of course they did, you didn't want a 10 year old that was unsupervised making something extremely dangerous because he saw it on TV
The fact that leaving out those particular parts sometimes made things even more dangerous was a problem though
Meh, it's not like the real version of the instructions wasn't available for a reasonably smart 10 year old at the local public library... or a typical farmer's bookshelf.

(So yeah, I did watch those as a kid and found that part quite silly already.)
And I get the sense that the PRT, Protectorate, and the gangs in Worm would see any inventors and engineers as tinkers.
Non-technical folks supervising engineers and the like, always the same kind of thing... Worm is just particularly bad there too, but quantitatively, not qualitatively.
Ahh no.

Since their work would be reproduceable, and explainable.

The hallmark of Tinker Tech is that is bullshit, and even the Tinker doesn't know why it works.
Sure, but they would have to test the inventions to know if it's reproducible. PRT and Protectorate would secure the person first before testing them, while the gangs would grab them first and might or might not test them. If whatever they make is advance enough, would it matter? The PRT and Protectorate would want to get them away from the gangs. Might claim a genius inventor is a tinker and force them into the Protectorate.
The same to their claim that any kind of powers must be parahuman or parahuman in origin. They thought that all the dragons were parahumans at first. Bet many outside BB still think that.
Sure, but they would have to test the inventions to know if it's reproducible. PRT and Protectorate would secure the person first before testing them, while the gangs would grab them first and might or might not test them. If whatever they make is advance enough, would it matter? The PRT and Protectorate would want to get them away from the gangs. Might claim a genius inventor is a tinker and force them into the Protectorate.
The same to their claim that any kind of powers must be parahuman or parahuman in origin. They thought that all the dragons were parahumans at first. Bet many outside BB still think that.
Since the usual "test" would be if a comprehensible patent can be filed, it's remarkably easy for an inventor to prove they are not a Tinker, usually before anyone hears about any of their inventions.

Besides, the value of a Tinker is not just that they invent things, but the superhuman rate that they do so and the relative lack of failures. Most inventors take weeks if not months to do what a Tinker can pull off in a matter of hours. Without that massive throughput, a mere inventor is nowhere near as valuable as a Tinker to PRT or gang alike.
The biggest difference between a Tinker and an inventor, even a super genius level inventor, is not what they create. Or even that others can understand the science and/or engineering behind it. It's that an inventor can create new technology because they understand how the parts work and what the engineering requires. An inventor has to do research, prototype multiple times, and solve problems as they come up. The inventor also needs to understand the material sciences involved. A tinker on the other hand does not understand any of that. Even if they think they do, they don't. The tinker has a database of alien tech connected to their brain and drip feeding fully fledged schematics. They don't need to know anything about the materials, because often the source of their powers is cheating to make things work. And more importantly, unlike the inventor... a tinker does not need to be coherent to 'invent'. Just look at the often drugged to the gills Squealer for proof.
Dragons and Lairs by RadFoxUK
An Apocrypha by RadFoxUK over on Spacebattles. Original is here.
(I corrected some spelling and grammar before posting here.)


"Alright people, you know the drill," yelled Tattletale, punctuating her command with a shot into the ceiling.

Grue coating the guards in void as they entered.

Bitch secured one while Regent got the other.

"No heroics, or we release the hounds," ordered Grue, supported by a growl from Judas, "On the ground, hands and feet apart, fingers spread."

Tattletale skipped over to a prone woman in a pantsuit with heels, "You," She commanded with a light kick, "Up and at 'em, you're with me."

The woman cambered up with some hesitance, Tattletale's pistol flagging the woman's ass consistently.

As soon as she took a step Tattletale had her. She leaned into her, whispering, "Your heels are hollow, your using the gap to steal bills, if you want to stay free and keep your job you'll assist me."


"By opening the vault."

The woman balked. "You don-"

"Heels." Tattletale threatened, some heat to her tongue.

They walked into an office, Tattletale snickering at a sign on a cubicle as they passed, through another glass door then a cell cage door and they were at the vault.

"It has-" tried the manager.

"A timer, I know," a glance at her watch, "Oh, look twenty past eleven!" She fake gasped followed by a soft yet bass-y click.

Gesturing with her pistol, "Open it," she deadpanned.

"Fuck," with a slight shrug the manager entered the combination and actuated the mechanism with her key, "Okay!"

Tattletale peered passed the door as it swung open, her gaze interrupted by HUGE reptilian eyes.

"Oh, hi Naurelin," Tattletale muttered.


