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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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@soulcake could we get an action or a scene where Snorri or one of his allies interviews runesmiths who come from Ormsmotek to Khazagar?

A reconciliation with Vragni is off the cards, but I think lots of runesmiths would be concerned about an apparent grudge or hostility towards everyone associated with Snorri or Khazagar that's strong enough to keep dwarves away from their homes.

I feel like dwarves will have a lot of experiences with grudges or antagonism between powerful people spreading to their followers, but there has to be some limit to what is socially acceptable because its also common to criticise Zorn for how the powerful controlled the weaker and suppressed individual freedoms. I feel like dwarves not feeling like they can come home could be a limit.


@soulcake, could we get an action or scene about building bridges with some of Vragni's followers? Maybe literal bridges because someone contrives to have one of Vragni's followers collaborate on a civil engineering project with a friendly Khazagar alumni.

I feel like this is the kind of thing that a concerned King or Runelord might start doing to try and defuse an escalating feud in their sphere of influence.
@soulcake could we get an action or a scene where Snorri or one of his allies interviews runesmiths who come from Ormsmotek to Khazagar?
You aren't interrogating every Runesmith from Ornsmotek to see exactly why they aren't going home. Even when Snorri could get away with doing exactly that, it isn't something to be done lightly. Theres a trend, and you're noticing it.
@soulcake, could we get an action or scene about building bridges with some of Vragni's followers? Maybe literal bridges because someone contrives to have one of Vragni's followers collaborate on a civil engineering project with a friendly Khazagar alumni.
Based off Snorri's experiences, he doesn't think Vragni or anyone who follows him will go along with anything that you had any hand in prompting, though Snorri admits he could be wrong about that (but he doubts that).
@soulcake could we get an action or a scene where Snorri or one of his allies interviews runesmiths who come from Ormsmotek to Khazagar?

A reconciliation with Vragni is off the cards, but I think lots of runesmiths would be concerned about an apparent grudge or hostility towards everyone associated with Snorri or Khazagar that's strong enough to keep dwarves away from their homes.

I feel like dwarves will have a lot of experiences with grudges or antagonism between powerful people spreading to their followers, but there has to be some limit to what is socially acceptable because its also common to criticise Zorn for how the powerful controlled the weaker and suppressed individual freedoms. I feel like dwarves not feeling like they can come home could be a limit.


@soulcake, could we get an action or scene about building bridges with some of Vragni's followers? Maybe literal bridges because someone contrives to have one of Vragni's followers collaborate on a civil engineering project with a friendly Khazagar alumni.

I feel like this is the kind of thing that a concerned King or Runelord might start doing to try and defuse an escalating feud in their sphere of influence.

The moment one of this followers works with us they would be shunned by their fellows, possibly even more than Snorists are, after all a religious rival is one thing but a traitor is worse, especially given the crux of our disagreement, they would worry it is the first step in a dastardly plan to get Vragni's prized rune collection.
The idea was to build bridges amongst the younglings, not direct to Snorri or Vragni.

There's gotta be some folks at the edges of these loyalty groups who can work together and also have the curiosity to learn about the other side.

Anyway, doesn't matter.
The idea was to build bridges amongst the younglings, not direct to Snorri or Vragni.

There's gotta be some folks at the edges of these loyalty groups who can work together and also have the curiosity to learn about the other side.

Anyway, doesn't matter.
Karstah and Tarni could do that.

But it would probably cost Tarni some standing at Ornsmotek (and not with Vragni, because he also holds to the teaching: You are my Master, not my master).

They could meet up somewhere visible (not Khazagar) and have a few drinks. #justRunesmithsCavorting
Nothing leaps out at me as progressing Extra-Sensory from among the remaining list, I certainly didn't expect Eagle-Eyed to do so, so I am leaning towards Master Rune Of Immolation next turn along with whatever else we do. It's only one tick of progress on Mind For Constructs, but it is still one progress.

Eagle Eyed didn't give a tick of progress to Mind for Constructs, so I wouldn't be confident that Immolation would.
Was just looking at options for next turn when I noticed this:

(*New*)[ ] [Difficult] Revise Coronation Gift Pt. 1: [Cost: 0 actions] Next Revision attempt will Cost 1 action. Due end of turn 55. Gain 1 Standing with Karaz-a-Karak. If a Rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional reagent materials here. You can alter the Runes that make up your potential creation in hopes of coming up with something better.

