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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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They happened between Year 2 and year 3 and that's all I cared to count, technically actually it's still all I care to think about.

How exactly do you do the Dwarf calendar? Did Valaya bless the Pillars in Year 0 or Year 1? Because Year 0 would make calculating the age simpler to manage, but the Dwarf army book seems to say that she did it in Year 1.

How exactly do you do the Dwarf calendar? Did Valaya bless the Pillars in Year 0 or Year 1? Because Year 0 would make calculating the age simpler to manage, but the Dwarf army book seems to say that she did it in Year 1.
My best supposition is she requested they be built at the beginning of year 0, and they finished them beginning of year 1.
Just about done with the timeline.

Titles: The Shining One, Banner-Maiden, The Smiling Smith
Age: Born c. -16 B.P., 288 Years Old by Dwarf reckoning
You chalk it up to luck when she traces the etch marks in the proper order, then grow interested when she does the same for the Rune of Warding and Light. Then you are shocked, internally of course, when you catch her mouth mumbling what looked like the chant almost on reflex. The words are wrong, not even close really, but the tone, the intonation, the rhythm are scarily accurate for an eight-year-old.
Turn 7, when Snerra's age was first mentioned, was in 27 B.P. Snerra should have actually been born in -35 B.P. She should also be 307.
Here is a timeline of the events of Rhunrikki Strollar (Warhammer Fantasy Golden Age Dwarf Runelord Quest)! It is more or less complete as of the Turn 42 Results. It includes important birth years, Deeds by Snorri and his Apprentices, important Things happening in the world, important events in Snorri's life, and politically important events. Feel free to point out any errors!

There will be spoilers in this

957 B.P. Iggun Marasdottir, Snorri's mother, is born

648 B.P. Snorri Klausson born

576 B.P. Oggra Iggunsdottir is born

567 B.P. Bara Kormasdottir is born

565 B.P. Brynna Kargasdottir is born

558 B.P. Sven Hogrisson is born

486 B.P. Vragni Svaltsson is born

480 B.P. Snorri takes Jargrim as his first Apprentice

433 B.P. Skjol and Skegg Borsson are born

383 B.P. Dwalin Hurgarsson is born

378 B.P. Iggun Marasdottir is born

328 B.P. Lorna Dernasdottir is born, Valma Hildasdottir is born

118 B.P. Dolgi Bolgisson is born

113 B.P. Fjolla Igunsdottir is born

87 B.P. Turn 1 started, Snorri takes Fjolla and Dolgi as Apprentices and moves to Kraka Drakk, gromril mine discovered

77 B.P. Turn 2 started

67 B.P. Turn 3 started

68 B.P. The Battle at the Dragon's Maw, Snorri earns the Legendary Deed, The Greed Slayer

61 B.P. Snorri runes Kraka Drakk's residential district

57 B.P. Turn 4 starts

47 B.P. Turn 5 starts

37 B.P. Turn 6 starts

35 B.P. Snerra Magnasdottir is born

27 B.P. Turn 7 starts, Grimnir's bellowing causes the Karaz Ankor to fortify the Underway

26 B.P. Snorri starts working on Trollslayer

16 B.P. Snorri presents Trollslayer to Otrek Ironarm, Otrek Ironarm is crowned King of Kraka Drakk

17 B.P. Turn 8 starts

6 B.P. Snorri takes Snerra Magnasdottir on as an Apprentice

7 B.P. Turn 9 starts

Year 0 Valaya commissions the Pillars of Karaz-a-Karak, -4524 Imperial Calendar

1 A.P. Valaya blesses the Pillars of Karaz-a-Karak

3 A.P. Turn 10 starts

13 A.P. Turn 11 starts

23 A.P. Turn 12 starts

30 A.P. Snorri creates his first bar of Adamant

33 A.P. Turn 13 starts, Snorri and Brokk see a Griffon consume Greedy Troll heart, Grimnir calls for Great Throng to reclaim the Mountains