"Yes, sorry for disturbing your lair."

Naurelin rose, bills cascading off her scales off of her previously napping form.

About facing, finding the manager already several feet ahead of her, Tattletale sprinted through the office, finding the 'BEWARE OF DRAGON' sign a lot less funny on the way out.

Once in the lobby, Grue beside her having been bowled over by the manager, she fired three shots into the ceiling - a call of distress. - and screamed:


Regent reacted first dashing and chucking himself out a window.

Grue asked from beneath her, "Wha-"



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Another day another time Taylor almost learns that dragons weren't bad at hiding their lairs - they advertised where they were.

thieves are tasty :D
um, threadmark please? it'll make it easier to find later.
I'm disappointed it wasn't for an unscheduled meeting. Like an intervention kind of thing.

That was written before the Undersider's ran afoul of Lung, and then Lung and Naurelin threw down in a manner befitting dragons -- lots of fire, claw / claw / bite / wing buffet / tail grab, and un-narrated brutality (trust me, your imagination will do a better job than I will describing the scene for you). That was around 3.10 or so.
Downtime 1.2 - Privateers 2
At sea, 30 km southeast of Brockton Bay, NH
21 April 2011, 1800 hrs Lima (EST)

As Vivi maneuvered her hull closer to the submersibles, the hatch on the closest one opened up and a large man in a tight-fitting outfit came literally flying out of the open hatch to land on the deck of the Fog submarine.

"So, little girl," the man sneered, "I believe I would like to talk to your commanding officer."

The mental model ignored him for a moment. "Why is it that they think they can do this," she muttered, both audibly and over the concept comms.

Because you look like a young woman in a flimsy sundress, came back Arunta's exasperated reply, and not a mental model of the Fog.

You know, as he's boarded without permission,
Paula, the mental model commanding Repulse added, anything you do now is self defense.

"So, Mr. Poopyhead, you've boarded me without permission, and have stated your intent to try to, by force or intimidation, dictate my actions." Vivi's mental model looked smug, and glowing rings appeared as she spun up extra processing power for combat. "Guess what?! Yer a pirate, Harry!" And with that, she gestured, and used a pair of force fields like cymbals on him.

To the man's credit, he actually managed to keep from getting squished by the pair of force fields by dint of Parahuman strength. Still, Vivi had switched from "cymbals" to "vise" and was slowly ramping up the power, which was causing Leopard to work at it.

"That's pretty good," Vivi commented as she approached the straining villain. "But you forgot something."

"Was?" the man ground out in his native German.

A hexagonal forcefield formed silently over the man's head. Vivi looked up at him, and gave him a nasty smirk. "I play dirty," she stated, and kneed him in the groin, hard.

While her foot did very little damage because of the man's Brute rating, her foot and Sir Isaac Newton collaborated to lift him off the deck with enough force that he struck the overhead field hard. Just to add insult to injury, she opened the deck hatch under the pirate nazi as he came down. The man was a close fit, but that just meant Leopard couldn't get any leverage to use his strength.

"Since you're a pirate and all," she explained with a smirk, "I'm completely within my rights to shoot you in the head and dump your body overboard for the ocean to deal with," she said, punctuating her words with the hum of the ejector mechanism of the launch tube charging more than enough to toss him dozens of feet into the air.

Vivi, came Repulse's voice across the concept comms, Captain Jones would like the man alive.

Oh, I know,
she replied. I really don't want to kill him, cleaning blood is worse than seaweed.

Leopard regained his senses with a start and discovered he was now snugly fitted into the launch tube.

"Hello again," the girl's lightly accented voice called to him. "Since I really don't want to kill you – cleaning the blood off of my decks is a lot of work – I've decided I'm going to throw you overboard. How I throw you overboard depends on how you behave."

The Cape could now hear the launch systems in the tube charging up.

"Now, if you're going to curse at me and be rather rude," she stated calmly, "I may use the launch tube to blast you off at roughly thirty gees acceleration. Which, if you were a normal human, would telescope your spine. Since you're not a normal human, you still might black out, land in the water, and drown.

"If you behave," she continued, smiling brightly, "I'll hoist you out and hand you over to those nice gents from the US Navy. What do you say?"

Herr Leopard grumbled something vaguely obscene, in the hopes that her hearing was only normal.

"How rude! Why I never," the mental model ranted indignantly. "Right, you can have fun with the fishes." With a deep thunk the platform he'd been standing on launched him into the air, though far slower than the thirty gees of acceleration she'd implied. However, something behind him swatted him hard enough to skip him across the water like a stone and impact the hull of Arunta with sufficient force to knock him out.

