Not to weigh in overly much, but a Harpoon isn't out of the realm of possibility to Engineers. After all, what is a Harpoon but a Barbed Bolt with a high tensile string attached?
If someone made say, an omake, about your engineers being totally radical kick flippers that was really honking good well...
Does this count?
Thanks for the help and continuity checking soulcake, any further errors are my own.
Balik Khazadsson. Hearthguard candidate.
Attached to an Expenses note for two kegs of Bryggeroot's Best, forty-seven stouts, thirteen ales and one mug of something from an unlabelled keg kept behind the secret door in the market taverns third cellar.
…Accounting for the variation in the number of drinks consumed, and what precisely those drinks contained, the response to asking after Balik Khazadsson was surprisingly consistent.
Positive answers included: "An excellent dwarf to know. Trustworthy, reliable, a natural mediator." "Damn talented." "Catch his attention and by Grimnir, he listens."
Neutral answers: "His ideas are a bit Radical. Why are you asking?" "Lads ideas are a lot radical if you ask me." "Are you two blind? He just copied Masters Fili and Dwain's 137 fishing rod improvements like a Good beardling should. There's nothing Radical about that."
Negative answers. "You have to practically get in his face before he listens. Hmf. Beardling's Just ignores you if you grunt. Or sniff. At least he responds when you frown or raise an eyebrow at him. You think he'd be more attentive considering where he's from." "Before his journeying lad had a bad habit of getting in your face and I mean right in your face. Watched you with the intensity of a hawk. Damn off-putting"
Odd and possibly notable: "Odd lisp he has got. Would have thought the Cult of Valaya had trained that out of him when he was in their care. He's one of those siege orphans you see." "Best work? hmm. Either his masterwork Bolt Hurler. It looks Unfinished, but by Mogrim it works. Or those two Toys he copied. Masterwork level and him completely untrained. Master Killi wouldn't shut up about it for months."
Balik Khazadsson first came to the attention of the Guild of Engineers in Kraka Drakk somewhere around the tender age of 25. Two younger dwarves from the foundling halls had argued over one of Master Snorri's toy bolt launchers. Balik offered to mediate at first, then to take the toy himself and replace it with a new one each. The children agreed.
He managed to do so with no formal training and demonstrated a fantastic touch with both siege weapons and replicating a masters work. That act impressed Master Kili, the Engineer who caught him doing it. That he had borrowed said engineers workshop and tools without asking, made a mess and blunted his third favourite number seven chisel, did not. Kili was reported Grumbling into his mug that: "Just because he hadn't been seen in public since he had lost an arm three decades before or used his workshop since was no reason to listen to rumours that he was dead and his workshop free for the taking."
A battered copy of the Writ of Apprenticeship for Balik Khazadsson is examined. The name given as the sponsoring Master Engineer is Kili Frerinson.
Balik quickly proved himself a capable apprentice and gained a reputation of being able to replicate anything put in front of him. By the depths of the frowns the masters displayed at his work, they were likely having an "Its an improvement. Well if you squinted and turned your head but had best be tested for at least another fifty years to be sure. Bah." Moment.
Balik's other major talent was resolving conflicts, mediating disputes and broadly getting dwarves to stop and listen to each other. His favoured method was reported to be "Ask a question that revealed his ignorance and encourage other dwarves to explain in detail. Then Proceed to interrupt with further questions to make the dwarf consider his position".
What Balik was less good at was following advice like "Leave Master Dwain and Fili's Argument about fish alone. Yes, it's annoying that they block the main walkway, but our Grumbling will eventually get to them, and they will settle it."
A typical dwarf in his position, when faced with the dispute between Master Dwain and Fili would have a word with another apprentice, who would have a word with yet another apprentice. This would be discussed over drinks with his friends in a place likely to be overheard by some select other Master Engineers, who would then have a word with a few more Masters. Then both Master Dwain and Master Fili would be taken aside and have it pointed out how silly they were being and to go and get a Longbeard to review both designs.
