and what does not happen.

Rather than try to find yourself, stop and ask who is doing the looking.

Do not pursue happiness. We are not built to be happy at all times. Constant happiness becomes dull and leads to discontent and greed as we scramble for more and more to recapture the feeling that was lost.

Instead strive for contentment in the little things, and savor the moments of true happiness and joy as the special treats they are.

Help bring contentment and happiness to others where you can, and minimize the suffering of others where you can as well.

That is all there is.

That is all there needs to be.
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Huh, after reading the omake, I'm more reminded of The Never-Ending Story rather than anything else. And now I'm off to bed to try and recapture the memories of seeing that as a small child in the movie theater my great grandfather helped build.
Any square object will fit in a round hole, provided the round hole is big enough.

If your square pet is 15cm x 15cm, a round hole 21.3 cm in diameter should be large enough for the pet to fit in without making your square pet one with rounded corners.
(fun fact : in a 45 - 45 - 90 right triangle, the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the length of one side x sqrt(2), or 1.414213567... 15 x sqrt(2) = 21.2132034...)

The math gets a little more complicated for rectangular pets, or if your hole is elliptical. Thinking about this in multiple dimensions just gives me a headache, but then again, your pet is no longer square, and your hole is anything but round.