So, in a world that was slowly going to hell thanks to a number of A and S ranked threats, threats that a Battleship Girl could easily have either eliminated or at least reduced with their massive firepower, and the DoD kept them classified to keep the PRT from trying to poach them.

Why am I not surprised.

Just how many Endbringer attacks against the United States and her allies could they have stepped in for? How many lives might have been saved if the girls were allowed to drive the monsters at the gates off?

Can it truly be said that the secret was worth the cost? I suspect not...
Will the DoD care? probably not. Shipgirls are not Parahumans, after all.

Aye, not parahumans. They are ships, and girls, but they are not parahumans. Even natural borns stop being human when they Awaken. They are quite literally the spirit and personification of a warship (and said warship's crew).

Just how many Endbringer attacks against the United States and her allies could they have stepped in for? How many lives might have been saved if the girls were allowed to drive the monsters at the gates off?

Keeping in mind that part of this particular Endbringer battle included literal dieties showing up and locking down the area against dimensional shinanigans and Fleet of Fog ships also disrupting those dimensional shinanigans with their attacks? It may well be that Jersey, Wisconsin, and any others tried to repell the "monsters at the gate". But they didn't have the deck stacked in their favor, or the Katie that was used in this instance as an attempted finishing blow. Which it should be noted did not finish off Levi. Seriously damage, yes. But not kill. And other then the "core", the body of an Endbringer is just super impossibly armored cosmetics.
Feasting Aftermath
So, you're saying Buffy and Angel are bad vampire TV shows?
Must not monologue about trash, must not monologue about trash...

On the story side...

Danny roused slightly, wincing at the sound of the phone ringing. He'd had a few beers at the DWU party last night and was feeling it this morning.


"Mr Hebert, this is Miss Militia, is Taylor home? She's ignored her phone this morning."

Danny stood and waited for the room to stop spinning. "She went to bed last night, let me check her room."

Danny went up the stairs and knocked on Taylor's door. When he got no answer, he pushed the door open slightly.

Taylor was sprawled out over her bed, tail hanging limply over the edge of the bed.

He went and poked her gently. "Taylor?"

One eye opened slightly. "Go away, digesting."

This command was accompanied by a gentle force that pushed him out of the room and closed the door behind him. Further attempts to open the door failed.

Danny reported the situation to Miss Militia, who asked him to have Taylor call her when she got up.

Taylor finally roused around noon and dragged herself downstairs. Danny looked at her, one eyebrow raised in unspoken question.

Taylor yawned and answered him. "I went to the PRT cookout, and had a plate or two. The ribs at New Wave's thing were divine, I may have indulged a bit. Then, I went to that restaurant, and it turns out that I really like Asian food now. I may have gone a little overboard."

Danny grinned at her, remembering a few overeating events in his past.

"So, Taylor, ready for lunch?"

Danny's dad heart was warmed by the green tinged dirty look Taylor shot him.
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There is a partial omake lurking around on my machine that has the Brockton Bay dragon crew (Naichi, Taylor, Amy, Dennis, Theresa) all taking "The Challenge" at Fugly Bob's...

Including Dinah. It's rather disjointed, being a collection of kinda connected paragraphs. (Lisa watches, enjoying a plate of fried chicken instead).

Re: Stuffing Duckies - There's a restaurant near me (about 60 miles away) that does serve a hamburger the size of a dinner plate. The name of the place...

The Rusty Duck. (Search for The Rusty Duck, Dexter IA). It may no longer be on the menu, though. Or it may be something you have to arrange with them.

It may not be the mass of a challenger, but it's big enough that one of my co-workers, who was not a small guy (6'6", 300 lbs, could pick up the power head for my drill press, about 100#, with one hand) couldn't finish it.