Balik built his own rod by combining Dwain and Fili's modifications and catching a significantly bigger fish than either. A bit of a radical solution, if left to rumour and never fully acknowledged. A discrete word about an apprentice who outdid both Masters by combining their work would have probably worked, been discrete and more proper than what Balik ended up doing.
Damaged copy of an apprentice Runscribes work. The barely legible text reads "The Fish incident of…" Further text is unreadable.
It too joins the pile.
Taking said rod and fish to the tavern Dwain and Filli where carefully ignoring each other in, dropping both on the bar and loudly proclaiming to the stunned silence how great their improvements worked and could he have some more tips was extreme. It did work killing the dispute between the masters' stone dead. Or that could have been the laughter of every other Dwarf in the tavern at the looks on Dwain and Fillis faces.
The most popular version of the story goes something like this. After the laughter had calmed slightly in the face of Balik's politely puzzled expression, Dwain and Filli pointed out fifteen separate flaws in the rod, commented it was indeed a big fish and then stated confidently that that Dwain had left a Bolt Hurler strung and they had better get on with fixing that. Then both Dwain and Fili walked to the door, with all the dignity of a pair of master engineers out to fix a small oversight. They stepped into the street, checked both ways to make sure no one was looking and dashed out of sight, the memory of the sound of laughter enough to chase them all the way back to their workshops.
Back in their respective workshops, both found themselves thinking similar thoughts about the fish, the rod and the flaws, that each saw. Indeed, there was room for improvement. What else would you expect from a beardling of only fifty years? As for design, there was nothing that couldn't be traced back to either Fili or Dwain or the Guild approved base design. Nor could they argue that it was an inferior rod than either had made alone, even a beardling could see the improvement Balik had made. Filli and Dwain's problem was the resulting rod used ideas from that other fool. Both were masters of their craft, dedicated to the ideal of improving their work, and if that's what a beardling could do what could they do together? That shared thought warred with dwarfish stubbornness and pride, but the first chink in the feud between them had been formed.
Further chinks occurred as their friends and acquaintances seemed to want to discuss fish or fishing rods with a particularly knowing look in their eyes. Dwain and Fili did not. The end result was a significant reduction in the number of trips to taverns or other places where Dwain and Fili's drinking could be interrupted by those Wazzocks. This was accompanied by a significant increase in impromptu lessons and other acts of showing the Beardlings hanging around the Guildhall that the Masters know what they were doing.
This turned into late nights at the Guildhall as they found themselves simultaneously avoiding interactions and wanting another look at the rod that Master Otri had "kindly" borrowed from Balik and hung in the main hall. Their first non-hostile talk in decades was in front of that fishing rod with both of them tentatively deciding that the Beardling had "it" and perhaps a few insights could be gleaned.
This led to actual politeness and then a deliberate collaboration with the only other Dwarf seriously thinking about engineering work, rather than the Wazzocks making jokes about fish. That Wazzock calling himself a master Otri should really work on his whip and pulley design rather than Laugh at Engineers actually working. Dwain's braiding method for the line and Fili's spinner design had been included in the Beardlings rod and were where Otris contributions? Peace was restored to the Guild, Dwain and Fili stopped blocking the corridor with their argument's.
The final part of the story occurs Six months later. Dwain and Fili disappear together for a week to test a rod they had jointly developed and returned with several truly enormous fish. Their prizes displayed, alongside the improved Fishing rod, in the Guildhall just along the corridor where Otri had to walk to reach the Main Hall.
Rumours persist they had settled their differences by some sort of fish-based duel are likely to be false. Fili and Dwain are both masters in good standing of the engineers guild. They would have differences out like rational dwarves. No self-respecting Master would go after another with a freshly caught fish like a Garazi, besides the name of the Ranger that supposedly caught them is not on the rolls of Kraka Drakk.
