He's not dumb, just weak and dismissed as an irrelevant, disposable minion. Save scumming as much as he did with his power gave him a fair bit of practical experience with sneaky plans.

And Asgorath/Io ISN'T as helpless as everyone believes.
Just another day in the afterlife of a mezzoloth then. He(Shi? Mehh. . .) will be a right holy terror when the advancement in caste to arcanoloth is achieved.
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It's been implied in the story that Calvert (aka Squeaker) DOES still retain his power. Which is good (for Calvert) because his abuse of said power did not help him learn to actually be sneaky. It taught him how to save scum. It's the difference between someone using save states to reload any time they trigger an alarm or get hit by a boss fight during a Metal Gear Solid play through, vs someone who can flawlessly get through Metal Gear Solid without ever getting spotted or hit during boss fights without save scumming. The person who's able to do so without save scumming is far better at the game.

It's why Calvert thought his power made him unbeatable. If a plan didn't work, he could effectively reload to before the plan had been attempted, and theoretically nobody else would ever know what he'd tried to do. A plan fails due to "random chance", he keeps that plan in reserve to try again later. You know, because he'd technically never enacted that plan, so he assumes it's a good plan that just got screwed up via random chance.
It's been implied in the story that Calvert (aka Squeaker) DOES still retain his power. Which is good (for Calvert) because his abuse of said power did not help him learn to actually be sneaky. It taught him how to save scum. It's the difference between someone using save states to reload any time they trigger an alarm or get hit by a boss fight during a Metal Gear Solid play through, vs someone who can flawlessly get through Metal Gear Solid without ever getting spotted or hit during boss fights without save scumming. The person who's able to do so without save scumming is far better at the game.

It's why Calvert thought his power made him unbeatable. If a plan didn't work, he could effectively reload to before the plan had been attempted, and theoretically nobody else would ever know what he'd tried to do. A plan fails due to "random chance", he keeps that plan in reserve to try again later. You know, because he'd technically never enacted that plan, so he assumes it's a good plan that just got screwed up via random chance.

If Calvert does still retain his power, I would be very interested in how that works. Does Falazure somehow know how the two corona's work, so he can keep them when he transformed Calvert? If he does, does Sophia still have her power, too? Can Falazure create creatures that have the coronas?
Warlock patrons tend to be nigh-immortal denizens of the Lower Planes. (as in only another being of similar power can truly destroy them)

Death isn't too much of a concern for them since they personally aren't actually going to show up in Sigil where they could get ganked.
Only Infernal Patrons. The Deathlocks probably have either Infernal or Deathless patrons (demon/devil patron or lich patron). Perhaps a GOO patron would work as well. There are also Celestial patrons, angels or even gods, or Archfey patrons, which are self-explanatory, and Hexblade Warlocks that bind to a weapon of the Shadowfell and thus to the Raven Queen. Remember, ANY powerful enough being can act as a patron, and the only (lore) difference between Warlocks and Clerics is Arcane vs Divine casting.
This fic has the relevant gods really being there for the mortals they are helping most stories usually forget about said higher beings after they do the empowering/whatever
It does, and it should. The dragon gods are considered outright ancestors of dragonkind, remember, to the point that getting made into one is ruled as a form of adoption. The other part is that the prolonged racial decimation of dragons has severely depleted the parish.
Will Amy make her new home on Mt. Washington when she moves out of the Dallon household, or maybe she'll move to the opposite coast and live on Shasta, Rainier, or Denali(McKinley)?
Or have a wandering cloud home. Because Silver Dragons do that.
Some Dragons glimpse their other selves or a dragon in the same location in other worlds, the occasional dragon getting interests in interdimensional opportunities as a result. If Amy does settle at/near Shasta, contact with Hestaby is a possibility.
So, in other words Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie's Daughter did it.

