Can't say I've read that series, personally.
The Morgaine books are in the same vein as the original Dragonriders of Pern series, late 70's sci fi; first book published in '76 , second and third book in '78 & '79, fourth book in the '88. Some of CJ Cherryh's works are very readable, some aren't. The Morgaine books fall into the first.
Little blue men?
Little drunken
blue men?
Little drunken
blue men who are fond of rustling ships and coos?

They're a rowdy bunch, but they're good boys at heart. You go ahunting with them around, the worst you'll end up is sober because they stole flask you had with you.

The ones in the poem are the more... traditional... fae. Green jackets and red caps with white owl-feathers, etc.

Think "Lords & Ladies" not "Wee Free Men."
Just for a bit of reference, since she was not (to my knowledge) featured in D&D at any point and thus may not be well known to everyone reading this story, I tracked down a version of the Legend of one of the three most feared of all the Yokai in Japan, Tamamo no Mae. Not to be confused with the version from the Fate franchise, which has nearly NOTHING in common with this monster....

The scary part is that one of the three most dangerous Yokai to Japan as a whole is STILL a better option them Lolth when it comes to getting "protection" from Coil's new master......
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Worm Wrecking Wyrmlings II
(Silliness written by the person that doesn't have to return to the lab for 24 hours.) *Kryslin, I beg your forgiveness in advance.*

Verechelen blinked as she flew across the sky. Ten seconds ago it had been cloudy, a typical Brockton Bay January day. By the looks of the people on the beach and the warmth of the sun on her back and wings, it was June or July here. She reached with her senses, trying to figure out where and when she was. The response she got back was confusing. This should be Brockton Bay, and she did see some landmarks that she recognized, but the lake Leviathan had left behind wasn't there, nor were the three block wide areas cleared around the effects of Bakuda's bombs. Had she traveled in time?

One quick spell told her no, that she'd somehow passed through a dozen dimensions. Home was sort of upleftorangetwelve from here. With that straightened out, she decided to land and spend a bit of time figuring out how things were different here. She banked and landed on the beach out of sight of people, transforming into her go to human shape, a black haired taller version of her mother. She grinned at a sudden thought. This Fugly's didn't know about her. She could get a free meal by ordering a Challenger.

Twenty minutes later she was had the burger and was eating it with one hand while flipping through PHO with the other hand. E-88, ABB, Merchants, all the same... She found the wards page and stopped. This Brockton Bay had a Dragon of their own. And it wasn't that poser Lung. She finished the burger almost absently as she read the thread about this Naurelin. She finished the fries and drink, got her picture taken and was out the door as quickly as she could.

Verechelen was walking down the Boardwalk, trying to figure out how to find the Ward when a shadow went by. Looking up she saw Kid Win and the very person she wanted to find fly overhead. Verechelen had a sudden evil idea, which she put down to spending too much time around Clockblocker.

Naurelin and Kid Win landed at the half way point of their route, stopping to make their radio call to the console. As Kid Win talked to Aegis, Naurelin heard a flapping soud. She turned around, and stopped, transfixed.

There was a small gold dragon flying clumsily toward her, not more than five feet long. It tried to land and ended up tumbling to a stop almost at her feet.

The hatchling looked up, cocked its head and called, "Mommy!"

Naurelin stared at the small dragon as her brain rebooted. She hadn't even... Oh god, did she lay eggs now? Did she have seasons, would she go into heat or something? Naurelin was still trying to process things she hadn't even thought of before this and completely unaware of what was going on around her.

Verechelen sat up watching the other dragon. She seemed to be thinking hard. A noise from the side made her look. Kid Win was staring at her, his hand still up to his communicator. She waddled closer to him. she stood on her rear legs and put her front hands on his armour as she stared at him, her head tilted slightly to one side. "Dada?" she said, looking at him with big eyes.

Faintly, she could hear someone, it sounded like Vista demanding details on the radio. Kid Win blinked, several times and finally answered the increasingly shrill voice. "Console, I'm tying you into my visor, you'll have to see this."