Copy of Ranger report of an altercation between two dwarves using fish as weapons. On the bottom of the report is Redacted and Not to be Filed. The Chief rangers signature is attached. It is likely the situation was resolved by an elder having a talk to a beardling. A very close look at the lettering suggests it was written by a Runescribe or dwarf with similar skills and not a Ranger. A truly talented Runscribe could perhaps determine that both the original writer and the head Ranger had shared some small entertainment over the situation and the subsequent lecture given.
It joins the pile, and the next item is picked up.
Scrunched To-Do list found in kindling pile. Several items are crossed off as complete. The two most legible read as follows.
134 AP. Order Steel for Dwain Ironarms commission. 17 Bolt tips of pattern 1132 for Bolt thrower 94 ordered—stock sufficient for 14.
Practice lecturing Balik about how that deal with Fili and Dwain could have gone badly wrong. Make sure to remember to grunt in disapproval when mentioning the location chosen for confrontation and lack of privacy instead of laughing or smiling - more practice needed.
Scribbled on back. The lad can spot the smallest grin or frown at a glance across a smokey workshop whenever I demonstrate a Skill. He sat through all of those extra lectures we made him take at the Cult of Valaya with a massive grin on his face like we gave him a reward. How can he still not understand a simple Grunt of disapproval?
Rumours in the Bryggeroot tavern during 156 AP put the blame on Master Engineers Fili and Dwain for Balik's notion that he could just bring any revision he wanted to the senior guild members attention. Standard engineer Guild practice is for intensive testing, building multiple prototypes and collecting a great deal of wealth, influence and favour before approaching a senior guild member. Balik's method, to most of his targets consternation, was of walking into the Guildhall or targets favourite pub, dropping the project on the high table and going "How do I improve this combination of your ideas with the Honourable Master that you don't get along with ideas?"
The extra Lecturing at the Cult of Valaya and the other Master's contributions probably helped mitigate the damage done by Balik's forcing of incompatible masters to interact. He demonstrated a real talent with managing opposing personalities and getting them to work together. There was also a brief productivity boom in that period from the Guild.
A copy of a record of a public meeting Between Thane Otrek Ironarm and the Guildmaster of the Engineers regarding orders completed is added to the pile.
Balik's method did not work every time. In 168 AP Master Dolgi swore in front of the assembled engineers that it didn't matter how much better the tools he and Master Otri could make together, he would not work with Master Otri without a direct Order from Mogrim himself. Minutes from that meeting also record Master Dolgi stating that the reasons for his outburst where personal and he would take offence if Dwarfs, particularly apprentices, stuck their beard into his private business.
Bryggeroot records show Grumbling going on in taverns around Kraka Drakk and presumably in the back rooms of the Guildhall. This correlates with an increase in sales of harder beer and a small stipend for an advanced warning just in case Balik came in. A minor push to have Balik expelled from the Guild for disrespecting his elders and reckless experimentation was quietly shot down.
Beer soaked document, presumably a draft, showing multiple hands and crossing out. It is a document of censure, but the writers seem unsure of the exact charges. The quality of the writing degrades towards the bottom of the document, presumably as the alcohol content of the writers increases.
Many of the harsher wordings are crossed out and gentler substitutes written nearby with a clear intent to replace.
This too is added to the pile
Conjecture as to why Balik was allowed to remain has three main points.
Firstly Balik's ongoing efforts at conflict resolution where far less sloppy, reliant on luck and much better planned than his first while still being entertaining to watch. For all they stated that it wasn't Balik's place to be doing what he did, Dwain and Fili, were both very happy to have the love spread around widely. Guild meeting notes suggest it wasn't an uncommon opinion. Other victims wanted to see Honourable Master so and so receive his comeuppance too.
Secondly, Balik is reported to have had a confused air about himself as if he really didn't understand what he was doing wrong. Further reading reveals Balik listening intently to the lectures he was given and then follow the words exactly while missing half the subtext. Other records indicate he followed the words directly and even the grins, frowns and eyebrow raising. With grunting or other audible cues, he was far more inconsistent about. That he acted like he couldn't hear various different masters was a common complaint.