The world's largest hamburger would make a nice snack for the larger Dragons, while Hunts-The-Ice would consider it a feast.
Didn't the worlds largest hamburger require a custom grill, and a team of 20 people to handle the bun? Oh, and a crane to assemble it? Or am I misremembering things?
Per the 3.5e Draconomicon, a dragon can eat up to half its weight in food every day.

Naurelin weighs in at 20,171 lbs. She could eat that burger, and ask for another.
Sulahzaal (aka Dennis) wouldn't even notice it. "Nice slider, are there any more?" the PRT couldn't weigh him, they didn't have a scale big enough.
Hmm, I wonder if we are going to see some of the newer module stuff in this Fic. I'm referring to the MTG modules like Theros, Strixhaven and Ravnica.
Eh, I'd hope not. There's already dragons, dragon gods, drow gods, demon gods, gods of magic, and Fae involved. Hell, the Monkey King is trying to teach Lung enlightenment, while Oni Lee is getting trained by actual oni. The world line really doesn't need Planeswalkers showing up.
Eh, I'd hope not. There's already dragons, dragon gods, drow gods, demon gods, gods of magic, and Fae involved. Hell, the Monkey King is trying to teach Lung enlightenment, while Oni Lee is getting trained by actual oni. The world line really doesn't need Planeswalkers showing up.
I think it'd be funny for someone like Tibalt to show up and cause some chaos before getting chased off by someone with a bit more sanity, such as Jace.
Jersey's been around since just after Behemoth traipsed through New York, since she's berthed in Camden, NJ. When not on active duty, she helps the Museum staff with tours, and the tourists think she's a actress, telling stories about the ship. And yes, she keeps the swearing down around the civvies.

Greta, for those of you who are wondering, is one Commander Greta Ritter, better known as USS Wisconsin. Where was she? Covering the retreat of units out of the Endbringer area. She's been around slightly less time the Jersey, and does some of the same work. They came back after the all-clear, and have been helping with the clean up.

What they actually do is usually Classified, and involves making thing explode suddenly, from great distances. Keeps some African Warlords honest.

"Look! I easily fit in the Panama canal now!"

No, the PRT has no clue they actually exist, either. Suspect, maybe, because thinkers are a thing, but no definite proof until Montana unload her 5"/54 and her 16"/50 guns into Leviathan, followed up by one 406mm Casaba-Howitzer 5 KT prototype round.

Will Costa-Brown be upset? Yes. She was already grumping about Military parahumans back when the Privateers did their thing.

Will the DoD care? probably not. Shipgirls are not Parahumans, after all.

And Costa-Brown is a bit of an ambitious rank-climber control freak who doesn't take 'no' for for an answer. RCB gets what she wants, one way or another. (Thanks for the occasional help, Contessa!) I'mqq sure there some parts if the alphabet-soup agencies are not exactly fond of the PRT, who was supposed to be an ad-hoc joint taskforce between the DoJ, National Gaurd, the US Martials, and the FBI. It wasn't meant to last. Some people would oppose RCB just. because she's rising to far to fast
Funny thing about that... Costa-Brown (and her Cookpot Conspiracy) have now been told by Scion "you are idiots, the problem is already solved. Now stop making things worse, you're wrecking this world. AND I LIVE HERE!"
Funny thing about that... Costa-Brown (and her Cookpot Conspiracy) have now been told by Scion "you are idiots, the problem is already solved. Now stop making things worse, you're wrecking this world. AND I LIVE HERE!"
Yeah, I don't think so. It's a pretty safe bet that, at the very least, Doctor Mother and Costa-Brown will end up falling prey to paranoia and keep going anyways. Oh sure, they may lose the support of Legend, Eidolon, and possibly Numberman, but they're probably gonna keep chugging along because Zion obviously has to be a threat.
@Code-Perseus : The likelihood of me adding EVEN MOAR STUPH to this story is unlikely to happen.

That leads to DOO​M.

I'm not MP-Pi or Cmptrwz, who can somehow keep track of 3-5 stories, and in the case of one, even update regularly!