Dungeon Maps!
OK, I'd said I'd have maps for the (mis)adventure, so here we go...

Square size is 5' / 1.5m, Software used in Dungeon Alchemy. Contents of room on map do not necessarily indicate what's in the room.

This is the level that Helbrede gassed. Yes, I know Silver Dragon's don't normally have a breath weapon that causes Sleep. Helbrede does.

And here's Level 1!
  • Stairs down from L0 - where our party enters the level
  • 2 : Berbalang, meditating on a pillar.
  • 4 : An empty room.
  • 6 : Torture Chamber - suspiciously clean.
  • 7 : A Trapper was in here. Again, not encountered by the group. Fountain, however, knew about it.
  • 8 : Contains 2 Mimics - Bochs and an unintelligent one. Fountain counts Bochs as a friend.
  • 11 : Rainbow's Lair was in the SW Corner of the room, accessed through a rat sized hole.
  • 13 : Where they encountered the 1st Deathlock, and four goons.
  • 15 : Room that Armsmaster glued the door shut with tinkertech JB Weld. Contains a Gelatinous cube.
  • 18 : Where they encountered Fountain.
  • 20 : Empty.

And Level 2!
  • 1 : Stairs down from Level 1
  • 2 : The door Ed uses Alchemy on. There is another at the far end that he did the same to.
  • 3 : The wall that Taylor makes go away with Disintegrate.
  • 4 : The encounter the group took Umbrage... I mean, Umbridge, at. Also the location of the necklace.
  • 5 : Avanth's lab / quarters. His plans and nefarious schemes were all for nought, if it weren't for those meddling kids!
  • 6 : The passage way Vista made about a mile long, delaying the arrival of reinforcements.
I have the PDFs generated from the random dungeon generator page I used, if anyone wants to have a look...

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And here's Level 1!
  • Stairs down from L0 - where our party enters the level
  • 1 : A berbalang the group didn't encounter.
  • 2 : Another berbalang, meditating on a pillar.
  • 6 : Torture Chamber - suspiciously clean.
  • 7 : A Trapper was in here. Again, not encountered by the group. Fountain, however, knew about it.
  • 8 : Contains 2 Mimics - Bochs and an unintelligent one. Fountain counts Bochs as a friend.
  • 11 : Rainbow's Lair was in the SW Corner of the room, accessed through a rat sized hole.
  • 13 : Where they encountered the 1st Deathlock, and four goons.
  • 15 : Room that Armsmaster glued the door shut with tinkertech JB Weld. Contains a Gelatinous cube.
  • 18 : Where they encountered Fountain.
  • 20 : Was empty.

Um, I might just be blind but you might want to double check those numbers. I can't find 1 on the map and your list doesn't include the 4, just to the left of the middle.
Author: Changes every mention of Louise to Louise.
Me: mid read, think's I'm losing my mind, then checks the date.
Well played, author, well played

It's not me, it's SITE wide. And several people - most of them authors - are not finding it funny.
Do not click on any link that might have T a y l o r 's name as part of the URL on SV, it will be an exercise in HTTP 404 errors.
And I need to make a correction on my media post.
It's not me, it's SITE wide. And several people - most of them authors - are not finding it funny.
Do not click on any link that might have T a y l o r 's name as part of the URL on EP, it will be an exercise in HTTP 404 errors.
And I need to make a correction on my media post.

Oh shit, that's bad. Thank you for the head's up
It's not me, it's SITE wide. And several people - most of them authors - are not finding it funny.
Do not click on any link that might have T a y l o r 's name as part of the URL on EP, it will be an exercise in HTTP 404 errors.
And I need to make a correction on my media post.
It's interesting, this is the second place I've seen people talk about that, and none of my fics look like they were effected. Or this fic, loading the first chapter. Is it just for new instances?
It's interesting, this is the second place I've seen people talk about that, and none of my fics look like they were effected. Or this fic, loading the first chapter. Is it just for new instances?

It's definitely hitting Mauling Snarks; every post I've read tonight has had the word swap.

And that's not new.

Perhaps pages still in your browser's cache aren't affected?

