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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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The Ancestors are still around, folks. Whatever issues you imagine might pop up between the cults will be settled when the Patrons of the cults, who are blood relatives, personally sit down to hash things out like perfectly rational Dawi. We arent about to accidentally the Karaz Ankor, we arent nearly important enough for that.
Except we have a famous example of a Dwarf repeating the same master rune in quick succession excessively directly leading to madness so there's obviously a reason the tradition was put into place and seeing what happens when it's ignored to this extent makes it rather obvious to me that it's a decent tradition to have.

Like the madness that Dwarf experienced wasn't a social taboo his madness did not come about as a result of a social taboo it came about as a result of ignoring the rule of pride to an excessive degree.
You're wrong. If you weren't wrong then Snorri and others who do bend the Rule of Pride for various purposes (such as Runes of Light, which are also needed in enormous numbers) would be experiencing symptoms of this ridiculous mental condition you describe.

In reality Alaric the Mad's madness was probably caused by a century of uninterrupted, self imposed isolation inside his forge, which we should never do.
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and to be CLEAR. The methodology is solely in how Snorri IC is treating the Rune. That being, teach apprentices, use liberally. That's it. Thats all he can reliably ascertain.
>_> I won't lie to you guys, I'm seriously considering whether these votes are good for the long term health of the thread and whether I just let Snorri take over these decisions. Ach, a problem of my own doing.

I wouldn't mind. These things get way, way too heated.
Correct, but it does command that the followers of the cult follow the tenants. One of which is to do what is necessary to help as much as possible other dwarves in need. So, when followers of that cult follow the tenant and ask runesmiths for assistance in getting the necessary prosthetics to help dwarves those followers would be following the tenants of Valaya. When the runesmiths tell them that they won't make multiple rune of Forged Limb because of the rule of pride, they'll be following the rules of their cult.

However, since the rune of prosthetic would be necessary to help other dwarves as much as possible, the followers of the cult of Valaya would keep trying to get the runesmiths to make the forged limbs. The runesmiths, naturally, would tell them no because of their rule of pride. But the cult of Valaya would keep trying, the runesmiths would keep saying no, and this will cause tension between the two groups.

That tension is what we are trying to avoid here because it is in that tension that problems can erupt.

And the same applies with the Cult of Smednir. If the runemsmiths are making tools that other dwarves can use the priests of Smednir would keep asking them not to, and if the runesmiths ignore them, that could equally cause tension.
Dude, Stringent means "thinks most like Snorri". So your entire premise is based on faulty assumptions.
Yeah, I wrote that immediately after reading the update (and not reading the choices closely enough probably) and before the later clarifications from soulcake came. My bad.
There is historical prescedent of Runelords releasing Runes to the general public if they are that important.

Thungni is the foremost example. While many of his children have released a Rune or two.

And before my words are inevitably twisted to mean something which they do not, the politics around the Rune of Forged Limb means that it would be a political hellscape and could potentially get the Cults of Valaya and Thungni pissed off at each other.
Yeah, I'm thinking that might be the better way to go.

Go with "Lax" combined with "Rhunkalbrogg" and then argue that the Rune is valuable enough to the Dawi that it should be used a lot.

It would be a Radical position.


It would not be a "political hellscape of 'trying to sway Runesmiths to YOUR vision'" position
- [ ] Stringent: Only the most skilled, the most alike with your own thoughts and beliefs. 8 Of the two dozen will be taught.
This is suuuuuuper political, not really a fan.
Yyyyeah... Stringent is fine so long as Snorri doesn't do anything risky or very political. But still... It's still fairly political.
If they're Master Runesmiths, they're by definition trustworthy to be taught the prosthetic rune. Very apolitical. My preferred choice.
Yeah, amazing what a few GM clarifications can make you flip your positions like. ><
Except we have a famous example of a Dwarf repeating the same master rune in quick succession excessively directly leading to madness so there's obviously a reason the tradition was put into place and seeing what happens when it's ignored to this extent makes it rather obvious to me that it's a decent tradition to have.

