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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Adamant is such rare and difficult to make resource that i doubt we can buy it. Every runelord is gonna save their share for their own stuff
Well, yeah i know, thats why i mentioned the only body of runelords we have an in with that is capable of making the material. But i don't remember any quotes regarding it (because the thread is huge), so i am asking if anyone remembers any deetz on it? I am all for waiting and stuff, but 21 turns just to have the materials to make the thing is a bit too much even for me. And i refuse to settle for less. This could be our next grand mythical project.

I mean obviously we have a lot of work even aside from that, so its not like we would be idle for that time, but 21 turns of not making anything from Adamant just to save it is kinda bad.
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Well, yeah i know, thats why i mentioned the only body of runelords we have an in with that is capable of making the material. But i don't remember any quotes regarding it (because the thread is huge), so i am asking if anyone remembers any deetz on it? I am all for waiting and stuff, but 21 turns just to have the materials to make the thing is a bit too much even for me. And i refuse to settle for less. This could be our next grand mythical project.

I mean obviously we have a lot of work even aside from that, so its not like we would be idle for that time, but 21 turns of not making anything from Adamant just to save it is kinda bad.
Given that production of Adamant is gated by limited supply of Voidstones and Rule of pride, i do not think anyone would sell it to us. Especially with snorri having not that high standing with brotherhood and individual members.
Given that production of Adamant is gated by limited supply of Voidstones and Rule of pride, i do not think anyone would sell it to us. Especially with snorri having not that high standing with brotherhood and individual members.
It's not gated by Voidstone through the brotherhood method. But overall IIRC Soul hasn't really said either way whether we could get it.
Given that production of Adamant is gated by limited supply of Voidstones and Rule of pride, i do not think anyone would sell it to us. Especially with snorri having not that high standing with brotherhood and individual members.
Yeah, why would they Selly
It's not gated by Voidstone through the brotherhood method. But overall IIRC Soul hasn't really said either way whether we could get it.
Runelords spend mountains of gold getting the blood to make it. There's no way they would part with it for mere gold.
I understand the narrative purpose of ancestor worship and that it would be cool but is there a mechanical purpose to the adamant gronti?

The wikis timeline notes the siege of Everpeak as 526 AP (turn 65-ish). The way I remember it deep magic was greatly weakened by then with gronti doing stuff being rare. Unless we solve that problem first we get to use super Grimnir once or twice before he turns into a glorified statue.
I understand the narrative purpose of ancestor worship and that it would be cool but is there a mechanical purpose to the adamant gronti?

The wikis timeline notes the siege of Everpeak as 526 AP (turn 65-ish). The way I remember it deep magic was greatly weakened by then with gronti doing stuff being rare. Unless we solve that problem first we get to use super Grimnir once or twice before he turns into a glorified statue.
Yes, achievements, Favour, publicity, and help on major engagements which are not so uncommon as you think over the course of thousands of years.
Not if we assign it to the Hearthguard.

And anyways, nothing is confirmed about the far future. Speculating about what we can do in regards to events in modern times is as futile as speculating about how to avert the Time of Endings.
I'm not longer fond of the adamant gronti idea, tbh. Seems like a vanity project now that the heart is being used for our armor.

I'd rather give some of that stockpile to our old apprentices, to see what they make of it.
I'm not longer fond of the adamant gronti idea, tbh. Seems like a vanity project now that the heart is being used for our armor.

I'd rather give some of that stockpile to our old apprentices, to see what they make of it.
One could argue the same for any project, really.

Regardless I would like to do something with all the Construct knowledge we've accumulated, and the argument that it won't be used is simply false.

Especially because Gronti are just so damn cool.
I'm not longer fond of the adamant gronti idea, tbh. Seems like a vanity project now that the heart is being used for our armor.

I'd rather give some of that stockpile to our old apprentices, to see what they make of it.
Personally if we can get enough adamant I'd like to create a second 20 dwarf retinue which is combat focused armed and armoured with master runed adamant.

