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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[] Plan The great (cookie) workshop
-[ ] Food:
-- [ ] Marvellous
-[ ] Lodgings
-- [ ] Extravagant
-[ ] Shopping
-- [ ] Extravagant
-[ ] Defenses
-- [ ] Preposterous
-[ ] Aesthetics
--[ ] Extravagant

Gloin: I suppose clan Grimseal is available to man the defences.

Vragni: Comes knocking angrily at the suspected Rhuniversity Electric Boogaloo
Snerra: *Comes out with a plate of delicious cookies.*
Vragni: I'm still angry!
Snerra: Sure you are. Have another one. *Headpat*
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No one has pointed out that Dwalin now has retainers of dwarfs that are all Skalds at heart like him. The Skaldsquad is real and you should fear them.

Aww shit, every battle with them in tow now has a personally crafted hype-song going in the background as the action kicks off!

And then in between lulls, one of them is putting the whole thing in verse to the beat as it took place.
Aww shit, every battle with them in tow now has a personally crafted hype-song going in the background as the action kicks off!

And then in between lulls, one of them is putting the whole thing in verse to the beat as it took place.
*imagining a line of dwarves with horns and banners yelling* PATA PATA PATA PON!:V

I wonder if the Rune of Beer would just be a symbol of a beer tankard?
Hey, so I was going back over the informational posts, and I saw the list of Honoured Dead. Why isn't Snorri's mother there? Snorri's uncle is, but not his mother. Is there a reason for that?
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You know, reading the recent omakes, it occurs to me that for a runesmith, a child not inheriting the Gift must be a tragedy on a couple of levels.

Firstly, because it means they can't pass their craft and secrets to that child as a potential heir, which seems like it's culturally important to dwaves. Are you really your father's son if you don't follow him into his guild, given that seems the strong default expectation in dwarven society.

Second, as Runesmiths seem to have significantly extended lives compared to the regular dwarven lifespan, then it means that you're very likely to bury any child you have that doesn't have the Gift, which is a flavour of tragedy all on its own.
imagine snorri training karstah for 1000 years in the hopes she will become our replacement, and then she dies of old age while snorri keeps going on.
Firstly, because it means they can't pass their craft and secrets to that child as a potential heir, which seems like it's culturally important to dwaves. Are you really your father's son if you don't follow him into his guild, given that seems the strong default expectation in dwarven society.
Which is why I think normalizing the writing down of Runelore (cyphered though it might be) might become important to Clan culture. Runesmiths can not only give a Clan a gift of actual Runic Items but a Rune Formula should a Dwarf of the Clan possess the Gift and be worthy they have a good quality Rune to learn.
Which is why I think normalizing the writing down of Runelore (cyphered though it might be) might become important to Clan culture. Runesmiths can not only give a Clan a gift of actual Runic Items but a Rune Formula should a Dwarf of the Clan possess the Gift and be worthy they have a good quality Rune to learn.
or instead of that, a runic item whose sole purpose is it being researched will reveal the knowledge of how to recreate the rune. the whole thing made in a way to simplify the research process. then create an entire series of such items in order of difficulty so once you reach the end you have qualify technically as a runelord and know all the runes they could have teached. of course each one would be hidden behind a trial requiring the use of the rune from the trial before it to solve.
imagine snorri training karstah for 1000 years in the hopes she will become our replacement, and then she dies of old age while snorri keeps going on.

*slaps Snorri's head*

This bad boy can fit so much trauma and loss

Unintentionally, Snorri started a trend of Runelords building structures and gathering retainers.

This could honestly have staggering repercussions for Dawi society down the line. At the very least Dawi culture will have more variety to it and more lasting institutions; more drastically, you could see society reorganize itself along Runelord guild lines or something.
Snerra: cookie workshop
This is Snerra you are talking about, you are thinking way too small.
Her megaproject would be a full blown amusement park.
The veritable happiest place on Malus :D

Khazid Okraz just turning into a Runelord's hobby zone is pretty funny to me. At the rate it'll be going, it'll be the single most well to do residential area in the Karaz Ankor.

I am now imagining that by the time of the great war against chaos, the Frogboi moving mountains still cuts off easy access between North and South, but what with Brana, there is still contact.
So, the old world mainland holds, and through them the Empire, have this grand legend of 'The Wonderhold' or some such, but the Northern Dawi have this air of bemused tolerance about the whole shebang, and just call it 'Runki's playground'
extension of research rune item idea

Hall of Trials inspired by Thungni

A series of Doors each with a rune on top of it indicating what the room is a trial for. You start with the rune room #1, enter room, solve trial, gain access to item and unlocks door, to advance you must research the rune, return the item, then enter the next room, which will test you on the previous rune knowledge with a trial requiring it to pass, and then tests you on worthiness for next rune to unlock next item and repeats process same like last room and does it for each subsequent rune trial rooms until you reach the end where a gronti of snorri with a prerecorded message congratulates you backhandedly and launches a preserved troll tongue at your face