42 A.P. Snorri releases Fjolla and Dolgi on their Journeyman's trial

43 A.P. Turn 14 starts, the Great Throng Arrived at Kraka Drakk, Snorri joins the Great Throng

52 A.P. Snorri earns the Legendary Deed, The Earth Mover

53 A.P. Turn 15 starts

54 A.P. Griffon translation begun

62 A.P. Snorri releases Snerra to go on her Journeyman trial

63 A.P. Turn 16 starts, the Brotherhood of Karag Dron sends a letter to Snorri, Snorri and several other Dwarfs meet the King of the Skies, and the King of the Skies commissions armor

71 A.P. Snorri finalizes the Master Rune of Purification

73 A.P. Turn 17 starts, Snorri Whitebeard meets with the King of the Skies

82 A.P. Grungni and Valaya recognize the King of the Skies, his territorial claims, and the Branakroki as their own people

83 A.P. Turn 18 starts

84 A.P. Siege of Kraka Drakk begins

92 A.P. Princess Orra marries Durabarr, Prince Gloin marries Princess Kaggra, Kholek Suneater breaches the Underway

93 A.P. Turn 19 starts, Grudge against Kholek Suneater

96 A.P. Grimnir makes contact with Caledor Dragontamer of Ulthuan

97 A.P. Snorri finishes work on the Retaliator


100 A.P. Yorri saves the King of the Skies, Nain Kazzarsson is born

101 A.P. Grimnir resolves to close the Polar Gates

102 A.P. Yorri arrives in Kraka Drakk with the King of the Skies, Kholek Suneater assaults Kraka Drakk, Grimnir arrives at Kraka Drakk, Snorri, Otrek, the King of the Skies, and Yorri slay Kholek Suneater, the Siege of Kraka Drakk is broken, Snorri earns the Legendary Deed, The Shadow Killer, Snorri earns the Mythical Deed, This Far and No Further, Grimnir departs to close the Polar Gates

103 A.P. Turn 20 starts, Grimnir holds the Chaos Gates, Morgrim and the remainder of Grimnir's retainers return to Kraka Drakk, Morgrim decides to fortify the Far North, Karstah Khazadsdottir is born

109 A.P. Morgrim releases the Khazadak Kron

113 A.P. Turn 21 starts, Snorri joins the Brotherhood of Karag Dron, Thungni hosts Rhunkalbrogg, Bara Steelplate, Dwalin Thunderlung, and Lorna Hammerfall are elected as Runelords, Snorri meets Grungni and Valaya

123 A.P. Turn 22 starts, Yorri leaves, Dolgi and Fjolla present their Journeyman's Piece to Snorri and are recognized as Master Runesmiths

133 A.P. Turn 23 starts

143 A.P. Turn 24 starts

145 A.P. Snorri starts work on Stormswrath

152 A.P. Snorri finishes Stormswrath, The Battle Under the Mountain, Snerra presents her Journeyman's Piece and is recognized as a Master Runesmith

155 A.P. Iggun Marasdottir dies

156 A.P. Snorri starts work on Barak Azamar

162 A.P. Snorri finishes Barak Azamar

162 A.P. Turn 26 starts, Gazul and Baggroth assault Hashut cultists

169 A.P. Dolgi and Klorah have twin girls, Reclamation of the North begins

172 A.P. Rune Trade with Lorna Dernasdottir

173 A.P. Turn 27 starts, rumors of Elgi show up

176 A.P. The spawn of Haruzildrakk decimates the Throng and wounds Prince Gloin Otreksson

188 A.P. Snorri starts Arm Them, Literally

192 A.P. Gazul executes Astragoth, Turn 29 starts, Gloin slays the Spawn of Haruzildrakk, Joll Todriksson gets injured, Yorri and Joll arrive in Kraka Drakk,

193 A.P. Otrek approaches Snorri about giving Snorri a retinue, discontent in Zorn, Hearthguard created

203 A.P. Turn 30 starts, Prince Gimli Gloinsson is betrothed to Princess Ladra Huldrasdottir, the Reclamation of the North is finished

204 A.P. Snorri uses Barak Azamar for the first time, Snorri begins work on Zharrgal

211 A.P. Snorri finishes work on Zharrgal

212 A.P. Turn 31 starts, Yorri departs, Prince Grimnar Gloinsson is born

213 A.P. Snorri joins the Reclamation of Karag Dum campaign

214 A.P. the Throng discovers that Karag Dum had fallen, Snorri earns The Legendary Deed, Grimunbakazi a Dum, extreme time dilation affects the Throng at Karag Dum

