[x] Ask Rin to come to us, if she can, to heal the wounded (if not, ask her where she is and go get her).
- [x] Don't push the issue if she seems reluctant
[x]Can Mami set up a ribbon awning?
[x] Cleanse gems. Everyone's. Give a warning.
[x] Talk to Sakura while this is happening.
-[x] "So, feel like talking now?"
-[x] Ask for more information about the Kato issue, and anything else that may shed light on how she's been acting. Restate commitment to a mutually beneficial arrangement if she seems reluctant.
[x] Once Rin arrives:
- [x] Consult with everyone: We want to retrieve the bodies of the fallen, and we want to help stabilize the wounded.
- [x] If the issue is brought up, point out dealing with Akiko and the other can wait until after we're certain people aren't dying.
- [x] Point: Chouko's and your powers can be used to cover ground quickly, Mami's, Haru's and Rei's powers will be useful for extracting wounded.
- [x] Focus mainly on the highway. Don't bother trying to rescue everyone, just make sure EMS can get to them and stabilize the critical cases.
- [x] Go ahead an execute once we've got a proper plan
I think we should focus on damage control before dealing with Sendai. The Sendai girls aren't going anywhere, while people may be dying right now and creating new contract bait.