One could argue the same for any project, really.

Regardless I would like to do something with all the Construct knowledge we've accumulated, and the argument that it won't be used is simply false.

Especially because Gronti are just so damn cool.
Something that takes advantage of the non-dwarven body shape ability like a gronti dragon would be pretty cool. Also it would be interesting to try combining that ability with the ability to use it on armour to make a suit with extra arms.
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Well if we're talking about Snorri's loadout again I would like to say that I still really like a MValaya, Sanctuary, Stone Cloak.

It covers the anti-Magic need and in a way that is very powerful for Snorri in particular as MValaya and Sanctuary both increase the power of a dwarfs natural anti-Magic aura and the Rune of Stone could easily be called the Rune of Dawi so that should really add to the effect of amplifying a natural in-born Dwarven trait. The Brana call Snorri He Who Stills the Winds for a reason.

With The Winds Denied having been buffed yet again to a flat -35 to enemy magic I really think this cloak just fits on a functional level.

On a less totally functional level I think this combo lines up nice with fitting into the set combo which depicts the Living Earth and the Dwarfs connection to it. Barak Azamar is the Mountain, Zharrgal is the natural process of creation and destruction, and The Cloak is the Karak within the Mountian that has been carved out (destroyed) and built (created) within its depths.

I also thought up it's appearance;
Has a collar/torque of Adamant that is fitted to both around Barak Azamars gorget and atop Snorri shoulders out of armor. On the top side of the collar, almost like a ring of spikes, are depictions in miniature of the Great Karaks and the mountains they are built within.

Beginning on the left end with Zorn as the southern most and oldest Karak, under which is engraved the Rune of Stone, and going counter clockwise working its way north along the Worlds Edge Mountains ending on the right end with Dum as it was before the Incursion with the Rune of Sanctuary below it.

Writ large on the Cloak itself is the Master Rune of Valaya surrounded by the symbols of the Karaks in the same order and pattern as the collar with depictions of their individual foundings coming from the symbols toward the edge of the cloak.
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... Siege of Everpeak?

Timeline of the Warhammer World

"In the moments before the Beginning, there was no Time, no Matter, and no Dimension, only the Endless Potential for these things--for in the absence of absolutely everything, absolutely anything becomes possible. And so it was that this Endless Potential realised its own existence, thus...

first entry of fourth millenium before IC

Yes, achievements, Favour, publicity, and help on major engagements which are not so uncommon as you think over the course of thousands of years.
Not if we assign it to the Hearthguard.

And anyways, nothing is confirmed about the far future. Speculating about what we can do in regards to events in modern times is as futile as speculating about how to avert the Time of Endings.

If the gronti works longterm it would obviously be very useful.
The problem is that we would start building around turn 50 and take up to 5 turns to finish (if we go for maximum overflow), that means it only works for a couple of turns before deep magic has weakened too much for it to move.
This isn't far future or endtimes stuff but something that starts happening pretty soon, might actually have started already.

Edit: wrong link
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Timeline of the Warhammer World

"In the moments before the Beginning, there was no Time, no Matter, and no Dimension, only the Endless Potential for these things--for in the absence of absolutely everything, absolutely anything becomes possible. And so it was that this Endless Potential realised its own existence, thus...

first entry of fourth millenium before IC

If the gronti works longterm it would obviously be very useful.
The problem is that we would start building around turn 50 and take up to 5 turns to finish (if we go for maximum overflow), that means it only works for a couple of turns before deep magic has weakened too much for it to move.
This isn't far future or endtimes stuff but something that starts happening pretty soon, might actually have started already.

Edit: wrong link
There has been no indication of it whatsoever, and a lot of that might be due to lost knowledge/contradictory canon. There has been no sign, so I'm not worried about it. Snorri is educated enough to notice.
I'm not longer fond of the adamant gronti idea, tbh. Seems like a vanity project now that the heart is being used for our armor.

