Can Polymorph have permanent duration in this take on D&D? Polymorph the willing into something long-lived, magical, and can shapeshift into human form (since that's what the mind will be used to for the immediate future).
Under 1e and 2e, Until Negated. However, you also had to roll to see if you survived the system shock.
3.5e says 1 minute / level
Baleful Polymorph is permanent, however, you'd be a very small dragon (Size Small or smaller creature)
5e says 1 hour.
So, no. What is happening here goes far beyond merely changing one's form, it is changing one's essential nature. It is best explained thusly : Someone with a polymorph spell that has been made permanent on them gets a
Dispel Magic type spell cast on them. If successful, they revert to whatever form they had prior to having the polymorph cast on them. When someone's essential nature is changed, it changes who they are; Instead of 'human using magic to be a dragon', they are simply a 'dragon'. You could cast
Dispel Magic / Anti-Magic Shell / Disjunction on them all day long. They are still a dragon, and probably irritated and annoyed at you now.
Polymorph Any Object could be permanent, if the dragon was a young one. It could, however, still be dispelled.
While this is all philosophical fluff, it is the best way to explain why you need something like
Wish or
Miracle (or an Epic spell) to permanently change someone into a Dragon (or similar creature) with all the attendant powers and still be able to keep your mind intact.
So while I may be light-hearted in saying "Yer a dragon now, Taylor." and poking fun at the meme, in truth, that's what happened. Taylor's spirit and the spirit of the teenaged equivalent dragon Naurelin have merged and become one unique being. A power nullifier could nullify Taylor's shard derived power all day, it won't save them from getting claw/claw/bite/wing/tail/presenced/lit on fire by breath weapon. Likewise if a mage decided to cast
Disjunction on Taylor, she's still a dragon.