Am I the only one who finds it more then a little sad that, were it not for Coil, Lung may well have transitioned from a criminal into a legitimate businessman for his daughter's sake, but it now looks like he is to be sent to a prison for exclusively lifelong inmates? That, because one sociopath felt he would be a useful assassination tool, his self-imposed path to redemption has been cut short?

I find myself wondering, how many others have had their lives ruined by Coil's manipulations, with none the wiser......
Dragons would be overkill, and you said you didn't want too many crossovers. So something unexpected that might give Ziz pause, perhaps throw a strange wrench into the entire battle, but perhaps not actually stop the Endbringer or the overall outcome...

I vote dropbear! 😄

Nah mate, I hear Bunyips live around Canberra. Good thing I'm in NZ.
Well, they do look like grenades. I guess there's a reason she makes Ziz bombs. Exposure therapy?

Fun Fact: A slang term for grenades was indeed pineapple.
5 little glowing balls of foxfire appeared, and one by one, simply disappeared into Lisa.
That should be really spelled out as five...
There will not be a posting next week, I'm doing search and destroy on typos and grammar, and will be udpating everything.
I shouldn't be so amused by this, but there's a typo in that very sentence. I think you meant "updating."
It was mainly related to seeing how Ziz reacts to several hundred surface launched missiles that when they detonate, degrade local space-time within the area of effect. And large caliber, high energy beam weapons.
Please please please? Please please please please please? :D

I hope that you get better. I know that back injuries and issues are essentially permanent usually, but I can hope.

This is also getting a lot more interesting. It's not just that the dragons are becoming more active, but that all of the myths are climbing out of the woodwork. I wonder how many governments are crapping themselves? For that matter, I bet a lot of people have some interesting questions for WOTC...
Ok, the mass typo seek and destroy has begun : I've run arc 1 (Hatching 1.1 - 1.7, Interlude 1) through grammerly, spell check, and archived corrections, and hopefully I got those pesky, long standing errors smooshed into non-existence. I''l be working on Arc 2 on Monday-Tuesday, Arc 3 on Wednesday - Friday, and Arc 4 on Saturday - Monday. Arc 5 should be clean already, as I've been making my corrections to the master document, then re-posting in both locations.

I wish I could automate the posting process...
That's what Python is for. Or Ruby. Or Perl.
Python I know something of. I find it rather painful to use. I suspect, though, since LibreOffice uses python scripting, I could figure out something, and hopefully not come up against the TOS and Admin/Mods of Sufficient Velocity while doing so.

And therein, as they say, lies the rub...

A bit of a description of the workflow:
1) I write in Libre Office.
2) I run things through the native spell check
3) Then Grammerly.
4) I redo the formatting, because Grammerly destroys it.
5) Using a self written BASIC macro, I convert it to BBCode for one of the two boards I post to.
6) I post to one forum using copy and paste.
7) I check a checkbox on the UI for the macro.
8) I post to the other forum using copy and paste.
9) As typos/corrections come in, I apply them to the master document, then loop to 5)
10) If there are none, I relax, continue writing, and subtly troll my readers; I also post witty comments in other threads I'm reading. I also engage in attempting to overheat my PC doing 3D Rendering of realistic fur and hair, get tortured by my physcial therapist, do my chores, etc.
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Python I know something of. I find it rather painful to use. I suspect, though, since LibreOffice uses python scripting, I could figure out something, and hopefully not come up against the TOS and Admin/Mods of Sufficient Velocity while doing so.

And therein, as they say, lies the rub...

A bit of a description of the workflow:
1) I write in Libre Office.
2) I run things through the native spell check
3) Then Grammerly.
4) I redo the formatting, because Grammerly destroys it.
5) Using a self written BASIC macro, I convert it to BBCode for one of the two boards I post to.
6) I post to one forum using copy and paste.
7) I check a checkbox on the UI for the macro.
8) I post to the other forum using copy and paste.
9) As typos/corrections come in, I apply them to the master document, then loop to 5)
10) If there are none, I relax, continue writing, and subtly troll my readers; I also post witty comments in other threads I'm reading. I also engage in attempting to overheat my PC doing 3D Rendering of realistic fur and hair, get tortured by my physcial therapist, do my chores, etc.

Based on the above, yeah, I don't think using a programing language is going to automate that process. Several parts require user actions, opening and using multiple programs, and/or making decisons (such as fixing formatting). Depending on how Grammerly breaks the desired formatting, I don't think an automated script can do the work of fixing it.
Not in my area. Then again, where I live we've had three Adult Entertainment stores close due to bankrupcy. The current one, I refuse to enter due to how scuzzy it is. The previous ones were places I didn't mind occasionally entering.
It doesn't. The Aldi here also doesn't have spicy chocolate. Actually, they don't even stock hot chocolate mixes most of the time. Or meat products that are worth buying. Or a way to get out there if you don't own a car beyond convince a friend or family member to drive you.

Don't mind the collapsed puddle of protoplasm over here. I got punch drunk, and decided to do a six minute long song in Beat Saber, on the highest difficulty, after turning on No-Fail mode for today's workout. That's six and a half minutes of frantic flailing, squats, and lunges (alongside frantic flailing).

Here is visual aid for what I just went through. It wasn't the only song I ran through, but definitely the longest and most exhausting. The others are where I got my squats in.

Now I'm looking for something to read while I recover.
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