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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I thought the fact that I brought it up in reference to the output of researching a different Rune Ingredient and then used two runes where we chose to and chose not to use it as an ingredient would be sufficient of a clue.
And as soon as it was clear we misunderstood I clarified.
I don't know how I could clarify better without reading your mind or sounding extremely condescending when I laid things out.

And it was more about checking my understanding. I don't think we're making any MGromrils anytime soon so it wouldn't be a problem.
Your answer to my question clarified sufficiently, I was referring back to the post I initially quoted.
"I'm cutting you off Klausson," Moira says imperiously from atop the Temple's steps.

At first I wondered if he was drinking too much, then I remembered Snorri is a dwarf. So then I thought Moira thinks he was over using his armor

"Too many toys damn you, we haven't even cleared the backlog from last time and none of our sister temples are willing to take more. By Grungni you're making more than before somehow, just how you managed that I refuse to even entertain the idea of trying to figure out, but the point stands. Find other folks to deliver those to, now shoo! Off with the two of you," she says, menacingly wagging that pan at you specifically.
Then I just laughed too much before the feels in the next section hit me, BTW I seem to giggle like a little girl in at least one part every update, thanks for the great Christmas gift

thing thing with the wood and hearthstones got me thinking, just now many things had Snorri put through his purification smelter so far? And has he tried to purify warpstone as a permanent solution to it?
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At first I wondered if he was drinking too much, then I remembered Snorri is a dwarf. So then I thought Moira thinks he was over using his armor

Then I just laughed too much before the feels in the next section hit me, BTW I seem to giggle like a little girl in at least one part every update, thanks for the great Christmas gift

thing thing with the wood and hearthstones got me thinking, just now many things had Snorri put through his purification smelter so far? And has he tried to purify warpstone as a permanent solution to it?
I don't know if warpstone has actually appeared in the quest except as a really early reference to gromril mining.
I admit the idea of having another 'Fuck you, in the groin' dawi is tempting thanks to the setting, but we're the Gift Giver. The Hearthwardens are the extension of our image I'd say (what's with helping other dwarfs, like in Karag Dum), I feel it's more thematic to pick an exemplar one
A Dwarf never forgets, every Grudge is recorded, but so too is every debt remembered and keenly felt. Enough that many a Dwarf will seek to repay any kindness done to them as soon as possible, if only to relieve that feeling in the back of their minds, to settle the debt owed. To the Dwarfs of Kraka Drakk that weight is something many feel keenly and constantly when it comes to the Dwarf who so easily gave them such wondrous gifts and opportunities. So the opportunity to relieve some of that awesome burden? It soothes otherwise frayed nerves and overcomes even the greatest desire to keep such information to themselves. Indeed, in the face of Lord Klausson's request, the man who so many owe their lives to and respect in even greater measure, even the eldest among them acquiesce to part with their knowledge with only a limited amount of grumbling. And many sigh in contentment as part of that massive burden is lifted.

so, some invsitext. I suspect we may want to be careful about our owed debts being to high, I suspect that could stress out other dwarves.
I don't know if warpstone has actually appeared in the quest except as a really early reference to gromril mining.
There was some mention while we were working on the Gromil research about how it always shows up it the mines, and how horrible it is, still would like to se how it goes,

also would like to see how it would affect other stuff
The commander position is more of an administrative one that makes sure everyone gets to where they need to be to help the most, whereas the Champion in the culture of the dwarves is more of the Face of the Retinue.
Ehhh, I get that, but...still, it just doesn't sit right with me? I'm having trouble putting it exactly into words, but I'll try. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the Commander, even outside of administrative duties, is the leader, correct? As in, they lead out in the field? If they don't, and that's actually the duty of the Champion, then this isn't an issue and I'm dead wrong. But if I am right, then having the Champion serve as an exemplar seems like the sort of thing that could create a schism.

In a normal dwarf honour guard, from the sound of it, the Commander leads, the Champion bashes things, which works out great for everyone involved since, despite how a lot of fantasy depicts it, the strongest fighter isn't always the best tactician, obviously. But if, rather then a fighter, the Champion is some kind of...well, exemplar, where does that leave the position? Rather then having a defined skillset that clearly differs from the Commanders in a way that complements it, they're just "The best hearthguard". There's no clear way in which the two work well together, to me at least. What happens if they disagree? Do the rest of the unit follow "the leader" or "the best of us"?

I understand that Snorri (and we) like to try new things, and maybe I'm overthinking this, but this seems less like a cool new idea that builds on old knowledge, and more like trying to screw with a formula that's frequently and commonly been used because it does the job well, not just because "it's tradition".
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In a normal dwarf honour guard, from the sound of it, the Commander leads, the Champion bashes things,
In this case, doesn't Snorri act as the Commander? The Champion (either exemplar or warrior) is the one who leads in the field, but we are the ones deciding where to send them to.

Are we going to have to make some sort of transportation for toy delivery now?
That has to wait until we can make a non-humanoid gronti. Maybe a Giant Goat gronti.
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Speaking of Santa Dwarf, can we turn our Hearth Guard to our Elves little helpers to distribute toys to other Karags? Or the distance between them making it impractical?
Ehhh, I get that, but...still, it just doesn't sit right with me? I'm having trouble putting it exactly into words, but I'll try. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the Commander, even outside of administrative duties, is the leader, correct? As in, they lead out in the field? If they don't, and that's actually the duty of the Champion, then this isn't an issue and I'm dead wrong. But if I am right, then having the Champion serve as an exemplar seems like the sort of thing that could create a schism.