215 A.P. Queen Valka establishes contact with Throng

216 A.P. The Father of Mammoths frees himself from the captivity of Chaos Dwarfs

217 A.P. Gazul arrives at Karag Dum

219 A.P. the Father of Mammoths frees himself, Snorri slays Hogrimm Ironhand, Gazul destroys a Shard of Hashut

222 A.P. Rune Trade with Valma Stoneshaper

223 A.P. Turn 32 starts, Morgrim releases The Kazakul Kron, Morgrim leaves the Far North for Karak Zhufbar, Snorri learns of the Karak Kadrin succession crisis

233 A.P. Turn 33 starts, Dolgi earns the Legendary Deed, Branawongr, Snorri decides that Dolgi and Fjolla are worthy to learn his greatest secrets

243 A.P. Moira cuts Snorri and Karstah off from delivering toys, Snorri releases Karstah and Nain as Journeymen, Turn 34 starts, Magma wyrm kills Prince Durabarr Stonehammer and wounds Princess Orra and King Buradarr Stonehammer, Snerra presents her Masterwork, Snerra writes a letter to her mother about her Beardling foolishness, Snorri chooses Ylva Hearth Hands as Fire Keeper, Snorri allows families of the Hearthguard to settle around Snorri's workshop

246 A.P. Snorri starts work on Gromril chain

247 A.P. Snorri finishes his shirt of Gromril mail

253 A.P. Smednir sends Snorri a note and Charm for the gromril chain, Turn 35 starts

257 A.P. Snorri finishes the Triage commission

263 A.P. Snorri allows Branakroki to join the Hearthguard, Turn 36 starts

268 A.P. Snorri starts work on Rik Hunken

272 A.P. Snorri finishes work on Rik Hunken, Prince Gimli Gloinsson marries Princess Ladra Huldrasdottir, Snorri talks with an elf for the first time by the name of Myrion Strandweaver

273 A.P. Turn 37 starts

275 A.P. Snorri begins work on designing the Chainforger

282 A.P. Snorri names the Master Rune of Forgeflame, which he had discovered about six centuries earlier

283 A.P. Snorri starts work on and finishes the Chainforger, Turn 38 begins, Snorri begins correspondence with Myrion Strandweaver, Snorri resolves to teach the Rune of Forged Limb to any Master Runesmith

285 A.P. Gromril chain shirts delivered to Clan Ironarm

289 A.P. Snorri reveals the Chainforger to Dolgi, Fjolla, and Snerra

293 A.P. Turn 39 starts, Gormak asks about if Snorri made gromril chain, Dargo Sorensson crowned King of Karak Kadrin

302 A.P. Letter arrives from Alric Thungnisson requesting Snorri's presence at Rhunkalbrogg

303 A.P. Turn 40 starts, the Cult of Grungni confirms Snorri made chain

310 A.P. Construction of Kraka Grom reaches its conclusion

312 A.P. Cult of Valaya collects the Armoured Maidens commission

313 A.P. Turn 41 starts, Beastmen attacks begin

317 A.P. King Otrek Gornsson dies, Prince Gloin Otreksson is crowned King of Kraka Drakk

323 A.P. Thungni hosts Rhunkalbrogg, Snerra Magnasdottir is elected as Runelord, the design and Runes of the Chainforger are released, Snorri accepts the duty to watch over the Far North's Waystones, Clan Stonebeard admits their relation to Karstah, Thungni grants Snorri a Clue

324 A.P. Turn 42 starts,

328 A.P. Cult of Gazul collects the Grave Wardens commission

330 A.P. Fjolla and Jorri marry, Yorri arrives
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Ill threadmark it after I get home from the dentist. I should point out that it may be prudent to note that everything in Dum happened in a far shorter timespan for those there than what passed outside it. North is wack.
@soulcake or potentially @MrHobbit, on the topic of timelines:

Suppose a dwarf was present at the Betrayal at Karag Dum. They survived until the expedition avenged the Karak, then traveled with the rest of the survivors to Kraka Ornsmotek, and are now working at Kraka Grom.

How much time has passed for that dwarf, from the Betrayal to present?

