Much as I enjoy the banter, let's not dragon this derail;

An ex Israeli spec-ops guy got taken out by E88.... That's going to have people up in arms!
The reverse applies as well... A Jew has killed one of the Empire's Capes. That'll have people up in arms, too.

If it wasn't clear, Joachim's wife and daughter were assaulted, raped, and left for dead. The daughter was DOA, but the wife lasted long enough to ID Stormtiger. He was brought in, but was broken out of the van while being transported. With nothing left to live for, he made sure his affairs were in order, learned the habits of his target, and made sure that Justice, in his eyes, would be done.

Kind of like Jake Petty in TV vs. the S9, except with much less HE.

Before we get into the whole "But Contessa keeps normals from offing capes" discussion, it's been said in story that any path that involves Brockton Bay is invalid, and the entire city is effectivel a blindspot for Thinkers. Surprisingly, thinkers within the area are having problems outside the area...
Much as I enjoy the banter, let's not dragon this derail;

An ex Israeli spec-ops guy got taken out by E88.... That's going to have people up in arms!
The reverse applies as well... A Jew has killed one of the Empire's Capes. That'll have people up in arms, too.
Killed Storm Tiger, hurt Hookwolf, and would have killed Abalaster if his whole power wasn't about undoing stuff that happens to him.
Outside of being a textbook sniper kill, I can't see anything to complain about

Not sure I'd call this a textbook sniper kill, as that would entail either firing once & moving...or firing once & going dormant (assuming nobody had spied his location).

He could have lived to kill the rest in a very similar fashion if he'd done either of the above.

And Madison was well aware of what she was doing to Taylor right from the get go

In a lot of ways, I consider Madison to be more of a monster than the other two. She went into it with her eyes wide open, by choice...not by psychoses.

Magazine, not clip, please. These are not interchangable.
The 20rd. STANAGs I use on my AR-10 and the 30rd for my AR-15 are clips. Same with the 8rd stripper in my (very) old M1 Garand.
While it may not be the proper terminology, the word "clip" is a generally accepted slang for a removable magazine for a man-portable firearm like a handgun or rifle.

The "clip vs magazine" argument is one that has been ongoing for decades...and really only matters to fire-arms nuts. You're right. For the general public, the two terms are interchangable.

Here's an interesting article on the physical differences between the two.

Magazine vs. Clip - What's the Difference?

Clip vs Magazine: A magazine holds and feeds cartridges into a firearm, while a clip is a device used to load cartridges into a magazine.
The body had barely hit the floor before Hookwolf heard the beep from the detonators as the thermite charges went off in the room, triggered by the dead man's switch somewhere on Joachim. The iron wolf screeched and dove back through the hole he had created, the sheer heat of the inferno behind him melting the outer layers of his form
I don't know about anyone else but this reads to me that Hookwolf somehow managed to react fast enough to avoid being caught in the middle of the thermite detonation @Kryslin?
The "clip vs magazine" argument is one that has been ongoing for decades...and really only matters to fire-arms nuts. You're right. For the general public, the two terms are interchangable.
As a non-firearms nut, I support any change in language/education that reduces equivocation and ambiguity. It's a pain when the terms are (A ∪ B) and B. (See also: casualties vs fatalities).
it's weird than i think of Emma after this lines?

and the fact than i fell bad for her?

look, maybe is because i read this after "sound the alarms" newest chapter (Here) but this is a serious mood whiplash for me.

and i still feel a lot of Bad for Emma, she was trying to become better but the chance was negated...

again, maybe is because of the Mood whiplash.


again, i the only one who feel bad for her?
Nope, you're not the only one that feels bad for her. She desperately needs therapy, not torment.
Thermite burns hot but doesn't really explode. It's more of a liquid, being molten aluminum and iron oxide. More than likely it was an IED rigged to disperse a small amount of thermite
It depends; if he got milspec Fast Thermite, that would be a near even distributed mix of aluminum and rust held together with a binder that is also an accelerant; that stuff heats up so fast it creates a pressure wave just from convection, and may as well be an explosive.

Then again, under conditions of heat similar to that of molten aluminum, according to a safety video I once watched, a standard Bic Lighter will explode with the same force as three sticks of dynamite. Just imagine what a quartet of old metal paint cans filled with improvised thermite powder with a can of butane containing as much of the fuel as 40 lighters would do at the temperature of molten iron...

I suspect Stabbypuppy would be cooked by the first, but would have just enough time to get out from the second. He's likely the only one both quick enough and tough enough in the E88 to do so if inside the room when it was set off.
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I don't know about anyone else but this reads to me that Hookwolf somehow managed to react fast enough to avoid being caught in the middle of the thermite detonation @Kryslin?

When Joachim hit the floor after being killed, Hookwolf heard the beep and realized something was up and started retreating just as the molten iron started spraying from the thermite charges (military thermite here), which set fire to the room and melted the blades and hooks on one side of StabbyPuppy.