I got 'im, Vivi, Arunta sent back across the concept comms. He's unconscious, I'll hold him for the authorities.

Affirmative, Arunta.
Vivi giggled across the concept comms. After that display I think his teammates have decided to play nice. A video window opened in their virtual space, displaying the white flag waving out the hatch of the submersible.


Captain Stark weighed his options very carefully. He'd watched the Gearing class destroyer close to under one thousand meters, and then just hold station there. He did notice that all three of the turrets had been brought to bear on his ship, but so far nothing had happened.

"We should cooperate," Andrea said. "At the worst the ship will be seized, and we get barred from entering the US for a number of years."

"Like that's stopped us before," he ground out as he watched Leopard get humiliated by what appeared to be a young girl in a flimsy sundress and hat, but who had to be some sort of parahuman.

Andrea nodded. "We currently have outstanding immigration complaints in the US, Canada, Mexico, and the Bahamas." She leaned back in her chair, and gave him a smirk. "We've also had three ships seized, and caused quite a stir getting them back. I'm surprised that the US Navy hasn't tasked a Los Angeles class attack sub into hunting us down and sinking us."

"No, they couldn't if they wanted to, unless I'm stupid enough to open fire with the weapons on board…" Something happening on the deck caught his attention. "Andrea, are we carrying any idiot balls in the hold?"

"Idiot balls? Not that I'm…" The girl joined him at the bridge window. "Gott in Himmel, what is that idiot doing?"

"Getting us sunk!" Jordan Stark grabbed his hand cannon from the bridge locker and proceeded down the ladder, cursing as only an angry sailor can.

Then came the distinctive roar of a missile launch, and things got rather hectic.

- - - - - - - - - -​

The tinkertech missile hadn't made it more than halfway before a wall of water appeared in front of it nearly as long as the Bonhomme Richard, several meters thick, and reinforced by Lt. Davy Jones' hydrokinesis. From other points on the ship the hulking, smoke-wreathed form of Blackbeard watched carefully, and Wall watched from another position, ready to add her powers to the effort.

Fortunately the wall of water was enough to detonate the missile and absorb the force of the blast.

"Bridge," he ordered, "bring us in close, signal Kormorant 'Heave to and prepare to be boarded.' Boarding party to your stations!" Underneath his feet he could feel the engines build up RPMs and make that into forward motion. Screws biting into the water, the Bonhomme Richard nimbly came about and headed toward the erstwhile merchantman while it appeared to be having a bit of mutiny going on.

- - - - - - - - - -​

Jordan Stark would be the first to admit that he was more of a thinking captain than a fighting captain. As many had found out over the years, that didn't mean he was incapable of fighting, that he preferred not to. The sailor who had pulled out the small Tinkertech anti-shipping missile was therefore currently taking cover from him in one of the gun positions.

"Captain," came Andrea's voice from behind, "we might have a small problem."

As he turned to look at Andrea, he caught motion from the destroyer, which was getting closer. One of the crew who was more loyal to Gesellschaft than to staying alive was manhandling Andrea, and he had several others with him. "So, it's mutiny, then?"

"You were paid to do a job," the man snarled at him. "We are here to make sure you complete it." With a very deliberate action he cocked the hammer on the pistol he had pointed at Andrea's right temple.

"The job was a simple smuggling job," was Stark's reply, "not getting into gun duels with cruisers and destroyers. Which, I might add, is suicidal this close to the US." His eyes narrowed as he saw a nearly transparent hexagon appear between the muzzle of the pistol and Andrea's head.

The situation was resolved by the arrival of the first of the Privateers. Captain Jones landed forcefully from his leap, and with a smooth, practiced motion, laid about with the stun baton. The second arrival was a rather butch looking young woman dressed in khaki shorts and a shirt. She wasted no time, removing the mutineer's options as she removed the gun from his hand at the wrist with a knife made out of flat hexagonal crystals.

The attempted mutiny was soon over, and the rest of the crew of the Bonhomme Richard were approaching. The cat-man was the next to arrive, using his powers. "Matters appear to be well in hand," he commented, smirking.

"Indeed. Sorry for the interruption of your mutiny, captain," Captain Jones said, offering his hand, "but this is business."

Jordan Stark took the man's hand, and gave it a shake. "I wish this could be under better circumstances, I'm afraid." With that, he pulled out his pistol, reversed his grip, and handed it to Captain Jones. "I surrender my vessel," he stated, "and request assistance for my crew. It's possible I've got injured aboard." He turned to the young woman in the khaki shorts. "And you are?"