Also, random lore question for anyone who might know: is there any actual difference in meaning between "Karak", "Karag", and "Kraka"?
Also, random lore question for anyone who might know: is there any actual difference in meaning between "Karak", "Karag", and "Kraka"?
Can't confirm, but I imagine it's like how certain names (I only know of this happening in Eastern European ones, but it could be elsewhere) have different suffixes depending on who the name belongs to, but still mean the same thing. Probably just a Khazalid grammar thing.
@soulcake or potentially @MrHobbit, on the topic of timelines:

Suppose a dwarf was present at the Betrayal at Karag Dum. They survived until the expedition avenged the Karak, then traveled with the rest of the survivors to Kraka Ornsmotek, and are now working at Kraka Grom.

How much time has passed for that dwarf, from the Betrayal to present?

Also, random lore question for anyone who might know: is there any actual difference in meaning between "Karak", "Karag", and "Kraka"?
I think Karak is just a mountain, Karag is a mountain hold, and no idea about Kraka. Or I have those reversed... It might be karak that's a hold, and karag that's a mountain. But In think they are separated like that.
Suppose a dwarf was present at the Betrayal at Karag Dum. They survived until the expedition avenged the Karak, then traveled with the rest of the survivors to Kraka Ornsmotek, and are now working at Kraka Grom.

How much time has passed for that dwarf, from the Betrayal to present?
At most four centuries. But I believe it is less than that. I would say that the war over Karag Dum lasted around two centuries. I can't find any mentions of Valka's age at the Betrayal or before it, but I would guess a century at most.

Slowly, and deliberately, the figure grabs the helm and lifts it off their head to reveal the face of a dwarf Matron, mayhaps reaching her fifth century of life going by the colour in her hair.
On that fateful day, two hundred years after the Incursion on the Autumn Equinox the only Dawi on the walls were the Cultists of Hashut and the finest warriors of the Karak under Zargin's command.
Which Incursion is this talking about @soulcake? Because the Polar Gates fell at around 1076 B.P. I guess this means when the Siege of Kraka Drakk began, around 84 A.P. Or would the Incursion be when Valaya commissioned the Pillars?
At most four centuries. But I believe it is less than that. I would say that the war over Karag Dum lasted around two centuries. I can't find any mentions of Valka's age at the Betrayal or before it, but I would guess a century at most.

Which Incursion is this talking about @soulcake? Because the Polar Gates fell at around 1076 B.P. I guess this means when the Siege of Kraka Drakk began, around 84 A.P. Or would the Incursion be when Valaya commissioned the Pillars?

Five centuries of life, two of which she has spent living in a perpetual state of war

Karak Dum campaign pt 9, so that seems about right. She was around 300 when it started I guess.
At most four centuries. But I believe it is less than that. I would say that the war over Karag Dum lasted around two centuries. I can't find any mentions of Valka's age at the Betrayal or before it, but I would guess a century at most.
Five centuries of life, two of which she has spent living in a perpetual state of war
Karak Dum campaign pt 9, so that seems about right. She was around 300 when it started I guess.

Hrmmm. That's...hmmm.

@Deuterium Dawn, where did you find that 'five centuries of life' quote?
Hrmmm. That's...hmmm.

@Deuterium Dawn, where did you find that 'five centuries of life' quote?
In Part 9 of the Karag Dum campaign, as he said. Snorri also guessed her to be about five centuries old when he first saw her.

Five centuries of life, two of which she has spent living in a perpetual state of war, are all that save her from the axe blow that would have surely sent her to her Ancestors
Hrmmm. That's...hmmm.

@Deuterium Dawn, where did you find that 'five centuries of life' quote?

It's near the end of the update, right after Igna shows back up and just before Gazul does.
━<><><>< 217 A.P. ><><><>━​

Five centuries of life, two of which she has spent living in a perpetual state of war, are all that save her from the axe blow that would have surely sent her to her Ancestors. As it is the blade's edge only meets the horn of her helm, cutting it off completely, but before the Queen of Karag Dum can retaliate her would-be attacker's head is removed from his shoulders by the glowing hot edge of a longsword. The now headless corpse falls to the earth numbly, and Valka realizes that a trail of bodies has cut through the enemy to reach her position, the cause now standing before her.