Stabbypuppy can take quite a lot, since his vitals are contained in his core, which just leaves his eyes poking, and a quick poke by Othala takes care of that. Hookwolf felt it, and he'd knew he'd be hurt badly if he stayed for a couple more seconds. As it was, one side was actually melted relatively quickly, and the droplets of molten steel spread the fire quickly.
Regarding clips vs magazines... Keep in mind also that language is not static. Meanings change as usage change. This means while once it might have been inaccurate usage, current definitions may mean that "clip" and "magazine" are interchangeable.
I do not think anything in this chapter was beyond PG-13 in terms of graphicness, at least for a text medium. While I understand an abundance of caution on your part, I would be surprised if anything got called out by anybody. It seems fine to me, and I usually run on the prudish/no-gore-please side of things.
I would have figured live and let die myself only where Hailey would get a speeding train for Baron Samedi to laugh demonically on the front of as she sang it?
Spring Cleaning 5
Spring Cleaning 5

Armsmaster was watching the HUD in his helmet. He and Dragon were down in the lowest level of the closet, assessing it for hazards before Naurelin and the Wards made it down here in a couple of days. So far, his passive IR imaging system was working flawlessly, allowing him to effectively see in the murky darkness of the passageway.

His companion padded along beside him in her dragon form, her senses easily allowing her to see, hear and smell everything. The passage way was large enough, 6 meters high and wide, for her the be able to walk, and turning around was as simple as resuming her human form, turning around, and taking her dragon form.

"It was nice of those kobolds to provide a map," she said over the comm. "I think they were quite taken with me."

"If the information in the various books is correct," Colin replied, "then they'll hold any dragon in high regard. I wouldn't be surprised if they attempt to ingratiate themselves to you."

"The did, however, seem surprisingly well prepared for combat," Dragon added. "Complete with body armor, various weapons, and they were moving with discipline."

Colin nodded. "Indeed. They were prepared to engage in asymmetric warfare. It wouldn't end well for either side. Fortunately, diplomacy was far more efficient and expedient."

"They even gave us a map, and told us about various hazards down here."

"Indeed, the UV Illuminator was quite effective against that green slime."

"And that gelatinous cube did not like the confoam grenade at all," Dragon chuckled.

"While it stopped it, we still had to cut our way through it to continue. I need to make adjustments to my plasma blade when we return." He stopped, and pulling out the map, he looked at it with a IR lamp. "We should just be at the final room of the closet, a door should be present 3 meters ahead of us."

"I see it," Dragon responded, then sniffed. "That's peculiar. I smell hot metal and oil, sweat and leather on the other side of the door."

"Vibration sensors are detecting rhythmic vibrations from beyond the door." He paused for a moment. "Someone is approaching the door from the other side." He stepped back from the door and assumed a defensive stance. Dragon did the same.

The door opened to reveal a large man on the other side, heavily muscled, with red hair and a matching beard. He was dressed in clothes one would usually see on a blacksmith, a heavy leather apron and gloves. In his left hand, he carried a blacksmith's hammer, a tool that was both lovingly cared for and had seen a lot of use. His face held no malice. "Welcome to my workshop," he greeted them. "It isn't often that Tinkers of such reknown visit my humble establishment! Please come in, and we can discuss what brings you to the workshop of wonders."

With a nod to each other, He let Dragon enter first, and the he followed. The workshop of wonders, as the large man had called it, was a strange amalgam of the medieval and the modern. A blacksmith worked at a traditional forge and anvil, whilst a few steps away, another craftsman was using a modern TIG welder to fabricate something. He saw 3D printers and electronics vying with a few craftsman apparently using 'magic' on some items. They could see areas devoted to specific trades, and all were manned, something being made.

They were led to a chamber off the shop, that had sturdy furniture within. He closed the door, and the sounds of industry faded behind them. "So, what can my humble establishment do for the redoutable Tinkers Armsmaster and Dragon?"

Colin and Theresa looked at each other. "You see," Dragon started, "this all started with a request from Tia Thalatte..."

- - - - - - - - - -

When they had finished, the large man was stroking his beard, and nodding to himself. "It is nice to know that Tiamat has decided to walk a different path," he said quietly. "And while you may not have anything for me, I seem to recall I do have a couple things for you." He got up, unlocked the chest in one corner of the room, and removed a small box. "Someone a few months ago dropped off a flawed blade with a note to correct its shortcomings." He opened the small box, and held out what appeared to be the hilt and gaurd of a Japanese sword. "It was cursed to poison its wielder, which has been taken care of now. It is impossibly sharp, able to cut anything, the blade has a thickness of three of your nanometers."

Armsmaster nodded, keeping his reaction under control. Dragon's jaw had dropped, however.

"It should be quite useful against those foul Endbringers of yours," the man added. "I have modified it so the blade can be seen by all, so they can get out of the way when it is weilded."

"What payment is required?" asked Dragon.

"None," was the reply. "The same Tia Thalatte paid in full for the work. I have also included the plans, which you could use to build another, with some work." He reached into a belt pouch and pulled out a pair of business cards. "My card, in case you should want to commission some work."

Both tinkers took some time to read it.

Bob Smith
Craftsman, Inventor, Tinker
Lantan - Valinor - Moria - Brockton Bay
157-079-9632 ext. 6794

When they looked back up from the card, they found that they were standing at the foot of the stair that was the exit. Colin was still carrying the case containing tinkertech sword that had been missing since the end of the Bakuda incident. "Dragon," Colin asked, his voice puzzled, "what just happened?"

"I think, Colin," Dragon replied, "that we have friends, or at least non-enemies, where we need them most. Let's head upstairs and head for the debriefing."
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