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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I wonder, does every dwarf have their own personal rune to be discovered? like a rune that embodies themselves? or is it only for ancestor gods?

I imagine it's an ancestor god thing.
Recall the rune mechanics lore post:
Runes are the "language" of the Dawi, imposed upon the metaphysical and ever-changing nature of magic and the Realms of Chaos( Warp as we call it). Runes in the metaphysical sense are permanence, rules and order made manifest, and though it was tied to Khazalid in its very conception, the Runic tongue is permanent in a way that Khazalid, any Dwarfen tradition or craft can only ever hope to be. A Rune's definition is therefore unchanging, it does not care for time, lingual drift, or accents, but its meaning can be altered. Just as many words can have multiple meanings in certain contexts, so too does a Rune when made in a certain way.
In order for there to be a rune representing an individual, I imagine that individual would have to be just as permanently well defined as the rune that represents them.

I suspect it's a chicken and egg scenario; does becoming an ancestor god allow a rune to be made of one, or does developing a Rune of oneself make one an ancestor god?

Who can say, but the ancestors themselves?
I wonder, does every dwarf have their own personal rune to be discovered? like a rune that embodies themselves? or is it only for ancestor gods?
Probably not. I imagine Ancestor Gods are their own, and the Rune of Stone embodies each individual dwarf below them.

Runes of whoever that aren't of Ancestors are named that as homage to their creators, such as the Master Rune of Alaric
Adamant armour set, with a T5 material, as well as the decades it will take to craft one, is something that should be reserved for our fellow Dwarfs and not other entities, UNLESS they do some great favor or service for Dawi.

Our own king and prince will have to pay handsomely for a commision, and even they will not be getting items of the quality mentioned above.

The implications are horribly insulting, treasonous even.

Come on. Treasonous.

I don't think the concept even exists, as the dwarves have yet to encounter any states.

More importantly, one great way of getting other sapient creatures to perform great services for the dawi is to proactively go out of our way to help them.

Snorri is smart enough to cultivate his customer base. The King of the Skies is both a unique customer and a unique supplier, and making him as survivable and as potent in combat in possible means that it becomes much more likely that he'll be willing to find high end ingredients for Snorri later, as it'll be much less risky for him to do so.

There's no way we can justify wasting that much adamant on something that's not a dwarf. Him getting Gromril is still a huge gesture.

It's much easier to justify it, as he brings a unique capability that dwarves lack, and doing so forges a relationship that can get Snorri ingredients that dwarves are much less likely to be able to source.
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Huh, can we get the King of the Sky some relatively basic True Gromril armor, THEN send him off to get a T5 ingredient to use to make his Adamant armor?
We may want to look into research projects to improve adamant productivity, such as finding a superior form of obsidian to make a better Master Rune of the Void(?), or a combo of supporting runes.

Huh, can we get the King of the Sky some relatively basic True Gromril armor, THEN send him off to get a T5 ingredient to use to make his Adamant armor?

We can just ask him how risky he thinks getting a suitable ingredient is, when we give him rough paramaters for what we need.
Huh, can we get the King of the Sky some relatively basic True Gromril armor, THEN send him off to get a T5 ingredient to use to make his Adamant armor?
Ehhhhh. Much as I'm in favour of using the T5 material in the making of his armour, even I think making him two whole sets of armour's probably a bit much. Even if it's not Adamant, True Gromril's some pricey stuff. Building him a full adamant set just doesn't sound feasible anyways, from the sound of it. Just isn't enough time in the day to create as much of it as we'd need. Suppose we could just burn a turn or two's worth of actions making the stuff, see how much we come up with, but realistically speaking, armouring something as big as the KotS in adamant's not gonna happen right now, unfortunate as it is.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Night_stalker on Apr 22, 2020 at 1:50 PM, finished with 422 posts and 74 votes.