In a normal dwarf honour guard, from the sound of it, the Commander leads, the Champion bashes things, which works out great for everyone involved since, despite how a lot of fantasy depicts it, the strongest fighter isn't always the best tactician, obviously. But if, rather then a fighter, the Champion is some kind of...well, exemplar, where does that leave the position? Rather then having a defined skillset that clearly differs from the Commanders in a way that complements it, they're just "The best hearthwarden". There's no clear way in which the two work well together, to me at least. What happens if they disagree? Do the rest of the unit follow "the leader" or "the best of us"?

I understand that Snorri (and we) like to try new things, and maybe I'm overthinking this, but this seems less like a cool new idea that builds on old knowledge, and more like trying to screw with a formula that's frequently and commonly been used because it does the job well, not just because "it's tradition".
The way I frame it is like the fight with the Greedy One. Otrek was the Commander but Snorri was the Champion.

Overall the Hearth Guard in battle is led by Snorri, and the Commander is his assistant who takes up organizational duties when he can't be there personally. Role wise they're less a leader for the entire force when that entire force is mobilized and more like an assistant or adjutant because as described by the opening conversation its getting too big to handle with finesse.

The Commander's purpose isn't to be the best hearth guard, its to be the best leader and they aren't treated as synonymous to dwarves it seems. Likely due to their right tool for the job mentality.

At the moment in my mind Snorri basically fits both roles for the Hearth Guard when he's present so the Champion and Commander I guess could be conceived of as splitting the role Snorri takes.
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Ehhh, I get that, but...still, it just doesn't sit right with me? I'm having trouble putting it exactly into words, but I'll try. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the Commander, even outside of administrative duties, is the leader, correct? As in, they lead out in the field? If they don't, and that's actually the duty of the Champion, then this isn't an issue and I'm dead wrong. But if I am right, then having the Champion serve as an exemplar seems like the sort of thing that could create a schism.

In a normal dwarf honour guard, from the sound of it, the Commander leads, the Champion bashes things, which works out great for everyone involved since, despite how a lot of fantasy depicts it, the strongest fighter isn't always the best tactician, obviously. But if, rather then a fighter, the Champion is some kind of...well, exemplar, where does that leave the position? Rather then having a defined skillset that clearly differs from the Commanders in a way that complements it, they're just "The best hearthguard". There's no clear way in which the two work well together, to me at least. What happens if they disagree? Do the rest of the unit follow "the leader" or "the best of us"?

I understand that Snorri (and we) like to try new things, and maybe I'm overthinking this, but this seems less like a cool new idea that builds on old knowledge, and more like trying to screw with a formula that's frequently and commonly been used because it does the job well, not just because "it's tradition".
The issue here is that 'does the Job well' doesn't really apply in this situation, because most (if not all) other equivalents to the Hearthguard are actually doing a completely different Job 90%+ of the time.

The Hearthguard are not an almost pure combat position the sameway other honor guards would be, they're more like a general purpose aid group that can help with a massive variety of tasks (that just also happen to include combat) rather than the murder death kill team that a normal Runelords retinue would comprise of (don't get me wrong they can still do that job, we just decided to look for people with more diverse skillsets).

The Exemplar works better for us because rather than being the focus of the battle most of the time they'll be an inspiration to the people they're helping, a small but significant difference.
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So, was there a fundamental shift in snorri just now? From the way I read it he actually contemplated that he might discover something Thungi didn't? That seems significant.

Also dwarves alchemy, literal liquid courage? Anger? Grudges? The sky is the limit.
hm, with MR purification pushing out magic

can we make something that can separate the left over into the 8 wind and store it later so that we can shove it into ingredient that are compatible like the Hearth stone or the Silver wood

or even just to test what happen when you shove a bucketload of X wind into Y ingredient
Yes but since this about setting up a chain of command for when he's not around that wouldn't be a helpful solution.
Only because the group has gotten large enough. Remember that what groups like this was normally supposed to be doing was guard their Primary Charge. Snorri just does things differently and sends them where needed, since he doesn't really need much guarding and he also doesn't go on a typical campaign (remember our odd place wander where I think no hearthsguard were present) for materials or clear gribbles like other dwarves.

What we need the Champion for then, is for them to embody what the epitome of being a Hearthguard is. And due to our intentional design, this is not merely for Combat. After all, we all thought about the hearthguards having the roles of "temporary elders" dolling out the wide range of skill and experience their varied origins offer.

Avoiding having the Champion be a Warrior ensure that even those with non combat focus (like Master Miners, Engineers, Priests or Lawyer equivalent) could still have a chance at being in the lead.
"I'm cutting you off Klausson," Moira says imperiously from atop the Temple's steps.

You and Karstah pause where you stand, staring up at her in confusion.

"Too many toys damn you, we haven't even cleared the backlog from last time and none of our sister temples are willing to take more. By Grungni you're making more than before somehow, just how you managed that I refuse to even entertain the idea of trying to figure out, but the point stands. Find other folks to deliver those to, now shoo! Off with the two of you," she says, menacingly wagging that pan at you specifically.
Apparently Snorri makes toys at a significantly faster rate than the Northern Holds combined makes new dwarves.

Wonder if this remains true if you count all of the Karaz Ankor...
Hey folks, what do you think about this for the commander of the hearthguard?

[ ] [Commander Name]: Name the position of Commander for The Hearth Guard, or more accurately for Rudil, because the boy has found himself taking on many of the duties the position entails more by accident than any real desire for it.
- [ ] Write-in: Ember Warden
The one n charge of preventing the very heart of fire - embers - from going out