Finally, Balik was just that much of a prodigy. Scribbled notes into the edges of the Minutes indicate masters where impressed. His latest Bolt Hurler was almost on par with a Jouneydwarf of a half-century. He soaked up the written word mathematical diagrams and even pointed looks in demonstrations halfway across noisy Workshops like a dwarf who hadn't had a beer in nearly a month.
A small pile of Graffitied draft Guild minutes are proffered. The redactions on them indicate recent censorship being added. Again a genuinely talented Runscrible might discern more from the way the minutes are redacted. Indications such that the individual requesting the document was held in such high esteem that the faintest possibility of a guild secret getting out was preferable to disappointing them.
A closer read indicates no guild secret have escaped the Censor.
Still, rumblings continued, and it was eventually agreed that Balik Khazadsson was talented enough to not completely shame Kraka Drakk's Engineer's Guild if he went out and did a few jobs here and there. The hold reclamation in the north was into the second phase with the underway recovered and the holds with survivors reclaimed. There were a lot of heavily armed dwarves around able to offer him assistance if he got into trouble. The work would give some good experience and help show the engineering guilds commitment in sending out their newest prodigy. Besides, it had been ages since anyone in the Guild had been able to have a proper Grumble without it being interrupted by Balik.
Therefore on Morgrim's day in 172 AP, a seventy year old Balik Khazadsson was acknowledged as a journeyman engineer of Kraka Drakk in good standing, given a cart full of new tools and a goat to pull it and sent out into the world to make a name for himself. He was also discreetly informed that the good standing he was currently in would decrease shortly if he didn't go and journey away from them for a bit. Balik took the news with an air of surprise and pleasure that almost covered the hurt in his eye at losing another home.
Further Redacted minutes are added to the pile. A drunken scrawl written in a dwarf's off-hand on one of them records the writer's assessment of Balik Kazadsson mental state after being Elevated to Journeyman status.
Guild copy of Bill of sale from Goat herder Gloin Goatrider for the goat "Young Ornery the fifteenth" to be delivered into the care of Balik Kazadsson, Journey Dwarf apprentice in good standing of the Guild of engineers of Kraka Drakk. Scribble on back in what is suspected to be Master Dolgis hand and then attempted to be erased reads "Serves the beardling right."
Balik Kazadsson's Journeying took him north to the newly recovered Dwarf holds and beyond, and saw him talking to just about every sort of Dwarf. It also resulted in a trail of ruffled beards and frayed plats. Nevertheless, his disruptions would also result in an overall reduction in arguments in the communities he passed through. A small offshoot of a mining clan would have a series of carts upgraded, and two brothers would be talking to each other again for the first time in decades. Unfortunately, the subject, for the next few years at least would be of how the beardling engineer had upset things.
Over there a forestry operation would have the kinks worked out of a timber saw house, and the crane made far safer. The Engineer who made it all possible was politely excluded from the resulting clan celebration.
A group of rangers would commission him to prepare earthworks for the next stage of the reclamation. They would leave with little more than a nod of thanks and the agreed payment as they moved on to the next target.
More redacted guild correspondence is proffered. Copies of a few letters of criticism are added to the pile. Closer reading of these letters indicates they are actually commendations from senior dwarfs.
The real rewards he received from his labours where usually heartfelt thanks discreetly given by perceptive elders and small treasures. On more than one occasion a few loves of the good stonebread or a small keg of the really good ale would be secretly placed in his goat drawn wagon.
From the rangers and other more military inclined dwarfs he usually received lessons in stealth tracking and other things a Journey Dwarf in hostile terrain would find useful. He would work diligently at their lessons and then when mastered to the Senior Dwarfs satisfaction would be hinted at that it was time to depart. Reports again indicate that he would be more receptive to visual cues than audible ones.
