Pile 'o corpses?

Why does it matter if she leaves?

If we woke up somebody from Fukushima and talked to them we wouldn't have to deal with their friends showing up to look for them.
We want her around to spell out the offer for her to take back to her group.

Except that we can't do that if we don't wake anyone, and need to talk down Sendai first since they're the bigger issue here.

Hey, no. Stop that. Our powers don't do that. Stop acting like they do.
Grief hasn't been repeatedly suggested to ping as Bad News? Really?
Except that we can't do that if we don't wake anyone, and need to talk down Sendai first since they're the bigger issue here.
They are all down other than Sakura, and we have their soul gems. We are pretty much in a de-facto ceasefire right now. Holding the negotiations now and holding it two hours later won't make much of a difference.
If you guys don't want to cart around the bodies, we could just leave them at a secluded spot, then ask Yuko (invisibility girl) to guard them until we can back to them.
Sakura is a problem there.

Also, the Sakura wording in the cannon proposal is clumsy and needlessly provocative while still managing to avoid asking relevant questions.
Shouldn't we first tell Chouko why we feel it would be useless to talk to Akiko and try to settle anyrthing right now?
If we tell her that Akiko has completely lost it, she may be more agreeable when it comes to reviving somebody else for negotiations later or sorting things out with Sakura.
Our best bet is to patch things up then get ALL the megucas on clean-up duty. Not to blindly flail around while we put off the root of the problem.
'Patching things up' will require considerable time, and may not yield favorable results; making a timely response is much more important than making one involving a large number of superfluous powers and people we don't trust.
Can if y' want to be. :V
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How come noone has wriiten a sabrina meets rochelle omake yet? That would be hilarious. Just imagine the science... well sabrina would want to dissect rochelle, whos likely perfectly happy to let her (heals, after all), they could discusss their different powers over greif and accomplishments with it, and everyone else would be horrified as their insanity and their respective saviourcomplexes only feed each other. Also what would mami say about kyoko dating a witch.
We already have several options available to deter Sakura from winning herself a Darwin award.
  • We have her gem
  • We have her friends' gems
  • We (are about to) have Rin
  • We have her gem
  • Either Kirika remains with her claws on her neck
  • Or constantly pulse AM on her
  • Or have Haru encase her in a thorny, yet fashionable, straight jacket made of plants
  • We have her gem
  • We can also confiscate any grief seeds she has to severely limit her range
  • We can put some sharp, solid grief latched on her nerve clusters (ex. back of neck, inside of arm, knee, etc) to inflict pain
  • We have her bloody soul gem
"Heeeeeey," Kirika chirps at you, turning to direct a grin at you. "You and your oujo decided what to do with Miss Wild Casey here?"

"Wild Casey?" you say blankly. "Sakura?"

She stares at you with her uncovered eye. "You never played Pokémon?"

"Poké... ohhh, gotcha, Abra," you say. "The English version has a different name for it."

*Looks up Abra in bulbapedia*

Sabrina's Abra

If Sabrina ever fights alongside Sakura again, I vote for making a pokemon reference: "Casey, I choose you!"
Come on, cut Sakura some slack, she isn't stupid.
She already tried to talk Kuvira down. She knows they have lost.
I doubt she'll try anything. She's outnumbered seven to one and we have her gem.

She was on the verge of telling us something about Kato before that whole mess started.
With some patience we should be able to get the story out of her.

We should also answer Chouko's question about Akiko by telling her that Akiko is crazy right now and ask her what exactly she means by settling Akiko.
"Hmm," Chouko says, frowning slightly. "That's... your perogative," she allows slowly. "Can we... settle Hamasaki first?"
[X] We're afraid Akiko will have to wait for last. She was literally shrieking mad just now; we had to disconnect her. Once she wakes up and finds out that, she's gonna get even madder and more incoherent. There's also people who might be dying out there who need our help.
[X] Ask Rin if she's OK and if she can come over, or tell us where she is so we can get her. There's a lot of injured people in the streets because of the fight, and we would really appreciate her help.
[X] Ask Mami if she can do something about the rain.
[X] Warn everybody and cleanse all gems.
[X] Ask of everybody that we prioritize and heal only critical injuries for us magical girls for now, we then should go help find and rescue any injured civilians we can before taking care of our own issues.
-[X] Ask Ueda if she could help out. Ask her if she has plans to return home. If she can't get back in a timely manner, reassure her that in the case we need to detain Sakura for long, we can personally bring her back home in a matter of minutes. (Telepathy Mami to ask if she thinks we can get her there that quickly, first. Reminder her of our trip between Ishinomaki and Sendai if she needs it.)
-[X] After this point, as soon as Rin arrives, get going. If Rin can't come over herself but told her where we can pick her up, get going also. Pick up Rin.
-[X] Remake the grief transport, get everybody who can't fly inside. Get the bodies inside, too.
-[X] Remember to pick up the rest of the disconnected MGs.
[X] Try and talk with Sakura about Akiko's issues. Even after all this we still want to help them as long as they stop their extortion racket and other such business.
-[X] If Sakura is reluctant to talk about Akiko, let her know that by what we've seen, Akiko really, really needs help.

I think that's a stopping point.

EDIT: EDIT: EDIT: EDIT: Changes have been made.
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We should also answer Chouko's question about Akiko by telling her that Akiko is crazy right now and ask her what exactly she means by settling Akiko.
Well, we aren't negotiating with Akiko right now because it's not time sensitive, while stopping people from dying is. Akiko being crazy is, well, true, but it's not really the reason why we are putting this off till later. I think it's mentioned in the vote.
-[x] If the issue is brought up, point out dealing with Akiko and the others can wait until after we're certain people aren't dying.