-- +1 Gromril Chainforger: What appears to be a large hollowed-out block of Gromril the size of several Dwarfs with the Master Rune of Forgeflame and Rune of Annealing etched onto it. Inside of it, an apparatus consisting of a Pure Gromril Drawplate, a winch and other mechanisms that theoretically allows a Dawi to draw out a bar of Gromril into a spool of wire of appropriate size. Though said Dwarf would require a suit and sets of talismans made with the appropriate strength-enhancing Runes to actually pull the wire through, but it could be done. The cost alone would mean no one outside a Runesmith or very well established Master Smith could realistically afford it, and by well established you mean an in-demand Master Smith in a Hold like Karak Azul or one of the major southern Holds.
--- -1 [T3] Magma Wyrm's Blood
--- Future Armour made will now incorporate Gromril Chainmail. Existing pieces within reach (Hearth Guard suits, Wyrmguard, Drakeplate, etc) will slowly be upgraded when time permits.
-- Decisions decisions decisions, Klausson. What shall be done?
-- +1 Progress to The Rune Metal Pt. 5, new totals: [Cost: (12 -6) =6 actions]
-- +1 Progress to Understand the Master Rune of Purification [Banner], new totals: [Cost: (16 -11) =5 actions]
- +1 Progress to The Rune Metal Pt. 3b, new totals [Cost: (18 -1) =17 actions]
- An Alchemical Almanac Complete! Rewards Locked until Eltharin Learned.
-- +An assorted pile of Elven Alchemical texts several dwarfs tall
-- -120 Favour with Kraka Ravnsvake, new totals: Favours 40
A question soulcake. That "- +1 Progress to The Rune Metal Pt. 3b, new totals", did it come about as a
bonus from this, or did it come about due to us putting 8 effective actions into a 7-action slot? I'm guessing that due to the way the "+1 progress etc etc" was on its own line, it is denoting 'overrun' rather than 'bonus progress.'
With that said, I've been wondering. With Rune Metal part 5 now at 6 actions, that's... within a 3-action completion range. We could do that next turn. It'd mean forgoing the Valaya's Runes, but...
How do people feel about entering the Rhunkalbrogg with Part 5
also under our belt?
I'm not expecting this to give concrete results or whatever (though I
do think that it will likely/probably/possibly give a +1 action advance into Rune Metal pt. 3b, which would take it down to 16 actions; thus finishable in 2 turns exactly, rather than 2 turns plus 1 action the turn after) -- look at the write-up of Part 5, and it's pretty clear that it's just research and experimentation and trying to press the edge of cutting edge research.
[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 5: [Cost: (12 -5) =7 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. You've done it. Adamant is now, slowly, being made from your forge! It is an achievement of your lifetime by the reckoning of most dwarfs, but yet the glittering white, purer than the freshest snow on the most isolated Mountaintop, stays in your mind. There is more still.
- [ ] Brotherhood Expertise: [Cost 10 Favour from Brotherhood of Dron] Gain 1d2 progress. Can be taken multiple times and without actions. Call upon the expertise of the Brotherhood to aid in your research.
I'm simply interested in seeing
what progress in Adamant would look like, plain and simple.
I want to see what comes next.
I want to push the limit on something we haven't even fully seen or uncovered yet. I want to see the beautiful metal.
Of course, Valaya's Runes are also something I've been wanting to do, and it's shortly before the Valayan Commission so... yeah.