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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
Gain: Greater impact when you do reveal it, what with the work. ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
-[X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
Gain: Greater impact when you do reveal it, what with the work. ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
Gain: Greater impact when you do reveal it, what with the work. ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.
Also, with 18-24 Runesmith lineages knowing the Rune of Forged Limb, it's likely that the Pressure Snerra feels to become a hermit in order to help as many as possible will be somewhat diminished. After all, now it won't be "impossible to obtain, except in the area of Kraka Drakk's dominion".

She could decide to head south and spread the Rune even further, but seeing the wheels in motion and the actual rune spreading naturally due to other Dwarfs wanting in on the do-gooding would help ease her mind in an "Oh, I don't actually have to do it all myself"
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41) Gain: Greater impact when you do reveal it, what with the work. ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright.

[X] [Masters]: I'd prefer Soulcake decide this one based on Snorri's character.
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

At the end of the day the Lax/Stringent gradient is about how sure Snorri is that they'll act as he has with the Rune: That is, teach them to nobody but their apprentices, but use it liberally.

I think there is a risk of appearing political by only selecting among those who share a similar ideology, while by being "lax" we are relying on the cultural pillar of them being Master Runesmiths, and as such being worthy by default. This should shut down any complaints, since they would have to argue against the fundamental value of the rank of Master Runesmith.

Similarly, they came to Snorri. It's a hard sell to argue that Snorri is trying to collectivize when these Smiths - who once again, have attained the full rank of Master Runesmiths - approached Snorri of their volition.

I also think that this group has already come pre-selected, in a manner of fashion. Most of these smiths are from the North, so they are likely to follow Snorri's example. The rest are from Ungor, and likely came here wishing to help others like Snorri helped their princess and are similarly likely to follow the example Snorri set with the ceremony. Humble, not ostentatious.
The last one comes from Vlag. It's not a short journey to Kraka Drak, and a Master Runesmith has more than enough duties and projects running to make such a journey on a whim. I think all of them have strong feelings regarding the potential of this Rune and we can expect them to do due diligence in not messing up.

These are Master Runesmiths after all. They are competent. As Soulcake already told us, we should not assume them to be idiots. Similarly, I think we can expect Snorri to also not act like an idiot and also give out some sage advice regarding the issue, so they'll not be stumbling in the dark over this issue.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
Gain: Greater impact when you do reveal it, what with the work. ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Chain]: Release the method now.

Edit: changed my mind. Lax works for me.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught
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[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

E: Caught up on arguments, Lax seems better than to pick and choose based on political affiliation. They're certified Masters and thats that.
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I think there is a risk of appearing political by only selecting among those who share a similar ideology, while by being "lax" we are relying on the cultural pillar of them being Master Runesmiths, and as such being worthy by default. This should shut down any complaints, since they would have to argue against the fundamental value of the rank of Master Runesmith.

Similarly, they came to Snorri. It's a hard sell to argue that Snorri is trying to collectivize when these Smiths - who once again, have attained the full rank of Master Runesmiths - approached Snorri of their volition.
Also, teaching everyone is consistent with the "Maximum Utility" philosophy Snorri espouses.

After all, Teaching all of them, even the conservatives that would hoard the knowledge, is still a net gain. The knowledge is spread to more lineages, and even if they are not the "bleeding heart, help everyone" types, they will still use the rune to some degree, which will result in some dwarfs regaining function, when they otherwise wouldn't have.

And even if they are the only ones that know the rune in their hold, and they only make one prosthetic, the news of the possibility of Runic Prosthetics will still spread. And I don't think that they would refuse to share where they learned the Rune, because that would be tantamount to claiming credit for inventing it themselves.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
Shifted over thinking about it:
-Strict - This is the most conservative option. Nobody would disapprove, but we'd need to crank out the apprentice output a great deal. Might burden apprentices a little too, to have a high demand good limited by their legacy.

-Lax - The is the intermediate option. Anyone named a Master qualifies, which is going to be a little hackle raising on conservatives, but it aligns with Snorri's principle of maximum utility and this isn't just any random, but fully certified Masters.

-Middling - This is the most radical option because it sticks oars into politics. If you agree with Snorri you get this precious Rune, but not if you don't? Thats trying to promote a certain type of political thought. Going to need to actually engage in politics rather than produce our way out of politics if we want to avoid forming a bloc that we don't actually direct.
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Shifted over thinking about it:
-Strict - This is the most conservative option. Nobody would disapprove, but we'd need to crank out the apprentice output a great deal. Might burden apprentices a little too, to have a high demand good limited by their legacy.

-Lax - The is the intermediate option. Anyone named a Master qualifies, which is going to be a little hackle raising on conservatives, but it aligns with Snorri's principle of maximum utility and this isn't just any random, but fully certified Masters.

-Middling - This is the most radical option because it sticks oars into politics. If you agree with Snorri you get this precious Rune, but not if you don't? Thats trying to promote a certain type of political thought. Going to need to actually engage in politics rather than produce our way out of politics if we want to avoid forming a bloc that we don't actually direct.
I think you're confusing the Strict/Stringent option with the Don't teach anyone option.

The reasoning you give for Middling applies even more to Stringent . With Stringent we are being even more selective for those with a mentality alike to ours.

Edit: The only two options that are not Political are the Lax or None. Lax because it makes any Master eligible regardless of what they think, or what Snorri thinks of them, and None because we'd be restricting it to our own lineage, which we have some control of anyway, since no faction is going to interfere with the Master/Apprentice bond.
Middling sets some guidelines, Indicating Snorri favors a certain type of political thought but is not too strict about it, while Stringent is a political statement where Snorri teaches only those that think a certain way.
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Something to consider is that when you're as prominent as Snorri, there's no such thing as not being political. There's only a choice between deliberately doing politics and having some influence on the outcome and incompetently accidentally doing politics with unpredictable results.

If we didn't want to have political responsibilities we wouldn't be a Runelord, we'd have become a nomadic master runesmith like Yorri.

This is where a false, excessive fixation with humility as a virtue is problematic. For a Runelord excessive humility is a vice, it's shirking your leadership obligations.
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

Being lax is the best in this case, since we don't want to look like we are building our own faction and such. I have 0 interest in getting into radical vs conservative struggles.
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I think you're confusing the Strict/Stringent option with the Don't teach anyone option.

The reasoning you give for Middling applies even more to Stringent . With Stringent we are being even more selective for those with a mentality alike to ours.
I think it's a question of numbers and "worthiness".

Selecting a small number of "worthy" smiths runs well with the secret-hoarding tendencies of the Conservatives, so they'll approve of that, even if they don't like how the rune might end up being mass-produced.

Middling on the other hand is too generous in regards to who can receive it and also selects a large enough number, that you could make the argument that Snorri is recruiting like-minded Smiths to his cause, rather than selecting those who have proven their worth in his eyes.

It might end up being about how other smiths project themselves onto Snorri, if you think about it.
If Snorri does something Conversative-like, they're biased to assume that he is acting just like they would, and take his actions in the best possible interpretation. Meanwhile, if he does it in what seems to be a radical fashion, they'll maliciously assign radical motivations to his actions and claim he is trying to tell others how Runesmiths are supposed to work.