There's a little girl's life on the line here. I'm fairly sure Honor is about to get tossed right out the window just ahead of the moron who challenged a Dragon.
I would most definitely argue against the oni being a moron.

For one, he replied truthfully and gave Kenta a lot of information, and even agreed that things are hazy about the prophecy. Then left in peace, plus dropped off food for both of them, while stating a location the next day that was well away from innocent civilians.

That is HELLA Honorable even for samurai, and he was an Oni. Who don't do honorable, and most certainly do not freely give info (false or true) unless so drunk they can barely stand. Let alone give stuff away, like food.

That comes across as someone who knows the decision made over his head could be the wrong choice, that the order given to him to kill her might be what starts it all, but also knows there's possibly a better than 50% chance his side is right, and she has to die. Yet still is doing the honorable thing, because if his side is WRONG - plus Kenta & Tsukiko live - Kenta might, just might, put in a word to Tamamo that the Oni refused to act like a bandit, was courteous, and fought face-to-face without deception. Aka, draw the conclusion that the yokai were forced between two evils, so tried to be as honest as possible even knowing what their decision might cost, so please only go after the deciding leadership, and not massacre everyone.

When dealing with yokai, and Japanese mythological based situations, what ISN'T said upfront, can be ten times more important than what was said upfront. The fact alone he openly voiced his presence before approaching further, without a weapon, sat down/opening himself to attack, and left after giving supplies, speaks volumes, without even getting into what was said.
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Growing up as a Dallon dragon...
On the subject of Fountain and Growing up in a (para)human household:

She'll probably be kept out of Kindergarten style classes until she gets socialized a bit. Fountain would be something of a wild child, having all the instinctual knowledge to survive in the wild. As a wyrmling, she's already scarily intelligent, just not experienced. So learning the societal norms will be important, but Fountain will learn quickly. Reading and writing will be interesting. Also, speaking English. Fortunately, Fountain already speaks pidgin Draconic which Amy can klind of understand. Tongues (which is in Amy's capabilitities) is a kind of cheat, but may be necessary to get a few basic things learned.

Some speculation has been made on who will take care of the dragon side of things - you have Kurya and Sonngrad, Naichi (who is likely to spoil the wyrmling - "So Cute!"), Crystrani (who has a day job as a teacher), and her adopted mother, Amy. With Vicky halping, of course. She'll be unable to do any spell casting until she's 16. Learning for that can come from any of the dragons (but maybe not Dennis or Hlal). By that point, she'll be (as a dragon) about half the size of Carol's SUV, or the same size as Hunts-The-Ice (roughly the mass of a Welsh Pony). Her human form will probably look teenaged at that point. And like most teenagers, will find high school boring, unless she's of the rare mentality that learning new things is fun.

Since I'm using 3.5e for dragons, Fountain already has the alternate form (3/day) ability. She's already been shown as becoming a rat to get into her hideyhole in the dungeon she called home.

The biggest problem I see is Carol, but not so much of a problem she'd be at the start of the story. She'll have a doozy of a therapy session that week (and for several weeks after). I suspect it will take some adjustment from both the wild child and the lawyer, but I doubt the house is going to spontaenous disassemble itself in a cloud of ice and light.

Mark will be like "I think Amy's got quite a story for us. I'd like to hear it." Vicky's opinion is already well known "And here Mom thought I'd be the teenaged mother!" Hunts-The-Ice would be croggled when Fountain asks "Are you my daddy?"

Fountain in Kindergarten will probably be a little on the rough and tumble side, given that she's stronger than most adult humans, and probably smarter. But then, Kindergarten is less about education and more about socialization, and making friends.

And then there's the whole Superhero thing. Since New Wave is all about open superheroing, Fountain will probably be openly known as a dragon. And then Mama Bear Lawyer Carol comes out when people start bothering her granddaughter. Fountain's classmates will probably be "We have the coolest kindergarten class EVAR!" The teacher, Ms. Keane, would be like "She's well behaved, and doesn't cause trouble, but doesn't take bullying at all. She's more likely to punch someone than claw or bite though."

And then there's Amy. "Why me?" And then proceeds to attend the Parent Teacher conferences. As Helbrede. "Hello, Ms. Keane. Is there any problems I should know about?"

"And that's the way it is." -- Walter Cronkite​
The nonlethal damage scales based on size. So long as Fountain counts as 'medium' size then yes. If she counts as small then it is only 1d3 damage.

I would also like to point out that Amy would likely teach her how to disable people without doing lasting damage.
And then Mama Bear Lawyer Carol comes out when people start bothering her granddaughter.
A Mama Bear lawyer and, if she has even one environmentalist bone in her body, a lawyer keen to defend a member of an endangered species. Once that little tidbit comes out, a lot of public perception of Naurelin and the rest will change.
The other thing locals will remember about hassling not-yet-adult dragons is what happened to the E88. Do not meddle with young dragons, for the adults won't even pause long enough to reach for the ketchup.
The other thing locals will remember about hassling not-yet-adult dragons is what happened to the E88. Do not meddle with young dragons, for the adults won't even pause long enough to reach for the ketchup.
Depends where the Ketchup is stored. Normally don't reach for that until the pre-ketchup item is ready for the application of said ketchup. If the Ketchup is in a quick action slot or a bound action or is stored in the chiller somewhere at the back... it's all very situational. And of course remembering to properly season your snack before it being consumed is also something that may slip from your mind while educating the masses as to *why* meddling with a young dragon is a bad idea.
Do you think the populace of Brockton Bay is savvy and caustic enough to start pelting the public menaces with ketchup packets as a sign and signal that "lunch" is on the hoof?
Keep in mind that not all dragons enjoy ketchup.

A certain pre-teen T'ien Lung likes wasabi and chili oil on her food...
And a certain Queen of the Dragons likes a Mexican place in Brockton Bay who's food is spicy enough to make you actually breathe fire.
Depends where the Ketchup is stored. Normally don't reach for that until the pre-ketchup item is ready for the application of said ketchup. If the Ketchup is in a quick action slot or a bound action or is stored in the chiller somewhere at the back... it's all very situational.

Do you think the populace of Brockton Bay is savvy and caustic enough to start pelting the public menaces with ketchup packets as a sign and signal that "lunch" is on the hoof?

Keep in mind that not all dragons enjoy ketchup.

A certain pre-teen T'ien Lung likes wasabi and chili oil on her food...
And a certain Queen of the Dragons likes a Mexican place in Brockton Bay who's food is spicy enough to make you actually breathe fire.
I'm now imagining the various Dragons carrying around old fashioned glass bottles of their condiments of choice to use as throwing weapons.

Trust me, before plastic bottles became popular, having a ketchup bottle be thrown at you would count as a reasonably dangerous attack; your skull would likely break before the bottle did...