*edit* I think it's rather hit or miss in being applied.
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The entire W0rm subforum has been renamed to FoZ as well...
Testing: This is a Worm Fanfic
Parahumans Online
Results: It is specifically affecting threadmarked posts I think with anything more than the change from $ufficient \/elocity to Elemental Pentagram.
Test two: Sufficient Velocity
Result: The Prank changes the whole name of the site as well. I'm increasingly not amused.
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At least one person has suggested that the person/people who implemented this 'prank' be permabanned from the site, no matter what their rank on the site is.

Can't asy as I entirely argue that, even if it earns ME a ban to say that. This isn't quite as bad as a Weasley twins prank (none of which in canon were funny, and actually permanently traumatized people, such as Ron), but it's certainly less than amusing, to be excruciatingly polite.
I wonder how, exactly, we wound up talking about PTerry's Watch, but stranger things have happened...
Oh, I gave up wondering why we all segue like Sega a long time back. I also don't worry about it... hanging around for these discussions is like living in the Midwest in the happier days of Omaha the Cat Dancer; If you don't like the weather, just wait a bit... it'll change.
The Shenanigans should be done with in about 6 hours, so could we please let the "It was an April Fool's prank gone horribly wrong" discussion fade away, ne'er to be seen again as if eaten by a Boojum Snark...?
The Shenanigans should be done with in about 6 hours, so could we please let the "It was an April Fool's prank gone horribly wrong" discussion fade away, ne'er to be seen again as if eaten by a Boojum Snark...?
Honestly, I can understand that... except, frankly, I think that next year and every year thereafter, a few days beforehand, this needs to be brought up repeatedly in multiple threads just to remind whoever was involved that this was a fucking stupid idea don't do it again.

Unless of course the Directors are willing to permaban whoever came up with the idea, which frankly doesn't strike me as overkill.
Honestly, I can understand that... except, frankly, I think that next year and every year thereafter, a few days beforehand, this needs to be brought up repeatedly in multiple threads just to remind whoever was involved that this was a fucking stupid idea don't do it again.

Unless of course the Directors are willing to permaban whoever came up with the idea, which frankly doesn't strike me as overkill.

I think a number of Operators who got swamped with complaints and concerns about the site being hacked will be more than happy to do the reminding over the next couple of years.

Seriously, the last couple of April Fool's pranks were kind of funny, but this messed with the content. And it appears the quote "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" is still valid. I've read that this was done on SB last year, and things went south quickly there, too.

Ah, well. Dragons. Must think about Dragons. and Alchemists. And Vicky adjusting to pre-telephone/internet/tv rural life. Not about dumpster fires. And not about the huge, malevolent undead dracolich hiding under that innocent looking box in the corner...
Results: It is specifically affecting threadmarked posts I think with anything more than the change from $ufficient \/elocity to Elemental Pentagram.

It wasn't just threadmarked posts. I had written a post in a different story thread due to confusion over a new character seemingly replacing what appeared to be the main character. Only to find my reply having the name changed on me. I ended up deleting that post, upon realizing what was going on. But it's not really an amusing prank.

Then again, I don't find any amusement in pranks. I've long considered them to be mean spirited and not funny.

Changing the site's name on the banner is fine. Stupid and unfunny, but fine. But messing with an author's work is beyond the pale IMO.
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And not about the huge, malevolent undead dracolich hiding under that innocent looking box in the corner...
And now i have a mental image of glory girl throwing down with a avatar of Falazure with the song 'rules of nature' playing in the background...

I'd prefer NMH's 'philistine', myself.
I've read that this was done on SB last year, and things went south quickly there, too.
Nah, last year's "Prank" on SB was to make it like SB was on 20mm film. The year before that involved Tamamo no Mae basically going UwU over the site with things being all cutesy in writing and they actually told people what was "Happening" with it being part of a contest to find her.
The Lady: [Gives unimpressed glare at box.]
Mimic: *Walking away on many little legs ala the infamous Luggage while forming a sign on its top* You are on your own, Boney!
The above leads to my unfashionably late entry into the dungeoneer's cliche list. No few of them wound up on convention badges, so in honor of my small collection, a classic:

I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going! (It was that or Never Trust a smiling Game Master as I was referring to badges I still own)