@TypoNinja... You keep thinking I
am making assumptions. I'm not. Personal experience of myself, my family, and many others I've known over the years. People from all over the USA, and in other countries. Media has spent at least 50 years encouraging the ostrization of 'nerds'. Our hobbies have been called devil worship, and accused of producing mass murderers. And the general public
keeps buying into those claims. The stereotype exists because it is actually real. The media examples are often exagerated, but the fact remains that regardless of what you want to believe... the stereotype exists because it actually does happen.
Hell, I personally was bullied initially
because I needed glasses to see. Eventually I managed to make a few friends, who all shared similar interests as me. We got bullied mercilessly because of those interests. When I decided to read a book to learn how to play chess better, the "cool kids" in my school decided the best thing to do was to shove me face first into a locker. My sister
was part of the "cool kids" crowd, right up until her friends learned she enjoyed watching anime and playing D&D. At which point she became a social pariah, with only 2 or 3 long term friends sticking by her.
My cousins either were bullies, or got bullied because they didn't fit into social norms.
A friend of mine who lives in Aulstrelia has had similar experiences.
Hell, even Will Wheton admits that he was a social pariah growing up because he was a nerd. For that matter, his character in Star Trek TNG regularly had problems due to being nerdy. Just because you didn't experience it, don't assume it never happens.