I'm going to ignore the first half of this because Banana Splits was always stupid and borderline nightmare fuel. Yes, I've seen it. I wish I hadn't, but I did, no thanks to Cartoon Network's early days.

I have to agree with this, i was thankfully old enough not to be interested in BS when we finally got cable/satellite and the CN. but i grew up on old Winnie the Pooh, the newer movies they've made are travesties
I'm going to ignore the first half of this because Banana Splits was always stupid and borderline nightmare fuel. Yes, I've seen it. I wish I hadn't, but I did, no thanks to Cartoon Network's early days.
As someone who was around for the original Banana Splits show (yes, my joints creak when I get up), the only good reason for watching that show were the cartoons mixed in with the meh live action bits. If VCR technology had been available for home use then, I'd have been fast-forwarding just to watch those bits.
The show was before my time, admittedly. And granted, the cartoon shorts could be amusing. well, most of them. But the show it's self was borderline nightmare fuel. I watched it initially in the early 2000's on Cartoon Network out of curiosity. Then kept watching it because there wasn't much else beyond things like People's Court and soap operas, and infomercials on during the day.
I think the general assumption is that if you're seeing a stat block, then of course it's an avatar rather then the actual deity, archfey, or high ranking demon/devil. Then again, I know the Time of Troubles setup for transitioning from 3.5 to 4th edition assumes that all or most of the gods and goddesses died and were incarnated as humans, before eventually regaining their divine nature. Thus explaining why magic (both arcane and divine) changed so much between 3.5 and 4th edition.
Wrong edition transition. Time of Troubles was the 2nd to 3rd transition. 3.5 to 4th was the Spellplague.
The show was before my time, admittedly. And granted, the cartoon shorts could be amusing. well, most of them. But the show it's self was borderline nightmare fuel. I watched it initially in the early 2000's on Cartoon Network out of curiosity. Then kept watching it because there wasn't much else beyond things like People's Court and soap operas, and infomercials on during the day.

The Teletubbies and Spongebob are nightmare fuel as well since we're not the target audience. :rolleyes:
@ToothMaker I'll see you the Teletubbies + Spongebob and raise you Barney the Dinosaur. Another whole bunch of Nightmare fuel stuff that I usually try very hard not to think about was all of those really f*d up cartoons like Rocko's Modern Life that were ostensibly aimed at teenagers but most of the stuff in them just made me go WTF while the rest tended to make me wanna puke.
I'd walk by the front room when my mother was babysitting her goddaughter and just go "Nope" if it was on Nickelodian... I could ignore or enjoy disney (movies mainly) but Nick? - ALL the NOPE...
*Laughs in 80s/early 90s*

Secret of NIMH.
Land Before Time.
Original Watership Down...

Like, people complaining about 00s shit make me laugh because how fucking dark 80s stuff was.
Wait, that wasn't the result of bad fruit, a fever dream, or someone spiking the water with something? That weirdness was real?

Because, obviously having a kid's mother brutally fucking murdered on screen could not be horrifying... or turning a goddamn T-Rex into the fucking Terminator was not nightmare fuel...

Or you, know... the second movie:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seP1w3XPBfo
That moment when you realize that he is singing about eating unborn children in a children's movie...
*Laughs in 80s/early 90s*

Secret of NIMH.
Land Before Time.
Original Watership Down...

Like, people complaining about 00s shit make me laugh because how fucking dark 80s stuff was.
I watched Land Before Time - Read original versions of Secret of NIMH and Watership Down - never saw the movies but the books were dark - plus Heavy Metal (cartoon but dark as fuck) Fire and Ice as well - best term for the three I watched was basically adult content the books as well.
I watched Land Before Time - Read original versions of Secret of NIMH and Watership Down - never saw the movies but the books were dark - plus Heavy Metal (cartoon but dark as fuck) Fire and Ice as well - best term for the three I watched was basically adult content the books as well.
The original movie for Watership Down followed the book pretty closely, with bonuses such as this song:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IAXDgOUr7c
Which, from memory, was played in the movie around the time when one of the rabbits died to a snare, complete with, on screen, coughing up blood and slowly choking on it as blood also seeped from around the snare itself. The description of "World War One with Rabbits" is pretty spot on.

Secret of NIMH I am less sure of with regards to the book... but was likely reasonably close. The Last Unicorn was dark as fuck... We're Back, A Dinosaur Story was similarly fucking dark...

Like, generally, I laugh at "These cartoons are nightmare fuel!" because, uh... it is hard to beat shit like "Let's create a cartoon where a bunch of teens gain super powers via toxic waste... oh, and also get horribly mutilated by said waste as well to the point where some of them resemble literal fucking zombies from horror movies and market it to children!"
And yet, Japan has cornered the market on kids shows that can give you nightmares.

Take Kamen Rider Gaim. A show about street dancers and fruit ninjas...directed by Gen Urobuchi.
Oh gods, I haven't seen Watership Down in so very long. Nearly 30 years, I think. Amazing movie, amazing book... and it traumatized me as a kid.
Oh gods, I haven't seen Watership Down in so very long. Nearly 30 years, I think. Amazing movie, amazing book... and it traumatized me as a kid.
I read the book in '88 so I was in High School.... enjoyed the heck out of it but I wouldn't let anyone under 14 read it... I was shocked that they gave the movie a PG (13 or R as far as I'm concerned)
Always fun to see more faeries. Personally I wouldn't imagine a fae queen as the huggy type, but then being proper all the time must get dull eventually.
And yeah, the Seelie are more than dangerous enough that I for one would not get near them. Just because they don't physically hurt you (as much) doesn't make them safe. I imagine the Summer Court as the one with Goblin Markets, for example. Dangerously perfect.
Honestly, I didn't find Watership Down disturbing or traumatizing, I just found it boring. To the point that I eventually just stopped reading and never started again. I was most of the way through (it was the only thing I had to read and I couldn't get to sleep), but it was just... uninteresting.
The Weird is Contagious...
I've come up with an amusing PHO Post Omake.

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♦ Topic: The Weird is Contagious
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CLD RiverSand
(Original Poster)
Posted On Jul 20th 2011:
First it was a draconic Ward in Brockton Bay, then more and larger ones showed up, along with a spidergirl, and at least one kitsune. Ellisburg is replaced by an oldgrowth forest, Eagleton gets negative space wedgied, the Endbringers vanish after a fight involving nuclear ordnance, and now my leave just got cancelled because there's what appears to be a hydra attacking Mobile, AL.

To make matters worse on that front, Haven showed up and promptly lost interest in fighting the thing, in favor of yelling at this Middle Eastern girl who also came in cosplaying Sailor Moon. And not just some cape who'd been dressed up in a different outfit than normal, this girl's legit copying Sailor Moon in powers. Anyway, not only is she still fighting, she's doing a pretty good job of it, while also beating Haven verbally, in theology!

The fuck is going on on Bet?
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So Pandora's Box is finally giving up that which was left behind. Also, is Tiamat pulling both sides of the Shenanigans in Mobile or did she co-opt someone else to play Sailor Moon. Inquiring minds want to know.