edit: should work as a suitable alternative to the rune library especially if we do a unofficial conclave for each rune so all runelords come to a consensus on what a 'worthy' trial would be for each rune so no one can truly argue against it in the future as a suitable way to 'store' basic runic knowledge and to pass it on in case of death. this way even if all runelords are dead future dwarves will all have a way to reach the golden age baseline level of runic knowledge to start over again from.
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Which is why I think normalizing the writing down of Runelore (cyphered though it might be) might become important to Clan culture. Runesmiths can not only give a Clan a gift of actual Runic Items but a Rune Formula should a Dwarf of the Clan possess the Gift and be worthy they have a good quality Rune to learn.
So, when you say normalise I think you think that writing down runelore is rare. It's not, it never happens, writing down things that are tangential to runelore are rare.
It can be reasonable depending on where you set the bar, the problem is if you are unwilling to ever relax standards at the point where external conditions mandate it (like you know, the apocalyptic war) they spiral until no one knows anything.
I kinda feel like you're pulling in things that aren't what mmgaballah said. If a Rune is likely to blow off your fingers if you don't meet the skill requirements to forge it, then teaching people who don't meet the standards, just because no one meets the standards is just going to end up with a lot fewer fingers and not actually any more people who can make it.

soulcake goes over this pretty often, Master Runes are dangerous.
Not all runes that went extinct had to go extinct however we can't pretend that its entirely the fault of runelords. Even if every rune was taught freely, that doesn't mean every dwarf learns every rune available due to specialisation and therefore they are still vulnerable to organisational amensia.
I kinda feel like you're pulling in things that aren't what mmgaballah said. If a Rune is likely to blow off your fingers if you don't meet the skill requirements to forge it, then teaching people who don't meet the standards, just because no one meets the standards is just going to end up with a lot fewer fingers and not actually any more people who can make it.

soulcake goes over this pretty often, Master Runes are dangerous.
Not all runes that went extinct had to go extinct however we can't pretend that its entirely the fault of runelords. Even if every rune was taught freely, that doesn't mean every dwarf learns every rune available due to specialisation and therefore they are still vulnerable to organisational amensia.

Not all runes went extinct by canon, but all of them were going extinct, year by year, decade by decade, runesmiths did not just get worse at their craft, there were also fewer of them and this is in the Silver Age an the Age of Reckoning, thousands of years after the War of the Beard.

Yes there were a few exceptions and those were the ones who got the big lord blurbs like Thorek Ironbow, but for the most part they all kept getting worse and unless we are to believe that the dwarfs of the future were fundamentally less skilled and gifted than those of the Golden Age that can only be the fault of their teachers for setting unreasonable standards.
Not all runes went extinct by canon, but all of them were going extinct, year by year, decade by decade, runesmiths did not just get worse at their craft, there were also fewer of them and this is in the Silver Age an the Age of Reckoning, thousands of years after the War of the Beard.

Yes there were a few exceptions and those were the ones who got the big lord blurbs like Thorek Ironbow, but for the most part they all kept getting worse and unless we are to believe that the dwarfs of the future were fundamentally less skilled and gifted than those of the Golden Age that can only be the fault of their teachers for setting unreasonable standards.

It could be that there was some form of natural selection where the most talented runesmiths with the strongest Gifts were disproportionately likely to not have children, either because those with the greatest talents felt that they had the greatest obligation to contribute to the war effort so tended to get themselves killed, or because they were most likely to mono-focus on runecraft rather than getting married and having children (as Snorri and Snerra might appear to be doing from an outsider's perspective).

That way, over the generations, as the Gift appears to be genetic, it might become rarer and the distribution of level of the Gift shift to be lower.
It could be that there was some form of natural selection where the most talented runesmiths with the strongest Gifts were disproportionately likely to not have children, either because those with the greatest talents felt that they had the greatest obligation to contribute to the war effort so tended to get themselves killed, or because they were most likely to mono-focus on runecraft rather than getting married and having children (as Snorri and Snerra might appear to be doing from an outsider's perspective).

That way, over the generations, as the Gift appears to be genetic, it might become rarer and the distribution of level of the Gift shift to be lower.

But the dwarfs are aware that the Gift is genetic. Wouldn't the runesmiths be culturally inclined to have more kids, for the sake of duty if nothing else?
Not all runes went extinct by canon, but all of them were going extinct, year by year, decade by decade, runesmiths did not just get worse at their craft, there were also fewer of them and this is in the Silver Age an the Age of Reckoning, thousands of years after the War of the Beard.

Yes there were a few exceptions and those were the ones who got the big lord blurbs like Thorek Ironbow, but for the most part they all kept getting worse and unless we are to believe that the dwarfs of the future were fundamentally less skilled and gifted than those of the Golden Age that can only be the fault of their teachers for setting unreasonable standards.
There are lots of reasons we could explain that phenomena without saying its teachers faults.
Off of the top of my head, the ever decreasing age of maturity means that we're not actually comparing the same things, a newly elected golden age runelord would on average be 600 to 500, however a 'modern' dwarf would likely to be half that. They are not being taught less because their teachers are too restrictive, they are being taught less because it takes centuries to learn runecraft and in the Age of Reckoning they just do not have enough time to develop.
Increased external pressures from various enemies means Runesmiths have more dangerous duties that are pulling them away from actually being able to learn and practice.
But the dwarfs are aware that the Gift is genetic. Wouldn't the runesmiths be culturally inclined to have more kids, for the sake of duty if nothing else?
Are you stupid? Of course they know, everyone who is a Runesmith is able to trace their lineage back to Thungni.