Don't know, but my tired and STILL illness addled brain just misread the quote you took as saying "tidy pedal pegsocks". I have no idea what a pegsock is, nor why it would have a tidy pedal.
Maybe I should head bake to bed. Too tired and ill to think right now.
,,, Er, make that head back to bed. Stupid tired and sick brain.
Don't know, but my tired and STILL illness addled brain just misread the quote you took as saying "tidy pedal pegsocks". I have no idea what a pegsock is, nor why it would have a tidy pedal.
Maybe I should head bake to bed. Too tired and ill to think right now.
,,, Er, make that head back to bed. Stupid tired and sick brain.
Haruna really does not think it's daijoubu to stay up when you're that exhausted.

I feel your pain, and agree - "curl up in a warm bed with either a); something/someone cute to cuddle, B) something good to read or C)ALL the chocolate and you will always end up feeling better" - to quote my Awesome sister; for me it's my dog, a classic like 'the romance of the 3 kingdoms' (or some great fanfiction) and a ton of cinnamon laced candy.

FYI, J just got back from the 2nd half of his first treatment for MS, and he's a little loopy from the GOOD drugs.
Ryven is a character from my stories - to properly write her i have to get into her mindset, and that can lead to some weirdness when she gets too close to the surface - think of it like the classic of a writer who actively talks things out with their character when working on a novel - the character takes on a life of their own in their mind. Given i first started writing stuff about her when i was 13, you can imagine how in sinc we are. a side effect of my MS has had her pretty close to the surface for the last year or so, so Red is Ryven being snarky - usually when i haven't had coffee.
You know...

The moment the general gamer population truly has it sink in that enchanted weapons are now a thing, its going to turn into absolute chaos as gamers storm blacksmith shops in order to try to get them to make stuff that can 100% mimic the effects the below can pull off:

Masamune (duh)
Buster Sword
Sword of Sparda
ANYTHING from Bloodborne's arsenal
ANYTHING from RWBY's arsensal
Krull's The Glaive*

*Personally, I'd go for this one. Holy/Blessed, Homing/Guided, telepathically controlled, ninja throwing star/buzzsaw drone. Can attack up to three targets in its max range per attack action. That may or may not cause the disintegration effect if it hits you, depending on your level (if it does your current max total HP, +1, in dmg in one hit, you and everything on you disintegrates into ash/dust. If not, merely does rolled dmg and normal effects occur). Frees up at least one hand for a shield or a light one-handed weapon. And its got one hell of a great range too, at least 100-150m.
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On the possibility of Magic Items everywhere...
The problem with that idea is namely one of who can make the things.

All the weapons you listed would be classed as Legendary items. And the enchanters who can make something like that are few and far between.

However, some museums may find themselves looking at things like Kusanagi no Tsurugi, Excalibur, or the Mace of St. Cuthbert (which for some odd reason despite being an artifact of Greyhawk, it's in a museum / armory in London). Not a replica, but the real things.

And right now, there are very few enchanters of any skill on Earth Bet. Naurelin's a very minor one. The few wizards/witches/magi/enchanters left are rather reclusive and cranky individuals, living comfortably in remote locations around the world. Naurellin's made a Ring of Protection, +1, and now a Ring of Changes (has 3 charges, use one charge to change yourself into a creature your size or smaller. regains 1d3 charges every dawn. Changing back to your base form requires no charges).

If anything, Japan has the most left, because of the nature of traditional Japanese craftsmanship, which is as much spiritual as it is physical. Which means Japanese items are as much divine magic as arcane.

(And now, I must get back to The Wordz™)
I'm not really up on my knowledge of Shinto, but regardless, I find myself wondering which kami a craftsman would make offerings to when seeking the best out of his work.
I'm not really up on my knowledge of Shinto, but regardless, I find myself wondering which kami a craftsman would make offerings to when seeking the best out of his work.
It'd fall under Inari's jurisdiction. Because said fox-god(dess) has a very diverse portfolio that includes craftsmen among a plethora of other things. One could call them the kami of the economy even, since so much of what they cover is economic.