"Name's Electra," she growled out. "In command of the destroyer Electra. Pleased t'meetcha." The woman's voice was rather coarse, with an accent that spoke of a rough and tumble life. "My boss is takin' care of the blighters that were tryin' ta sneak in, and my orders are to assist here."

There was a bit of commotion as the boarding party of sailors and marines from the Bonhomme Richard arrived, along with medical personnel. The first person attended to was the mutineer missing a hand. Andrea was checked over next.

"I can help them with the search for the others," she offered. "At the very least, I can tell them who's missing. And maybe keep them from shooting at the marines."

"Please do," Calico Jack said from where he was lounging against the wall. "It irritates them mightily when someone does that."

Andrea chuckled politely into her hand. "I like you, you're silly."

- - - - - - - - - -​

Resistance from the remaining crew members was short lived after that. Crew whose loyalty lay with their captain, including his executive officer, had locked themselves into the magazine of the ship, keeping the Gesellschaft crew from utilizing the heavy weapons aboard against any of the ships who were now too close to do anything but repel boarders.

Soon, all the injured sailors and marines – there had been a few short and brutal scuffles in close quarters – were on the Kormorant's deck, a few awnings having been put up for shelter. The Gesellschaft sympathizers were under guard, awaiting a Guild transport.

"I'm afraid we will have to take you in tow," Captain Jones was explaining to his counterpart. "However, your cooperation with us will likely keep anything too severe from happening."

"I understand," Stark replied, leaning over the deck rail to look landward at the setting sun. "Who should we bill the repairs to? I've got some damage below decks."

"I'd tell you to charge your employer," Jones answered. "However, we're likely to repair the damage off the books. I've got a bunch of bored enlisted ratings who need something to do."

"Good evening, gentlemen," a new voice cut in. "I'm Captain Paula Windsor, in command of HMS Repulse."

Captain Jones tipped his hat in a polite fashion to her. "Ma'am."

Jordan Stark did likewise. "So, not the real HMS Repulse?"

"Oh, the ship is real enough, but comparing the original and my ship is like comparing the original Wright flier and the space shuttle," Paula answered, with a slight smile. "I was informed someone needed to be towed in?"

"I'd appreciate it," Jordan replied. "Verdammte Meuterer did some damage in the engineering spaces, and my engineer has some serious doubts about how safe things are below decks."

"I'll get Leander on it, then." The mental model turned to Captain Jones. "Hermes has a Guild transport landing. Too large a craft to land here, but one of your helicopters is bringing them over. I've also had to firmly remind Hermes' captain that she can't just take one from you, or simply disassemble one, either." The mental model hid a polite chuckle in her hand.

Jones chuckled at that. "I've seen your VTOLs, I'm impressed, but they're a bit too big for landing on smaller ships. As it is, my engineer would love to get a look at one of your ships."

Paula looked mock offended. "At least he could wait until we've gotten to know each other a bit better!" At the slightly confused looks she got, she sighed. "Still haven't gotten the hang of humor yet, I see. One of the older mental models had a crush on a JMSDF captain, and had been recorded as stating that he could see her engines, if he wanted. She did so while blushing coyly."

"So you're not human or Parahuman?" asked Stark, only getting further and further confused.

"Never claimed to be," was Paula's response. "I find working with people more fascinating than shooting at them. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a couple of matters to take care of."

With that, she simply jumped over the rail and jogged away across the water, little hexagonal plates appearing and disappearing as needed.

Stark shook his head. "The world gets stranger every day."

"As a local might say," observed Jones, "welcome to just another day in Brockton Bay."
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And here we go, finishing up with Captains Jones and Stark, and why you never underestimate the girl in the sundress.

Also, many thanks to my editors, McClaw@CTC and TaleisinSkye, for putting up with my outdated habits.

Next week, on Scaling Up! Missy goes shopping, and has a Painful misadventure.

(The author goes looking for more memes to mangle...)
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Mental Models OP. Plz Nerf.
It could be far, FAR worse. Just imagine if it were a Kantai Collection style Shipgirl instead. Yes, the FoF ships are more impressive, but I suspect the Mental Models lack the durability and firepower of their respective ships...

(This was a topic of discussion over on CTC a while back, when it was reveled that a future member of the Privateers would be the Shipgirl of the Mother _ing USS Montana herself.... Since this was an informational post and not in story, and since that part of the story is long past, I feel it's safe enough to post this here now.)
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