Hey, Earth pony Greg bouncing up and down on lung, smashing his face into the pavement while screaming about being Void fucking Cowboy was hilarious.

Nealy as funny as Madison hiding in a locker from a two foot tall purple pony, and refusing to come out even after Armsmaster arrived.

*Wanders off to reread those bits.*
Or, galaxy brain thought, it's a different fic.

Just throwing the idea out there.
There are 3 ponyfics that I can remember. The first is the one where Taylor is a breaker who turns into Celestia and bros it up with Vicky + New Wave, the second is one where Discord dumps a bunch of the M6's qualities into QA/Taylor which leads to magictech being developed and Taylor being the pony bastard daughter of Eidolon and Fairy Queen, and the one where she ponies up in the locker and it leads to the stuff you're discussing right now.
There are 3 ponyfics that I can remember. The first is the one where Taylor is a breaker who turns into Celestia and bros it up with Vicky + New Wave, the second is one where Discord dumps a bunch of the M6's qualities into QA/Taylor which leads to magictech being developed and Taylor being the pony bastard daughter of Eidolon and Fairy Queen, and the one where she ponies up in the locker and it leads to the stuff you're discussing right now.
Any chance you can give us links to the other two? I've just finished that re-read of Ladybird, and could use something new to read while waiting to see the trainwreck of Armsmaster and Void Cowboy the Unrestricted Tinker (who can't design anything new) going out on patrol.....
Hey, Earth pony Greg bouncing up and down on lung, smashing his face into the pavement while screaming about being Void fucking Cowboy was hilarious.

Nealy as funny as Madison hiding in a locker from a two foot tall purple pony, and refusing to come out even after Armsmaster arrived.

*Wanders off to reread those bits.*
Nothing more satisfying than Armsmaster verbally tearing Blackwell a new one.

Boy, I just realized we're going off topic again!
Any chance you can give us links to the other two? I've just finished that re-read of Ladybird, and could use something new to read while waiting to see the trainwreck of Armsmaster and Void Cowboy the Unrestricted Tinker (who can't design anything new) going out on patrol.....
I don't remember the title for the second one but here's the first one

Sol Invictus [Worm/MLP]

Elevator pitch: It's a classic crossover/alt-power fic, Taylor gets the ability to turn into an MLP Alicorn. No knowledge of MLP is required to follow the fic's story and it takes places in the Worm universe. Exactly how the crossover works mechanically is part of the plot, so I won't comment on...
1971 here. Not the oldest, but some days it sure feels like it.

And I feel flattered that my story is getting mentioned here (and yes, I'll try and get the next chapter out soon!)
Back in 2005 was the first time I felt old. not the last by any stretch of the imagination though. At the time I was working 5-Close or 5-Closing at Burger King. For those who aren't aware of what these mean, working till Close means you get off work when the store closes at 11pm. And working till Closing means you don't get off work until the store is clean after it closes for the night. This could be anywhere from 11:30pm to 5am, depending entirely on how lazy the people doing the cleaning are. On average though I'd get to go home at around 1 or 2 in the morning. The one time the job was finished JUST as the delivery truck for the week arrived, well, most of the people working that shift were moved to working afternoon or morning shifts.

Now, when I got off work I was generally speaking (okay, it was every time) signing into City of Heroes and playing until around 8am, at which point I'd go to bed. Well, at one point at around 2am I got into a conversation with a few other people about the cartoons we grew up watching. I was 25 at the time. What made me feel old was some kid who should have been in bed deciding to add to the conversation with the following:

"Go to bed gramps, you old fogies don't belong in a game like this."

The kid then expoused some badly animated, badly voice acted crap cartoon that relied on disturbingly realistic gross out still images for it's humor that was currently airing on Cartoon Network as an example of a "real" cartoon. Don't remember which one it was.
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1962. I cut my chops on things like "Kimba the White Lion", the original Fantastic World of Hanna-Barbera ("Birrrdman!"), and Supermarionation like Captain Scarlet and Thunderbirds. Back then, it was still okay for the hero to fire a warning shot that blew apart a villian's aircraft in flight. (No convenient escape pods unless it was the chief nemesis, either.)

Taylor and pretty much all of the Wards really suffered from Scion's arrival mostly wiping out the entire comic and animation genre on Bet outside of die-hard enthusiasts and whatever trickled over from Aelph.

Edit: Oh, and let's not forget the wonders of Bugs Bunny and the rest of the original, non-PC-edited Warner Brothers cartoons.
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1971 here. Not the oldest, but some days it sure feels like it.

And I feel flattered that my story is getting mentioned here (and yes, I'll try and get the next chapter out soon!)
1966 here, I clearly remember being up at 4am one morning in July 1969 to hear "Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed."

RHJunior : Warcrafter and Ladybird are two of the stories that got me inspired enough to try and write my own Worm fic.
1966 here, I clearly remember being up at 4am one morning in July 1969 to hear "Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed."

RHJunior : Warcrafter and Ladybird are two of the stories that got me inspired enough to try and write my own Worm fic.
Awww. Now I'm really flattered! I'm plus flattered. I'm plattered.