  • [X] Plan Metal and Secret Brotherhoods. V2
    -[X] Odd Places 4/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 action
    -[X] Trial of the Brotherhood: [Cost: 1 Bar of Adamant for 1 turn]
    -[X] [Difficult] A Royal Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 Action.
    -[X] Choose 1: The King's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
    -[X] Choose 2: The Heir's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Valaya. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
    -[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. 3 Actions.
    -[X] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order. Expedite the Dragonhide.
    -[X] Dragon Hide [Cost: 2 Turns]
    -[X] Obsidian [Cost: 1 Turn]
    [X] Plan Metal and Secret Brotherhoods. V3
    -[X] Odd Places 4/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 action
    -[X] Trial of the Brotherhood: [Cost: 1 Bar of Adamant for 1 turn]
    -[X] [Difficult] A Royal Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 Action.
    -[X] Choose 1: The King's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Valaya. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
    -[X] Choose 2: The Heir's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
    -[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. 3 Actions.
    -[X] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order. Expedite the Dragonhide.
    -[X] Dragon Hide [Cost: 2 Turns]
    -[X] Obsidian [Cost: 1 Turn]
    [X] Plan Metal and Secret Brotherhoods.
    -[X] Odd Places 4/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 action
    -[X] Trial of the Brotherhood: [Cost: 1 Bar of Adamant for 1 turn]
    -[X] [Difficult] A Royal Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 Action.
    -[X] Choose: Both Armors have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary. Forge the Armors from Adamant.
    -[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. 3 Actions.
    -[X] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order. Expedite the Dragonhide.
    -[X] Dragon Hide [Cost: 2 Turns]
    -[X] Obsidian [Cost: 1 Turn]
Ehhhhh. Much as I'm in favour of using the T5 material in the making of his armour, even I think making him two whole sets of armour's probably a bit much. Even if it's not Adamant, True Gromril's some pricey stuff. Building him a full adamant set just doesn't sound feasible anyways, from the sound of it. Just isn't enough time in the day to create as much of it as we'd need. Suppose we could just burn a turn or two's worth of actions making the stuff, see how much we come up with, but realistically speaking, armouring something as big as the KotS in adamant's not gonna happen right now, unfortunate as it is.
Qm said it'd take 3 ap to make enough adamant for the Sky Kings armor. So, it's not too much of an investment. We could probably finish the entire process in 2 dedicated turns. Oh wait. I might be wrong there, double checked what the QM said specifically to quote it, and they might have meant 3 actions to make the armor itself... not the adamant for the armor.
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Qm said it'd take 3 ap to make enough adamant for the Sky Kings armor. So, it's not too much of an investment. We could probably finish the entire process in 2 dedicated turns.
Wouldn't be as bad then, I suppose. Isn't that on top of the number of turns we'd need to actually put together the armour though? Even if he's got the patience of a saint, he's not a Dawi, making the fellow wait for 50, maybe 60 years might be laying it on a little thick.
Qm said it'd take 3 ap to make enough adamant for the Sky Kings armor. So, it's not too much of an investment. We could probably finish the entire process in 2 dedicated turns.

Naw, he misunderstood the question at first. What he meant is it's three actions to forge the armour itself, assuming all the necessary materials are at hand. Getting enough metal for it is another matter.
Well hopefully working with the brotherhood will lead to ways to increase Adamant production, standardising a forge so that mere masters rather than Rune lords are able to create and stuff like that. Of course then the problem is we don't have dibs.
*Shakes fist at beardlings using our metal*
I have no interest in some kind of industrialization of adamant, can't we just let the T4 fantasy metal stay a T4 fantasy metal?
Naw, he misunderstood the question at first. What he meant is it's three actions to forge the armour itself, assuming all the necessary materials are at hand. Getting enough metal for it is another matter.
yeah, I went looking back to quote it, but then realized it was talking about the armor, not the adamant for the armor. Probably just have to wait till next turn to find out what if any active adamant production we might be able to do.
But if we don't industrialise it, we'll never have enough to make a golem out of it.
We can just ask how much it would be to make a Gronti out of Adamant at any particular size?