Verechelen stepped back and posed, standing on her rear legs and wrapping her tail around her feet. She made her eyes as large as she could while cocking her head in an inquisitive manner. Three seconds later, the Squeee that came over the radio made Kid Win wince.

Naurelin pushed the thoughts that single word had brought up in her mind to the back of her mind. She had a whole raft of questions to ask her trainers, but that could wait. She looked over to see the smaller dragon staring at Kid Win. She walked up behind it,him,her, whatever.

Before she could say anything, the dragon grew, becoming... her?

"Hello, my name is Verechelen when I'm a dragon, Taylor Hebert when I'm not. I'm from a couple of dimensions thataway and had to meet the other dragon in the neighborhood."

Ten minutes later, the three of them were on their way to the PRT building. Verechelen was chatting with Kid Win about his board and talking about Quantum something or another. From Kid Win's posture, he wasn't getting anything from the stream of words but tinkering ideas.

Naurelin was trying to figure the odds on two different Taylor Heberts from two different dimensions becoming dragons and wondering if Verechelen knew Tiamat.

The three of them landed in front of the PRT building and were met by Armsmaster and Miss Militia. Verechelen landed and became different. She was just over six foot tall and dressed in a medieval style with runes sewn into her clothing.

Verechelen held her hand out to Armsmaster. "Hello, I'm Verechelen, dimensional traveler and part time dragon. I just dropped by to say hi to the other dragon."

Armsmaster looked at her for a minute. "Do you have anything to declare?"

(There's more of this, but I've been called into work, it will have wait.)
It says something about Armsmaster's ability to cope with pure weirdness that when encountering an alternate version of a Draconic Ward, he skips straight to handling any customs issues. I'm not sure WHAT it says, but it's certainly SOMETHING.....
"Just how much bigger on the inside?"

"About ten by ten by fifty? It's a bargain at twice the price, honestly."

"And what's in this 'hoard' of yours?"

"About fifteen tons of gold coins, half a ton of gemstones, and my Beanie Baby collection."

"Just how much bigger on the inside?"

"About ten by ten by fifty? It's a bargain at twice the price, honestly."

"And what's in this 'hoard' of yours?"

"About fifteen tons of gold coins, half a ton of gemstones, and my Beanie Baby collection."

Better be careful with those Beanie Babies; depending on what's in there, and their condition, they may make up the more valuable part of the hoard. Or at least, the part that can be devalued by improper handling......

Though seriously, that's a modest size bed (less then a cubic meter of gold, even if as coins they take up more space then that,) a bunch of snacks/supplements, and a bunch of limited run collectible dolls. The first two are there for utilitarian reasons. The last is there because this Dragon personally values them. Which do you think the Dragon will become most upset about if something happens to it?
@Ravenwood240 Ah, an excellent way to start the morning, Thank you.

I need to run the next post through grammerly and another spell check pass, then get ready for outdoor chores, which are kind of hard to do when you're using a walker because a disk in your back is severely bulging and compressing your nerve root at the L5-S1 space.
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I need to run the next post through grammerly and another spell check pass, then get ready for outdoor chores, which are kind of hard to do when you're using a walker because a disk in your back is severely bulding and compressing your nerve root at the L5-S1 space.
Take your time, don't push too hard, and take breaks as needed. Better that you avoid making things worse and post a day late, then rush things and hurt yourself. It's not worth the pain, nor the slower recovery.

If this means we have to wait, then we wait. Don't worry about us.
@Ravenwood240 Ah, an excellent way to start the morning, Thank you.

I need to run the next post through grammerly and another spell check pass, then get ready for outdoor chores, which are kind of hard to do when you're using a walker because a disk in your back is severely bulging and compressing your nerve root at the L5-S1 space.
Chiropractors are still open in this time of crisis, had to drag my mom to see one last week to get her readjusted. Don't put off seeing a specialist for this, just cleanse when you get home.