So, when are the higher ups going to realize that people are turning into Dragons and decide to start sending volunteers?
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So, when are the higher ups going to realize that people are turning into Dragons and decide to start sending volunteers?
I honestly don't think they'll get the chance to "Send volunteers" because, at least currently, the vetting process is limited to "has impressed one or more of the dragon gods while doing heroic deeds". As such any volunteers will most likely be politely and gently turned down, probably by Bahamut as Tiamat can still be rather blunt.
I honestly don't think they'll get the chance to "Send volunteers" because, at least currently, the vetting process is limited to "has impressed one or more of the dragon gods while doing heroic deeds". As such any volunteers will most likely be politely and gently turned down, probably by Bahamut as Tiamat can still be rather blunt.
Doesn't mean they won't try, I don't think they know what the criteria is beyond "in the Bay area".
Good point StarRunner, based on that I suspect they'll gather a batch of volunteers and manage to send them into the bay before politely being told to fuck off. Even then it might take personal appearances by several very large individuals before the message actually sticks. Hopefully they wont be as stubborn as Max Anders about it.
Doesn't mean they won't try, I don't think they know what the criteria is beyond "in the Bay area".

Yeah, there is another criteria. That's "has died", of course. Pretty sure with that requirement, there will be zero volunteers. Of course, if the "reading mail" sidestory is canon (or will be) then it means other people are being turned into dragons seemingly at random.
Io is kind of like Ao, Iluvatar, and other overdieties; He really doesn't get involved on the mortal plane at all, unless something absolutely requires it. Io is concerned only about dragons and dragonkind. You have to ask yourself "Since dragons are nearly extinct, why HASN'T he done something before this?" It's a plot point as to why.

Dragon kind dropped below the 50/500 thresholds a long time ago. Some of the last Chromatic Dragons alive are here on Earth Bet, and many of them told Tiamat to "Bugger Off!" millenia ago. Of those dragons, Amaru, Fafnir, Typhon, and Kanya (who are all in the 1000+ YO category) had any contact with her before things went dark. Naaji, Huo, Hunts-The-Ice only know of Tiamat through tales and stories. All the surviving metallics were with Bahamut. This was initially 2 of every type, but conflict and age took their toll.

There's another reason why Tiamat can't go around with a wand going ">boop!< You're a dragon now!" to everyone. It requires something special in the person. Something that Taylor, Amy, Dennis, Dragon, and Emily all have in common if you go far enough back in their family trees...
Maybe they all had ancestors who were bards? :)
While Bards Will sleep with almost anything, Dragons Can reproduce with almost anything; in both cases, "Living Animal" seems to be the requirement, though with Bards it's more a guideline...

I expect only those with Dragon Blood, who in a more magical setting might be Sorcerers, can be turned successfully into Dragons. Having a Bard in there as well is both unlikely to hurt the odds, and unsurprising given the actions of many Bards, but I doubt it would be a requirement.
There's another reason why Tiamat can't go around with a wand going ">boop!< You're a dragon now!" to everyone. It requires something special in the person. Something that Taylor, Amy, Dennis, Dragon, and Emily all have in common if you go far enough back in their family trees...
Even if that isn't "everyone", she could still just run around dragonbooping that subset.
While Bards Will sleep with almost anything, Dragons Can reproduce with almost anything; in both cases, "Living Animal" seems to be the requirement, though with Bards it's more a guideline...

I expect only those with Dragon Blood, who in a more magical setting might be Sorcerers, can be turned successfully into Dragons. Having a Bard in there as well is both unlikely to hurt the odds, and unsurprising given the actions of many Bards, but I doubt it would be a requirement.

I take it you've had to deal with a bard's shenanigans usually resulting in them bringing ruin down on the party and inciting civil war.
While Bards Will sleep with almost anything, Dragons Can reproduce with almost anything; in both cases, "Living Animal" seems to be the requirement, though with Bards it's more a guideline...
"Living animal" isn't set in stone, either. I recall at least one situation where a black dragon who was making a half-dragon army somehow bred half-dragon tendriculoses and other plant monsters, with no explanation as to how
And with bards, it's sometimes more a case of (almost) anything that moves and is (in theory) the opposite gender. Usually bards wont say "I'd tap that" if undead, slimes/oozes, or gelatinous cubes are involved. Usually, but I have seen a couple of the rare examples that prove this isn't a hard and fast limit. Of course, the randy bard who decided that a gelatinous cube looked sexy didn't survive the encounter.
"And what? This is it! I've been lying to you, a nigh immortal dragon pretending to be human, acting like I was just a normal, mortal g–" She stopped mid-word when Dennis stroked her muzzle and kissed her snout.
There may have been squeeing, but if there was I'm not admitting it.
On another note, he's now just as long-lived as she is, so assuming neither of them mind the age difference... which will only decrease with time... :D

I got the impression they were practically dating already, and they're definitely great friends, so the shipping is strong with this one.
Emily looked at the camera's showing the front door.
"Good, we could use your help," Emily said, and then got an evil grin. "Glory Girl?"


Emily pointed at the image of Fenja on the screen. "Smash."
:rofl: I have to admit this made me laugh. I imagine (ex? I don't recall) Director Piggot is cackling madly on the inside since the Collateral Damage is pointed toward someone else for once.
Also yes, I do realize that this is a reference.
"Heh." She smacked one fist into her palm, and then floated out the door.
I see that she's fully leaning into the theme there. :D
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The Splutmaster
Ah yes, Garfield's favorite Monday gag, the SPLUT!

A bit of CGI silliness I did a while back. I was commenting about what would happen if I violated an NDA I'd signed about a secret, private project.

Fun fact : The Iron Weight should be the right size for 1,000 tons of iron.

I did most of modeling work, though the character was a commissioned model, a lot of the technical work, and rendering.
Software used was Lightwave 3D, rendertime was 7m on a dual core AthlonFX 62 w/4gb ram.
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"Living animal" isn't set in stone, either. I recall at least one situation where a black dragon who was making a half-dragon army somehow bred half-dragon tendriculoses and other plant monsters, with no explanation as to how

D&D 3.5 Monster Manual 1 said:
"Half-Dragon" is an inherited template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

>^,^< As you can see, 'animal' isn't a requirement. Nor, indeed is it limited to humanoids. Outsiders, such as demons and devils, even the more solid versions of ELEMENTALS, though how you'd find a dragon willing to boink a ROCK is beyond me. On the other hand, I could totally see a Pyroclastic dragon making out with a fire elemental.....
>^,^< As you can see, 'animal' isn't a requirement. Nor, indeed is it limited to humanoids. Outsiders, such as demons and devils, even the more solid versions of ELEMENTALS, though how you'd find a dragon willing to boink a ROCK is beyond me. On the other hand, I could totally see a Pyroclastic dragon making out with a fire elemental.....
Well, obviously, dragons have their bards as well.