I can make a pretty solid conclusion that since T4 is supposed to be rare and soulcake has said we won't industrialize it, that we won't. And that's fine because bigger projects just require patience and effort on our part.
Wouldn't be as bad then, I suppose. Isn't that on top of the number of turns we'd need to actually put together the armour though? Even if he's got the patience of a saint, he's not a Dawi, making the fellow wait for 50, maybe 60 years might be laying it on a little thick.

Well, it depends on what he is. He may be an immortal creature for whom time is even less meaningful than a dawi.
We can just ask how much it would be to make a Gronti out of Adamant at any particular size?

I can make a pretty solid conclusion that since T4 is supposed to be rare and soulcake has said we won't industrialize it, that we won't. And that's fine because bigger projects just require patience and effort on our part.
Well, it at least needs to be big enough to suplex a mammoth. Otherwise why even build it?
We can just ask how much it would be to make a Gronti out of Adamant at any particular size?

I can make a pretty solid conclusion that since T4 is supposed to be rare and soulcake has said we won't industrialize it, that we won't. And that's fine because bigger projects just require patience and effort on our part.

Not being able to industrialise it doesn't mean that Snorri can't learn to personally make it more productively if he devotes his time to it, as a grandmaster artisan personally making a material is pretty much the opposite of industrialisation...

Well, it at least needs to be big enough to suplex a mammoth. Otherwise why even build it?

If would be even more impressive if it was only Ancestor God sized and could still supplex a mammoth.
I thought we already discussed this, if we industrialized a t4 material, then it wouldn't be a t4 material right? It kinda defeats the purpose of rare and difficult materials if we can mass-produce it. It's one thing making an ogre-sized golem out of gromril, considering we own the mine and have our own smelter. But producing enough adamant for the ogre is going to be ridiculously expensive, and it feels like we're cheapening our craft.
I thought we already discussed this, if we industrialized a t4 material, then it wouldn't be a t4 material right? It kinda defeats the purpose of rare and difficult materials if we can mass-produce it. It's one thing making an ogre-sized golem out of gromril, considering we own the mine and have our own smelter. But producing enough adamant for the ogre is going to be ridiculously expensive, and it feels like we're cheapening our craft.

It really depends. If save up for hundreds of years to build it, it makes it part of the legend.
We can just ask how much it would be to make a Gronti out of Adamant at any particular size?

I can make a pretty solid conclusion that since T4 is supposed to be rare and soulcake has said we won't industrialize it, that we won't. And that's fine because bigger projects just require patience and effort on our part.
Gomril is rare even in this golden age, please understand I am under no illusions that this will ever be common. Notice that when I raised industrialisation I suggested that maybe even 'masters' would be capable of making it, not exactly the low bar of factory work. What I am hoping for is that we might be able to slightly increase the rate, and we'd be able to requisition Adamant the same way that we can Dragonhide.
Theres generally one key difference between Gomril and other T4 ingredients and that is whatever we're building will only ever use one of each type of T4 ingredient. You can't put more than one master rune on an item, one piece of Dragonhide was enough for both capes in the commission and so on. Adamant isn't going to be the same, we are regularly going to come across projects where we want multiple bars.
I presume that Soulcake knew this and thats why we've got a passive income.
It really depends. If save up for hundreds of years to build it, it makes it part of the legend.

See in that case I'm ok with that , because that's an investment with an incredible amount of time put into it. I thought that you were implying that we would streamline the process so much that we would be able to produce the adamant in a few turns and then build the golem.
See in that case I'm ok with that , because that's an investment with an incredible amount of time put into it. I thought that you were implying that we would streamline the process so much that we would be able to produce the adamant in a few turns and then build the golem.
No, I was joking because I didn't think anyone could possibly think that was a serious position.
I'll go back and put a few :V's into that post.