Did we gain the Karaz-a-Karak Standing?
As in terms of like an action you could do? Hard to say. Khazagar was the tipping point from which you can no longer return so to speak. Snorri believes any attempt at reconciliation cannot come from him. Not because he can't suffer dealing with Vragni long enough to hammer something out (in his opinion might I add), but because Vragni doesnt' seem the type to accept that offer unless it involves Snorri demolishing Khazagar. #Culture #Runesmiths
Would going to war help? Bond through the death of the Fimir and the destruction of all their works?
"That hammer should not have been there. I know where it should have been, but you found it in their city, in their walls. That should not be the case. So, I went to investigate, search for clues."

"What did you find?" your heir asks.

"Enough. Enough that warrants the utter destruction of the Fimir."


"So, does that mean you know who created it?"

"Aye," he chokes, actually chokes, out.

You share a look with him. Two pained eyes, raw with unshed, ancient grief, stare back at you and you know that you'd be treading on a particularly fragile topic.

"I see," you finish, leaving the unspoken question where it lay.

To repay your teacher by forcing him to dredge up memories and pick at what seems to be a very real and raw emotional wound would be the height of disrespect.
That really is something we should be doing anyway, I'm shocked people have kept ignoring it even after what we heard from master Yorri.
Next turn we really should do Expedition, Aiding Dorden and Aiding Ravnsvake to gain that 1 Standing, as it would push both of them to 10 Standing, you gain us a new perk from those Kraka. Or do Starlight Pt. 1 to gain that 1 Standing with Kraka Dorden
Next turn we really should do Expedition, Aiding Dorden and Aiding Ravnsvake to gain that 1 Standing, as it would push both of them to 10 Standing, you gain us a new perk from those Kraka. Or do Starlight Pt. 1 to gain that 1 Standing with Kraka Dorden

We have one retainer action left to go on Aiding Dorden. Spending the other two on Aiding Ravsnvake does make sense.
funny thought came to mind, for all those fate saint graph omakes, omake prompt of all the snorri's gathering around the table and entering a Fey Mood and seeing what they end up working? What's worse than a snorri overworking himself? A lot of snorris overworking themselves! :V
funny thought came to mind, for all those fate saint graph omakes, omake prompt of all the snorri's gathering around the table and entering a Fey Mood and seeing what they end up working? What's worse than a snorri overworking himself? A lot of snorris overworking themselves! :V
What would he make?

The world is probably doomed, anyway.

Snorri overload
What would he make?

The world is probably doomed, anyway.

Snorri overload
well...they have an entire world of free space outside, they aren't afraid of fire and lack of air after all with their armor....they might just all nod to each other, get up, and walk right out the air lock and starting working. maybe turn the himalayas mountains into one giant runic hold?
[AU] Pseudo Singularity 5: Kraka Drak (Section 4: Whose Rage The Greater?), x2 +15 to a Roll
Pseudo Singularity 5: Kraka Drak (Section 4: Whose Rage The Greater?)

The Berserker stands defiant. The gem on his hand burns and burns and burns, feeding on the magic your Runes push out. Forged by an Elven Priest of Vaul, it was created to withstand all manner of magic and mysticism. Chaotic Sorcerers, Druchii Sorceresses...

Dwarf Runes. While not the strongest permutation of the Eagle Armor, nor for that matter of Rodrigo Diaz, it is enough that blows that should quite simply turning him into so much jelly aren't, and you can't use anything that would burn through it without killing your Contractor, which would be bad on several dozen levels.

You will not let the world she loved burn. You will not. Not now, not ever.

"You know, one of your kind tried to kill my daughter." He cuts one of Bertrand's arrows out of the air, manages to pirouette underneath Old Reliable and stabs up, trying to punch through your helmet. You catch the blade, the War-Sword of Myrmidia, in your hand, the fire bright and fierce indeed, all the rage of the sun. You are extraordinarily lucky not to be of Chaos now, for elsewise you would burn. "I've never quite forgiven you for it. Some of us let it go...but not me." He laughs and races at you, his madness growing and growing. The Living Vendetta, the Rage of Estalia, that is the Berserker of Rodrigo Diaz. One who murdered and killed and slew and burned to protect and unite his country and end the murder and war.

You are lucky it is not his Saber form.

You are unlucky it is not his Rider, his Lancer, or even better, his Caster.

He proves less resistant to your fist in his face, though he does roll with the punch enough that he only spits out blood rather than anything solid. Even as he does, he follows through with his hand in turn, the sharp eagle talons that cap his gauntlets skittering off the Adamant of your armor.

He can't cut you, and he needs luck to so much as burn you.

You can't smash him, and need luck to so much as toss him around.

Between Warpstone and water.

Good thing you learned how to swim.

Now just to buy yourself some time.

"So because one of us planned to kill one of your daughters, you intend to kill very many daughters?"