Like the madness that Dwarf experienced wasn't a social taboo his madness did not come about as a result of a social taboo it came about as a result of ignoring the rule of pride to an excessive degree.
Ehh, to me it is unclear whether it is the century Alric sat in his forge solely creating the runefangs, the stubborn refusal to believe he had reached the pinnacle of his career, or the forging of multiple of the same master rune in succession that drove him mad.

Given the little information we have on him, I'm hesitant to say that it was solely the act of making so many of the same Master Rune in succession that drove him made.
And the same applies with the Cult of Smednir. If the runemsmiths are making tools that other dwarves can use the priests of Smednir would keep asking them not to, and if the runesmiths ignore them, that could equally cause tension.
No it wouldn't because the cult of Smednir don't care what tools other dwarves use. If it was the case that the Cult of Smednir was required to ask dwarves to not use tools other dwarves made, then the Cult of Smednir and the Cult of Morgrim would already be at each other's throats.
Ironically, the Rule of Pride isn't one of the canon documented structures of the Cult of Thungni. It seems like a secular rule of the Guild of Runesmiths.
It's from the TT rules, that you can have one Master Rune per Army, I believe?

We, and our limbs, are not important enough to cause a schism. Especially not when the Ancestors can personally tell the Dawi to stop being a bunch of stubborn, stupid beardlings.
It has been explicitly noted before that if the Ancestors get involved Snorri would end his life in shame for causing THAT BIG OF A MESS.
And the same applies with the Cult of Smednir. If the runemsmiths are making tools that other dwarves can use the priests of Smednir would keep asking them not to, and if the runesmiths ignore them, that could equally cause tension.
The Dictums of the Cult of Smednir apply only to the members of the Cult of Smednir.

Also, Smednir uses a Runed hammer, which was almost certainly done by Thungni.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
Gain: Greater impact when you do reveal it, what with the work. ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Stringent: Teach those most alike with your own methodology in how to use and spread this Rune. 8 Of the two dozen will be taught.
We, and our limbs, are not important enough to cause a schism. Especially not when the Ancestors can personally tell the Dawi to stop being a bunch of stubborn, stupid beardlings.
IC I agree with you, but there is a contention in the thread about it. QM weighing in to tell people can help stop the fear crazed reactions. On the grounds that the schism risk is explicitly anticipated or not.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
Gain: Greater impact when you do reveal it, what with the work. ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright.

[X] [Masters]: Do not teach them the Rune of Forged Limb

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.

Is this still a choice? 😅

I will wait for the Rhunkalbrogg. It looks like it would be the most reasonable option for both.
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[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
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[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Stringent: Teach those most alike with your own methodology in how to use and spread this Rune. 8 Of the two dozen will be taught.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
Gain: Greater impact when you do reveal it, what with the work. ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright.

Fuck It I don't want to deal with this shit.

It'll still get spread so w/e.

[X] [Masters]: I'd prefer Soulcake decide this one based on Snorri's character.

Gnu came up with a good idea.
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[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
Gain: Greater impact when you do reveal it, what with the work. ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
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[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

People are making a mountain out of a molehill here.
Correct, but it does command that the followers of the cult follow the tenants. One of which is to do what is necessary to help as much as possible other dwarves in need. So, when followers of that cult follow the tenant and ask runesmiths for assistance in getting the necessary prosthetics to help dwarves those followers would be following the tenants of Valaya. When the runesmiths tell them that they won't make multiple rune of Forged Limb because of the rule of pride, they'll be following the rules of their cult.

However, since the rune of prosthetic would be necessary to help other dwarves as much as possible, the followers of the cult of Valaya would keep trying to get the runesmiths to make the forged limbs. The runesmiths, naturally, would tell them no because of their rule of pride. But the cult of Valaya would keep trying, the runesmiths would keep saying no, and this will cause tension between the two groups.

That tension is what we are trying to avoid here because it is in that tension that problems can erupt.
Though if enough runesmiths know the rune, the Valayannin this case could just go bother another, more tractable smith.
[x] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
[x] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [x] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
[x] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [x] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.