Copy of rangers reports dated 181AP. It details, among other things, training given to Balik Kazadsson
These same dwarfs would return to places like Karak Drakk and over a few drinks, tell of their adventures. More than a few engineers stated that Balik hadn't changed a bit after listening to one particularly offended long beard tell the story of his interaction with Balik.
The Rangers Balik had been travelling with were tracking a group of trolls suspected of operating out of a former dwarven mine. Initial scouting had determined the trolls had taken the living quarters and probably eaten the family that had once owned the mine. A direct assault was risky, but there was a collapsed tunnel that could be recovered if enough pit props could be quickly made.
The Journeyman engineer in question had prepared for the assault by assembling an extensive collection of temporary pit props. If Balik had followed Master Otri's already radical design and carefully smoothed and squared timbers, there would have been less grumbling. It would have taken more time put the rangers at risk, but there would have been less grumbling. Balik saved time and increased productivity by precisely cutting the contact surfaces and leaving everything else, bark, leaves and all. What was worse was that he followed up by demonstrating their worth and ease of use in a fast install by propping and securing a partially collapsed mineshaft far ahead of schedule. That the unconventional props allowed the rangers to flank the trolls, had impressed and frustrated the long beard in equal measure.
Master Fili had plied the longbeard with Drink and asked for more details about the props used. A sketch later and Master Fili was crowing to the bar that Balin had proven his design for emergency props worked. This was followed by Master Otri demanding to see the sketch and then declaring Fili blind as it was clearly based on the work done by Master Durin. Then Master Dwain demanded to see the drawing…
By the end of the evening, there were three things every Dwarf there agreed on. The longbeard ranger was a good sort to have kept an eye out for Balik. That Balik was doing ok for himself and not disgracing the Engineer's Guild. And that they would have to come back tomorrow to debate the true origin of Balik's pit prop over another barrel of Folgi's Strange Brew.
Apprentice Runscribes practice work. It seems the apprentice had chosen to sit in the tavern and record stories told by patrons. Additional details scribbled in margins reveal more information about the night in question. Notably, no beer stains are on the documents that record the stories of the Elders.
It too is added to the pile.
Similar stories tricked back to Karak Drakk over the Decades. Many grumbles were heard in 177 AP on the vague topic of Spears for Hunting should not be cut down and mounted on a miniature bolt thrower with a rope attached to allow for more effective retrieval. No matter how effective it was for fishing without getting wet, at least once the sights had been adjusted with Master Snorri "Silvereye's" Refractive sight.
In 182 AP, an argument about the proper use of harpoon launchers to assemble a temporary rope bridge across a flooding canyon ended with several engineers temporarily banned from the central market Bryggeroot tavern. Fili and Dwain had both built slightly different scale models of the scenario. Fili's demonstrated that the risky method reported to the Guild that Balik had employed was safer than it looked. Dwain's made it seem much more dangerous. It is worth noting that neither had been to that part of the north and the critical point to the debate was the exact braiding method that Balik used to create the rope.
In 186 AP, the answer to the braiding method Balik used was proven definitively. Balik captured an exceptionally large troll by striking it with a harpoon and winching it up, resulting in the Troll being suspended in mid-air and unable to move. As far as the gossips at the engineers guild were concerned, the cord suspending the live Troll was the most exciting part. The caravan saved by Balik had managing to transport the live Troll back to Kraka Drakk or that the Giftgiver himself wanted the Troll for something was secondary distractions at best. Fili was vindicated and wouldn't shut up about it for nearly a month. Then Otri started to make fairly unsubtle comments about Fishing rods.
In 188 AP news Boggri Groundbreaker had encountered and commissioned Balik to fortify a section of remote farmland that were rumoured to hold some fascinating plants reached the Kraka Drakk Enginers Guild. Much celebration was had at the Market tavern later in the year. Balik had gotten only a lesser frown from the Living Ancestor for his work, and Dwain and Fili were finally allowed back into the tavern instead of having to stand outside to drink.
A collection of redacted minutes and steadily improving Apprentice Runescribes work are added to the pile.