I understand the narrative purpose of ancestor worship and that it would be cool but is there a mechanical purpose to the adamant gronti?
Its a huge prestige project that will shit from on high on any enemy short of greater daemon with ludicrious ease. And most likely on greater daemon too, because Adamant is utterly impervious to magic and straight up indestructible by all but the most esoteric means. I am fairly sure that thing could take on Kholek Suneater and quite possibly win.

While the deep magic that makes gronti move does disappear in canon around the time of woes, that assumes our knowledge of Deep Magic never advances in more than two millenia. Which is kind of like, why even assume that? Even if it did do as in canon, and we made it like 5 centuries from now (50 turns), we would still get 150 turns of use out of it, and mad rep.

Ultimately its a big ass, nigh indestructible collosi of pure awesome that can duke it out with the scariest things that roam the world and have a very decent chance of coming out on top. I don't say we have to make it now, but assuming its value is temporary, or not that great is like, a fallacy. Its just as useful as any other project we could take on. I just personally find it awesome. The entire point of the quest is to make really cool stuff.

Also, there is the Kholek Suneater brain, and i think it might help draw the power from electricity the way dragon-ogre shoggoths do. So you just ram some Drondrils on it and boom. Powerpack. This is pure conjencture, but hey, the chance is there.

The problem is that we would start building around turn 50 and take up to 5 turns to finish (if we go for maximum overflow), that means it only works for a couple of turns before deep magic has weakened too much for it to move.
The wiki which you quote explicitly notes that the Deep Magic starts disappearing around the War of Vengeance. (In the Gronti-Duraz/Rune Golem entry) So its not couple of turns, its more than 7 times the current quest lenght before we even get to the ballpark of time when War of Vengeance begins. We are currently 230 A.P. which is about -4300. War of Vengeance begins in -2000. That is 230 turns actually, more accurate than my estimate in the above blurb.
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Bloodthirster sized adamant gronti armor with rune of ties and brotherhood. Powered by BA. Snorri now has a mecha slash power armor to wear.
So in terms of weapons, I think Snorri could do with an axe dedicated to killing single targets. The idea I had was an Axe that uses the following runes to be a lightning focused axe.
- Master Rune of Currents (the Suneater's Brain)
- Rune of Lightning (Dronril (thunder gem))
- Rune of Cleaving (Stonehorn's horns)

The Suneater's Brain should be better than a griffon's brain, and further improve the lightning qualities of the Axe. I am assuming that Dronrils will be a Rune ingredient, and thus help the Rune of Lightning, and I put Stonehorn horns on the Rune of Cleaving because the Master Rune of Smiting uses the horns, and I figure Smiting and Cleaving are related.
So in terms of weapons, I think Snorri could do with an axe dedicated to killing single targets. The idea I had was an Axe that uses the following runes to be a lightning focused axe.
- Master Rune of Currents (the Suneater's Brain)
- Rune of Lightning (Dronril (thunder gem))
- Rune of Cleaving (Stonehorn's horns)

The Suneater's Brain should be better than a griffon's brain, and further improve the lightning qualities of the Axe. I am assuming that Dronrils will be a Rune ingredient, and thus help the Rune of Lightning, and I put Stonehorn horns on the Rune of Cleaving because the Master Rune of Smiting uses the horns, and I figure Smiting and Cleaving are related.
Dubious of this, after the Heart wars soulcake said that future T5 ingredients would be more limited in the scope of what they can do.
Griffons are associated with speed and Dragon ogres aren't really so using Kholeks brain seems like a misuse here.
And ontop of that, Currents has no effects that are related to the wind or lightning so there is more wasted potential.

Also we have Dragon Ogre Shaggoth bits that are probably both more potent than the Dronrils and don't require additional research to learn.

I don't really see a line of reasoning for a item set combo.
I still really like those two ideas from a while ago. An axe with a rune of fate and a banner with a condensed glittering beacon combo. I honestly believe those two ideas are the best ones proposed for Snorri's own equipment.
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