Honestly, Wildbow catches a lot of flak for the way things are depicted in Worm, but TBH the
most implausible part of the whole story is that he posits a world where superpowered people have existed for decades and the Endbringers are just approaching their 20th year of operation, yet somehow said world still manages to look basically the same as our own except generally shittier and with more people running around doing impossible shit with magical powers.
This is so hilariously ridiculous that literally every other flaw in the setting is frankly irrelevant in comparison, the worst part is that the few instances where things really have genuinely gone differently (Birdcage, Kill Orders, etc) aren't even addressed, explained or even referenced beyond being a thing that exists: How the fuck did they legislate these
blatant human rights violations? Wildbow doesn't know, because figuring that out would require doing research and understanding the legal system, so he didn't bother to explain it and just ran with it because GRIMDARK.
Wildbow would catch a lot less flak if he didn't tout Worm as being 'scientific' or whatever when it clearly,
blatantly is not even
remotely anything of the sort. Which is a shame, because if you take away all the dumb shit like the 'scientific' claim you end up with Worm being a surprisingly well written Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror story disguised as a 'gritty' Superhero story. But for whatever reason Wildbow couldn't bring himself to just call Worm the fantasy setting that it is, which resulted in the many,
many dumb Word of God posts he made trying to provide scientific foundations for the obviously magical fantasy nonsense that he was writing, and failing miserably.
With Ward he seems to have abandoned the whole 'scientific' aspect entirely and gone full bore on the Cosmic Horror, not even
pretending that the shit he's writing at this point has anything whatsoever to do with how reality works.
Ironically, people seem to hate Ward
because of this change, amongst other things, so I guess he just can't win no matter what he does.
If I were a betting man, I'd put money on Wildbow writing what seems authentic based on the people he surrounds himself with.
Impossible to say really, Wildbow
claims that he personally witnessed a situation similar to the 'locker incident' in reality for example, but that claim holds very little water for many,
many reasons, not the least of which being the complete and total failure of any kind of official response to what was effectively a bioterrorist attack on a secondary school. So either Wildbow is full of shit and lying to cover his ass, or he has a
very strange definition of 'similar'.
If the latter, it's entirely possible that Worm actually accurately represents how he personally views the world, which says more about him as a person than anything else but would also explain a