In 189 AP Balik met Morgrim himself out Journeying in the wilds, not unheard of but not exactly common either. Balik had been commissioned to assist a clan of miners fortifying a chokepoint leading to a northern pass. They were working on plans directed by a more senior engineer. They were making a start with the basics before the Engineer arrived.
From descriptions of the event, the more senior Engineer did arrive, started directing a series of minor changes to Balik's work and then was immediately countermanded by a suddenly Appearing Morgrim and Those of Grimnirs Throng that had remained with Morgrim. So the story goes Morgrim drew a few figures onto the plans added a few lines and Grunted and every Dwarf but Balik flew into action. Balik looked at the notes in question and then dared to ask Mogrim to further explain himself.
Morgrim looked at Balik for a moment and then gestured to the notes and the maths again while grunting in such disapproval that his entire beard shook. Rather than being put off, Balik smiled and thanked the Ancestor before running off to do Mogrims will. The whole day, whenever Morgrim had something to impart that involved Balik, that deep beard shaking grunt would return. Balik or so the story goes worked like a Dwarf possessed with the most enormous smile despite the apparent disapproval of the Ancestor. The storytellers agree that he must have redeemed himself as Balik had two ear devices of Mogrims design snuck into his cart the night the Throng left. The story concludes with Balik finally started listening to Proper Dwarfish hints from that day forward. The other thing the storytellers note is that Balik never takes the devices off.
The apprentice Runescribes work is much easier to read in this record of Tavern gossip. The redacted guild minutes quality remains the same.
In 190 AP the office holding letters for journeying dwarfs out and away from the hold had to start a second box to contain the correspondence awaiting Balik's return. Nothing in the box was deemed urgent enough to hire a Branna to find Balik and get him back immediately. The final letter placed in the box was from a set of brothers apologising for rudeness years ago. They also want on to ask about the viability of a winch system to go with some carts he had built.
Copy of receipt of Collection for Box of mail with items inside summarised
In 191 AP A truly ancient dwarf clad in exquisitely crafted armour designed for movement introduced himself as Nain the Fleetfoot to the Message collection apprentice on duty to the Kraka Drakk Engineers. He went on to say he currently held the honour of being Mogrims Messenger and would not claim any other titles or awards while in service to his lord. He went on to indicate he had delivered and collected several messages for Mogrim while in Kraka Drakk and had a piece of private correspondence to be given to a MASTER Balik Kazadsson when he next came past the Guild. And with that exchange, he left the stunned apprentice clutching the letter.
Much debate and Drinking ensued in the Guildhall. It was eventually agreed that a message would be sent to remind Balik of dates. It would be quite embarrassing for an acknowledged Master to not to arrive for his one year post mastery celebration because he had forgotten. Oh and add that he needed to pick up his mail and update some paperwork while he was here.
The redacted guild meeting minutes alternate between hysterical and beer-stained. At the start of the month. Steadily older precedents are being cited. Towards the end of the month, the calm hand has returned. Something has been decided. A lot of attention has been given to the words of a dwarf newly arrived from Kraka Zorn, and a truly ancient document has been copied and reviewed.
Balik Kazadsson was practically ambushed by Master Engineers Fili and Dwain outside Karak Drakk in early spring. Balik was presented with several sheets of paper documenting his bolt launcher and informed that his masterwork had, of course, been accepted. Still, the documentation had been damaged since by a bearding or a large rat or something. The issue right now was for his one-year anniversary feast to go properly, the documentation needed to be settled and, as it was happening tonight and they needed a copy to show the Guildhall immediately.
The masterwork displayed in the Guildhall was not truly a fraud, Dwain had argued. All the components of the masterpiece were things that Balik had worked on and sent back or left behind. He had just helped it along a little with assembly.
