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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Hmmm. I kinda want to see what a weapon purification rune will do in combination with a rune of Gazul.

Anyway. Here's a thought that came to me when I read about Grimnir noticing us. What if we were to take the whole ancestor Gronti theme a step further? Mainly by putting a regular ancestor rune on all pieces of its gear.

Grungni and Smednir on the armor, Valaya on the Cloak (talisman), Grimnir and Gazul on one weapons each, Mogrim on the body and Thungni on either a banner or talisman.
Ancestor runes just seems more useful than most other runes just because they seems to have more flex and meaning in them. Other runes like say "impact" are just one word and trying to make a meaningful sentence with just 3 words is really hard, but using a rune that is someone's name make's it much easier. "See [name] run" can mean all sorts of things depending on whose name it is.
Any of these pieces would have qualified her, but it is clear where her talents lie. Though you do not show it, the banner sings to you, a melodic chime that rouses a connection you did not know existed. It does not claw or grab, simply tugs and entices, like the promise of good ale or the chance to meet and embrace an old friend you'd not seen in centuries.

It reminds you of home.

You look away from the works before you and back to your niece, her features calm and spirit steady.

"Took you longer than I expected frankly. Thought you'd be here two decades ago, right on Fjolla and Dolgi's heels. There's being cautious and then there's being outright lazy, you haven't gotten slothful have you?

"Nai Master," she replies, a small and familiar smile on her lips that would fool most dwarfs into believing she was fine. But you were a Runelord, by Grungni you were her damned Uncle, and you knew something had rattled her seemingly endless good cheer.

"You received the letter then?" you ask, going straight to the truth of the matter.
This post doesn't have the year listed in it. It's either 152 or 153 A.P. I am pretty sure it is in the ending of 152 A.P. though.

Edit: Does the dwarf calendar have a Year 0?
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First post in the thread, but if this rune could casually remove one of the greatest threats in the setting it should take way more than 8 actions to make. At least with the weapon rune version you still have to actually hit them.
A rune that requires a T4 reagent made from the explosive dematerialization of a greater demon better be damn impressive.

Creating a zone where demons cannot materialize is a pretty big deal, but it really doesn't do much on the grand scheme of things: most of the world already is impossible for demons to manifest in normally. A master rune with a T4 reagent creating a movable island of "Fuck demons" seems pretty par for the course, tbh.
A rune that requires a T4 reagent made from the explosive dematerialization of a greater demon better be damn impressive.

Creating a zone where demons cannot materialize is a pretty big deal, but it really doesn't do much on the grand scheme of things: most of the world already is impossible for demons to manifest in normally. A master rune with a T4 reagent creating a movable island of "Fuck demons" seems pretty par for the course, tbh.

A movable island of weakening demons maybe, killing them though? Maybe the next level of the rune, but I think there is a difference between removing inert impurities from metal inside a confined space, and removing active, living, and self-contained areas of corruption in a large area.
A movable island of weakening demons maybe, killing them though? Maybe the next level of the rune, but I think there is a difference between removing inert impurities from metal inside a confined space, and removing active, living, and self-contained areas of corruption in a large area.
It probably wouldn't kill them outright. Just set them on fire and cause them a lot of pain.
It would be a slow process that would eventually result in their destruction.

But most Demons can take a lot of punishment (Remember the Bloodthirster from Dum?).

I guess we'll just have to see when we get around to making the dang thing.
And while compiling the timeline I noticed a typo.

.193 A.P.

As the elders and Guildmasters file out of the room Otrek requests that you stay and discuss something with him.

Seeing no issue with it, both because he was your King, and with your timetable being relatively free, you stay seated. The two of you watching the others leave until eventually the door clicks shut as his Huskarl's shut it.

"It's in regards to the Huskarls defending your workshop," the King says, seeming to cut straight to the heart of it.