"I'm going to kill many more than daughters." That's right, bloviate Diestro. Bloviate, ignore the earth shaking, the rocks tumbling. Focus on revenge. Focus on the vendetta. You parry his sword, follow up with your ax. A dance develops, spinning and twirling, between the both of you.

And then the still living Grimgal latches her maw around the King of Estalia, biting clean through the Ithilmar. He gasps, once, and then no more as a blast of pure venom fills the air, and you hear the distant sound of de-materialization as he is recalled to Myrmidia's side.

But you are already racing towards your Contractor before she disappears into the earth once more, back to her long vigil, guarding the North from the daemons the Umgi's vengeful meddling has already unleashed on the world, the shades of foes long since passed summoned by a power unknown to torment you all.

Bertrand and Morelion already surround him, weapons drawn, only just waiting for some foe to reveal themselves.

The boy is...not well. Though the amulet has kept him stable, he is still whimpering, suffering nightmares in his sleep as the poison courses through him. Whispered names, Mash, Ushiwakamaru, Nitocris, Kintoki, a living hell ravaging his mind as the poison strikes at the only thing keeping all of you here, keeping all of you fighting. "He isn't dying...but I'm not sure the boy can heal himself of this either. We would need a great healer indeed."

"I know just the person. But we need to get out of here, and we need to get a ride to Khazagar, as quickly as possible." Even as fast as an elf can manage, you don't know how you could possibly get him there in time, but it's the only path forward you can imagine. They'd need to wrangle some kind of transportation, using some kind of magic, and that will take time, time the lot of you don't have to be leashed to a Contractor that can't move if you're to save Krakka Drakk and right the wrong.

"What could you possibly-"

"He needs a ride then?" Artoria, the older Artoria, appears from the mouth of the antechamber upon her white horse, still lightly smouldering from her earlier encounter with Charles-??? (confound that curse) and concerned, the Caster Cu following closely behind.

Good, excellent even. You hoist the boy up, being sure to keep the amulet still on his chest, and toss him to her. She catches him adroitly enough. "Take him, journey west and you shall find what you need. We'll follow, tell them the Gift-Giver welcomes him to that place, and so too the Hearthguard ought."

"And what are you going to be doing?"

"I am going to find a Catalyst, and we are going to summon someone."

Her eyes widen slightly, but then she nods and lopes off, her horse striking the hard stone.

"What catalyst do we need?" Morelion is all business at this point as he moves gamely to search.

"Booze. Good hard Dwarf liquour. Ideally it would either be so old and strong it would put hair on your chest or some apprentice's first, bumbling attempts to make something worthy of them, just an absolute insult to Valaya's craft. What we don't need would be something mediocre, some acceptable work put out by some acceptable brewer." You begin picking through the packs of dead orcs, praying that their tendency for loot will get you what you need.

An insult to one portion of her should be an insult to all portions of her, hopefully.
Was thinking of plans for next turn, and came up with the below.

I've prioritised learning Anoqeyån for Snorri for the following reasons:
  • It's something we want to do anyway as a prerequisite for other research and to read advanced elven texts.
  • At least one of our dragons is learning magic from the elves and so is probably also learning the language, so we may be able to share lessons/understanding with them.
  • I think that speaking Anoqeyån better may well accelerate developing our Windsight rune as we'll be more able to discuss magical phenomena like Windsight and have a better the linguistic and intellectual framework to understand it - we've seen previously that we consult with Menlinwen when doing Windsight research.
  • We've been told that developing the Windsight rune is potentially dangerous. Doing supporting researc so we better understand what we're doing may make it safer as well as faster
  • There are currently elven archmages active in Norsca and if we get another opportunity to talk with them we may get more out of it if we speak Anoqeyån better.
  • Our elven teacher is currently here but may not be forever.

I've focused the retainers on aiding the other Far Northern holds both because they probably need the help asap and to insulate Snorri from any Vragni related tomfoolery. If we could still have our retainers buy books I'd try to have them order books on Windsight. Unless that's been absorbed by the elven order section?

I've spent two of Karstah's actions on the Kraken research because it's mainly about their large eye, which might advance ESP if we're lucky. As she can take Difficult requests it would also make sense for her to help equip the Hearthguard.

The extra section is subject to change based on what option soulcake gives. He confirmed there would be something related to this.