That said Dwain was pleased to remove the somewhat questionable device. Balik had been building his own masterwork piece and had brought almost all the parts. Swapping two sieges weapons six dwarves high in a room being set up for a feast without being noticed was infinitely more comfortable than deliberately misleading dwarfs. Just, couldn't the new Master have avoided drilling all these extra holes in it. What did a bolt thrower need an additional winch for and why did the cable need to play out just here. Balik wasn't still messing around with that fishing harpoon idea, was he?
This draft of the overheard conversation by the Apprentice Runescribe is the last. The writing shows agitation over the subject matter.
Faint ink on the back of the draft suggests this document was placed in a stack holding a disciplinary meeting regarding Eavesdropping and guild secrets.
It is moved to the side in favour of the next document.
Discarded initial copy of Balik Kazadsson's mastery Document. The text is standard, but the names of the assessing Master and the description of the mastery piece are missing. The date is left blank Ancestor Morgrims name is entered both as a witness and as the Master declaring a peer and then attempted to be removed. Nain Fleetfoot's name is the only one entered into the text correctly. He is marked as a witness. This document is signed as accepted by the Guild Master.
Hours later a stunned Balik was nursing a mug of beer in a discrete corner of the hall as Master Otri explained the situation to him as a bearding known for keeping his mouth shut was taking notes to backdate records and get the paperwork sorted properly. Of course, Balik was a master now. The alternative was to tell Ancestor Mogrim that he made a mistake addressing a letter. Besides if there was one who was qualified to declare Balik a Master it was Mogrim himself. All this was just sorting out the paperwork. Dwain and Fili had volunteered to educate him on the master level secrets of the Kraka Drakk Guild, and that shouldn't take more than a year. Oh and here was his held correspondence and here was an unopened message from Mogrim himself. Better read that right away, good lad.
To the Guilds surprise, it was not a letter from Mogrim. It was merely from one of Grimnirs Companions Balik had talked to about their duties as part of Morgrim's Throng. It offered some interesting insights and advice nevertheless. It also urged Balik to go back to the Guild and mend bridges, hinting that things will make more sense when he got there.
There was another flurry of activity in the Guild as documents were hurriedly changed. That night Balik Kazadsson was formally presented with his Mastery Certification. The ink was still drying during the presentation.
The original item of correspondence between Nain Fleetfoot and Balik Kazadsson. The envelope is surprisingly of higher quality than the letter it contains. When the envelope is folded out, it revels writing in the unmistakable hand of the Ancestor concealed within. Two runes carry a message : Impress Me.
Balik's return to the Kraka Drakk Guildhall was met with a lot more smoothness than had been expected. Baiik finally seemed to get those social hints hidden in the Grunts that the masters had tried to give him before and now was declared much more tolerable.
His deft touch sorting out dwarves had sharpened as well, somehow getting master Kili to have a civil conversation with his brother, Master Fili. This feat had not happened since Kili lost his arm to a dragon ogre back in the siege saving Fili's life. Of course part of that was the Gift Giver replacing the lost arm and Balik's undisguised fascination with the Giftgiver's work giving Balik plenty of time to work on the stubborn dwarf. Hadn't there been a challenge for the Engineer's Guild to match the Runesmiths work? Balik might be thinking of taking the challenge up and leaving this silly harpoon idea behind what with the number of times he was seen examining one of the prosthetics. Balik was still conversing with Nain Fleetfoot and seemed a bit restless in the Guild.
The Dwarf giving the report Takes a sip of beer to wet his throat as the Giftgiver examines the last few documents.
The last of the redacted and graffitied Meeting minutes join the pile,
Two documents remain. A schematic of Ancestor Mogrims work, the ones that Balik wore are examined. It is carefully redacted to conceal guild secrets but still making it clear the purpose of the device was to assist a dwarf with hearing limitations.
The second was an application for Balik Kazadsson Master Engineer to join the Hearthguard of Snoori Klausson, the Gift Giver.
Snorri Klaussion, The Giftgiver sits contemplating both. It is not the first time he has looked these documents over or heard the story of the young Dwarfs exploits but the final check to be SURE. After a moment, he nods, satisfied and announces his decision.