You nod, no doubt he required their services once more and was recalling them. No skin off your back really, you'd certainly miss the company and presence of your relatives, not that they or Otrek would ever know that, but needs mus-

"-I'm willing to offer their services to you permanently. I've spoken to all of them and they see no issue with this arrangement. Should you accept we can begin the process immediately," Otrek continues.
You suppose it is possible, perhaps even preferable, to have a group of dwarfs fighting alongside you or being trusted with tasks you could not entrust to your apprentices. The responsibility of being the patron of such a group is great, but as a Runelord it wasn't beyond your ability to shoulder. Indeed it was a common enough occurrence for several Runelord to have a guard detail. A few of the most legendary ranging from Dromin Cragbrow's dozen Brave Wardens to Helga Goldgate's eighty Golden Guard. Even Alric Thungnisson had a group of honoured Thanes who guarded his various workshops or accompanied him on the now rare few times he went on a campaign.
The Hearthguard Vote of 192 should be the Hearthguard vote of 193. Otrek only offered it in 193.
[X][Elgi]: A figure in a mix of scale and plate mail that smells of fire and soot.
[X][Purification]: Weapon
[X][Elgi]: A figure in a mix of scale and plate mail that smells of fire and soot.
[X][Purification]: Weapon
━<><><>< 223 A.P. ><><><>━
"Hmph. It seems my vote for you at Rhunkalbrogg wasn't misplaced. Not that I believed it such, but the confirmation is still appreciated," the Gift Giver grouses nonchalantly, signing the contract swiftly and concisely.

Valma almost chokes on her drink, and it is all she can do to maintain her composure at that revelation.

"Well, if that's everything I'd best be off. A good night to you Lady Stoneshaper," he grunts out, getting out of his seat and nodding at her a final time before walking out into the night.

When she hears the footsteps fade completely out of range, Valma smacks her chest and downs the contents of her mug in a single gulp.

Shouldn't the year demarcation be where I colored the line yellow? The Rune Trade was in 222 A.P. Unless they did it on New Year's Eve?
[X] [Elgi]: A figure in flowing robes that smells of vellum and ink.
[X][Purification]: Weapon
[X][Elgi]: A figure in a fine dress that smells of high summer.
[X][Purification]: Weapon
[x] [Purification]: Banner
[x] [Elgi]: A figure in a fine dress that smells of high summer.
[X][Elgi]: A figure in a fine dress that smells of high summer.

[X][Purification]: Banner

(Please let me know about the gaping flaws in my Warhammer knowledge as well as the huge flaws in my reasoning.)

My understanding about the War of the Beard is that there are two main reasons for it. Firstly, the burned bastard, Malekith, had his minions manufacture incidents that would have the Dwarfs grudge Elves. Secondly, the Pheonix King of the time was an arrogant asshole that should have gotten his bottom warmed by a switch, not parked on a throne.

Now, gambling on Malekith becoming decent seems foolish. And I don't think Snorri is going to play politics in Ulthuan, so keeping the idiot elf from becoming king is probably also not a realistic possibility. But... If the elf smelling of high summer is in some way involved with the Everqueen, it might be possible to open a line of communication and gain the regard of the most important religious figure among the elves. Which could allow additional options for the Dwarves.
.2 years.​

"KHAZUK!" his clansmen roar.
Does 2 years represent the start of the second year of the decade or the end of it? I would say beginning, but Turn 18 has this, which might imply that it is supposed to represent the end of the year.

.1 year.​
You affix the second claw with delicate pressure, wiping the glue away as the pin displaces a good amount of the adhesive when you slide the dowel into its socket. It takes a bit of twisting and finagling before you are happy with the final product, but it is complete at last.
Does 2 years represent the start of the second year of the decade or the end of it? I would say beginning, but Turn 18 has this, which might imply that it is supposed to represent the end of the year.
They happened between Year 2 and year 3 and that's all I cared to count, technically actually it's still all I care to think about.
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