[] Plan Understanding Language
- [] Retainers
-- [] Expedition, Aiding Dorden: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Dorden and +15 Favour per extra action spent. Dorden bleeds. Buildings in need of repair, wounded in need of tending, patrols in need of diversion. While the Hold is too proud to ask or accept aid without a bit of pomp and spinning, an organization where Dawi from Dorden are a part of is a smoother brew to drink than most.
-- [] Expedition, Aiding Ravnsvake: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake. While not as thoroughly savaged as Dorden was, a good chunk of Ravnsvake's lakeside infrastructure has been damaged by the Fimir's attack. A few experts on hand, to shore up weakened patrols, lend a wizened eye or simply lift material around would not be remiss.
- [] Karstah
-- [] Drakk Rearing [Cost: 1 heir action] Gain Dwarf acclimated Dragons. More actions improve speed, breadth and depth of their development. By the reckoning of the Dwarfs, and the magics of the Brana and Menlinwen, the Shard Wyrms shall be physically mature specimens when they reach 120 years Old, however the first 60 years of their life will be the most important, both in terms of amount of care and socialization required.
-- [] [Simple] Kraken Autopsy: [Cost: 2 heir actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The tentacled creature was slain by the Elven fleet as they cleared the waters for their trade vessels. You possess the body of a mature specimen and the very large eye of what you are told was an especially old one.
-- [] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Azrilzhufgotten, or The Silver River Marches.
--- [] The Hearthwardens have been stretched to their limits these past few centuries, taking on multiple new duties spread wide across the north, while bearing only the baseline equipment you give them on taking their oath. It's time to start fixing that. Azrilzhufgotten will be a banner of your finest work, embroidered on Ancient Troll Hide [T4], mounted on an adamant staff, and topped with the skull of the Ornsmotek greedy troll. The tapestry depicts the Hearthwardens in the full glory of their power and age, sweeping down from a mountain pass to relieve a besieged Karak from a force of beastmen. Three adamant plates form the shields of the front rank of dwarves, each bearing a rune. Although the details do not match, any Hearthwarden who views it will instantly recognize the allusion to their defense of the free dwarves of Karag Dum, the moment when they stood as Pillars in the Dark. This banner calls to the Hearth Guard's first, deepest purpose: When Dawi are threatened, no matter the hold, no matter the distance, the Hearthwardens will be there, standing in the way.
---- [] Choose: Master Rune of Traversal (Radiant Pegasus' Heart [T4]), Rune of Impact (Stonehorn Leg Muscles [T3]), Rune of Amber (Barazgal [T4]).
- [] Yorri
-- [] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery Pt. 1: Master of the Odd will proc. You can use the stones now, but not safely. Yorri tells you they never will be a safe bet, but you can at least try to make it safer. Besides, you still dont know how they work, and your work requires that you know how they work. So by Grungni, you're going to figure it out.
--- [] Prod Yorri: [Cost all prods]
- [] Snorri
-- [] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain 2 +1d2 Yorri prods.
-- [] The Road to Anoqeyån Pt. 2: [Cost: 4 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain exceptional- understanding of Anoqeyån. Now that Menlinwen has taught you the very fundamentals of the Elven arcane language, she feels comfortable enough to begin teaching you to the same level she has reached. Going any further beyond this point requires waiting for Menlinwen to become an Archmage or for you to find one yourself.
-- [] [Simple] Chimaera Autopsy: [1 research action] Master of the Odd will proc. Damn things are odd monstrosities, three heads, two hearts, four brains. Neither one is entirely alike. A part of you wonders how much of this is usable and how much more is tainted krut. You'll have to wear some protective gear when dealing with these bodies, that's for sure.
-- [] Understand Master Rune of Challenge [Cost: 0 actions]
-- [] Understand Master Rune of Dismay [Cost: 0 actions]
- [] Orders
-- [] T4 Voidstone
- [] Extras
-- [] Offer to lend your ex-apprentices the materials to make and run their own Greater Dragonblood Adamant Smelters in return for the first two decades of output after they construct it
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Should we "Pull of a Snorri" once the war with Fimir comes to an end and Kolonits unleash upon the penincila?
Nothing complicated just... Big

"For EVERY craftdwarf amongs the colonist of Far North, will aid the creation of their hoome with a single Runic Tool made within Khazagar! or my name is not Snorri Klausson!"
How many of Snorisst, aprentices and runesmiths in general would join us in such endevor, if not ALL OF THEM?
food for thouth
Eagle Eyed didn't give a tick of progress to Mind for Constructs, so I wouldn't be confident that Immolation would.
Turn 55 Results Pt. 3 said:
- New Rune understood! Master Rune of the Eagle-Eyed
-- Determining how Runes decided where the user or target ended and began isn't new to you, but in reviewing this Rune's particularities help you think of a few other ways of tackling the issue.
-- +1 Progress to Extra-sensory Pt. 1, new totals: [Cost: (16 -1) =15 actions]
-- Mind for Constructs [4/15] > [5/15]
Eagle-Eyed gave a tick for Mind For Constructs, while Brotherbond gave a tick for an as of yet unknown trait.
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