Super golems are more useful when fighting enemy supercombatants like the Greedy Troll, Greater Daemons, etc, where a healing banner wouldn't save them from instantly fatal blows, but a supercombatant that's massively harder to kill than a dwarf hero would serve better.
Hmm... Supercombatants will fight each other, but a mere enemy Hero, Lord, or Champion might not necessarily want to engage in a fistfight with a giant. Might see it as something for their giant, or siege weapon, to handle.
So. How about we
make them have to fight the golem?
What if we gave the golem a horn inscribed with the Master Rune of Challenge? (Or Master Rune of Taunting.) We'll
make the enemy leader be
forced to fight a giant golem. Or they'd flee the field, which I'm sure will do wonders for their army.
It'd be hilarious if this could also lure people out from their fortifications too. But Dwarfs prefer to never be the ones attacking defenses of course. But if they did, it'd be amusing to think of.
We can fight things on that level, so I don't see why another supercombatant compared to something unique or more widely useful is the absolute only choice. I'd give a proper Gronti Duraz fully kitted out good odds against Greater Daemons.
For starters,
this golem will be able to have further runic equipment. I'm not sure if that comes standard for every rune golem. Even if it does, I still kind of feel like this one will be special -- because its heart will provide it with extra energy, which will probably be able to overflow to its equipment. So that the runes will stay strong even when the winds of magic aren't very strong.
Secondly, we
can fight such things but generally you probably really don't want to if you can avoid it. Fighting dragons and Greater Daemons and Giants is scary. Sure, you can kit out to face them anyway, and Dragonslaying and Daemonslaying runes will help ruin their day. But still. To fight monsters, we created monsters of our own.
So basically it's like... Veekie is saying that a Banner of Healing won't save an army from a rampaging Mammoth or Greater Daemon. But having a Jaeger
Go big or go extinct! Because it'd step up and fight the monster. And of course the giant golem will be useful in other battles too. If it can rampage without a counterpart monster to check it, well.
And I suspect that this one won't need to slumber, or be awakened by a Runelord. So it'll be getting used a lot more often. (And if we can get it so that a Dwarf King or Thane can command it, then... then you wouldn't even need to have a Runelord on the same field of battle as it.)
The first is that while Snorri can as a runelord he really should be making items that either help his people stand against those types of supercombatants. By either making other supercombatants, like Otrek with Trollslayer, or a Golem. His skills are specialized in making things that make specialized fighters way better.
He should also be casting spells in battle. Well, striking runes. But basically, as a Runelord, he serves as the Dwarfs' magical support.
You can have your fight-wizard lord get into duels with the enemy leadership, or have them in the front lines... and Dwarf Runelords can have some very killy equipment, but... They're also a wizard. They buff their side and debuff the enemy.