What would we even do with that information though? Say we discover a family and a name, the whole shebang. What then? It doesn't change who we are right now or the things that we need to do if we're to save our friends, city, planet or whatever extent of Good End we're aiming for.

It'd just be a complication, and probably not a fun one.

For all intents and purposes, "Sabrina" was born roughly a week ago. If she was anybody before, they don't exist, and I don't know why we'd want them to. o_O


You kind of missed the point of what I was saying. In fact, you just kind of highlighted the issue.

Anyway, I wasn't saying that you were wrong. For all intents and purposes, it really isn't relevant right now.
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It kind of is. Or at least, it should be. I'm pretty sure that most girls would be angsting about it or having an existential crisis. Not having a past or any memories would normally be kind of a big deal for most people. Meanwhile, Sabrina has barely cared recently, aside from the one or two idle comments. Even before the theory popped up, I don't think it even registered once for her that she might have family or friends out there. Slightly surprised it hasn't been brought up by the others in-story, but it has been a very busy and complicated week.
This has come up before.

The resolution was "Sabrina has a bizarre thought process, we're probably a wish construct or something, and we have no real way to find out"
Kanna Hijiri
Wish: To connect to others without them knowing.
Personality: The most overtly supervillainous of the bunch. Kanna has two plans: kill the Pleiades Saints for revenge, and WORLD DOMINASHUN. She hates everything because she's a clone and not real a bloo bloo bloo, and wants to make a world full of artificial people like herself, believing that Niko created her as a doll. The fact that Niko gave Kanna her original name while changing her own apparently never crossed her mind. Bombastic speeches, pointless sadism, and over-the-top antics are the order of the day with her, but it's nothing a friendship speech can't solve.
Abilities: Her weapons are strings (think Walter from Hellsing), but her powers are the real worry. They basically amount to "anything you can word as a connection." So she can insert herself into people's memories because she's connecting to them. She can control witches because she's connecting her will to them. She can merge witches together into an IKEA Walpurgisnacht because she's connecting witches to each other. She also has all the powers of the other Saints because she's connecting their powers. She can also create Evil Nuts because I give up. She's basically the equivalent of schools that insist that they have a balanced menu because ketchup is a vegetable.
Fashion Sense: Jeff Bridges In Tron Legacy/10.

So basically she is a lesser (and fully villainous) Yukari Yakumo ? Fancy that.
What would we even do with that information though? Say we discover a family and a name, the whole shebang. What then? It doesn't change who we are right now or the things that we need to do if we're to save our friends, city, planet or whatever extent of Good End we're aiming for.

It'd just be a complication, and probably not a fun one.

For all intents and purposes, "Sabrina" was born roughly a week ago. If she was anybody before, they don't exist, and I don't know why we'd want them to. o_O
It isn't relevant right now, but it's best to find out if Sabrina actually has a past before all this happened, lest it smacks us right in the face when we least expect it. We don't need to invest tremendous amount of resources into it or anything, but we should at least make sure that we don't have any living relatives or past life we need to worry about.
Now I'm regretting agreeing to have anything to do with Asunaro. If Firn had declared it non-canon I would have been more than happy. But that science... outweighs the huge risks. Ye gods, if the Saints are still a going concern we're going to have our work cut for us even trying to talk to them. *facepalm* Why did they kidnap MG's passing through again? I feel dumber from just having read this. That would be the high risk high reward scenario since we get the talk directly to science girl. If the Saints have wiped themselves out then things become much safer but correspondingly less rewarding, we talk to the surivors, they won't come to Mitakihara unannounced as some people were saying and we might find something useful, like dead science girl's journal.

Wait, Mami knew Kazusa didn't she? That could lead to some interesting conversations with Kazumi. You think it might be a social link for Mami, getting to know Kazumi again without whatever led to their seperation hanging over the relationship? Only Mami would remember and could view it as a second chance at friendship. Could be good for her mental health. It could be a test run for fixing the Kyouko issue, making Kazumi friendly to Mami would be much easier than Kyouko. I have a feeling Mami will need as much support for resolving that pickle as possible.

Mami: What is it with people I know and amnesia? *sobs*

Oh shit, found a serious problem with NSMS' revised vote.
-[x] Tell her that we're willing to cleanse anyone's soul gems (demonstrate/explain cleansing if necessary), but only if they aren't going to use that magic to assault other Magical Girls or other nefarious purposes.
We are just cleansing soul gems with this line. What are the effects of only cleansing soul gems to outside powers? Its not a natural jump from cleansing gems to cleansing seeds. Sabrina is reduced from a national level player to a regional one. I was originally thinking this would be good but upon further thought it could cause some big problems. If Ueda and Fukushima spreads word of us then this will not create demand for grief seeds like I originally posted, but demand for Sabrina herself.

If you were a random MG in one of the big city groups and heard there was someone who could cleanse gems in her general proximity, then you'd want her in your city. People have been saying many lone wolfs would come to Mitakihara for cleansing, but they haven't considered the effects it would have on the bigger groups. We could be a great unifer of meguca... against us. For example, say word from Ueda passes to the other Tokyo groups, that could get them to unite into a coalition and decide to pay a visit to Mitakihara. They'd politely ask Sabrina to move to Tokyo, offer to pay for transportation and housing out of their own pocket, offer protection from outside threats etc. And if we don't come, well there's fifty meguca here who wouldn't like that. Even we couldn't fight our way out of that, we'd need a Homura massacre but even thats not certain, the more MG's come, the more likely theres a hard counter to her time powers.

I don't see this as a short term threat, but it could easily be a medium term one. We need to defuse this before Oriko sees this in the horizon, prevention is the best cure. If foreign MG's were assured there was some range to Sabrina's abilities aka cleansing grief seeds then we would avoid this. Its a really messy situation, increased demand for seeds or more threat to Mitakihara.

So either vote for NSMS' original vote before the revision or vote for Cannongerbil's vote. In CG's one, the favours we accrue among the many MG groups could be used as a stick to keep people from trying to take Sabrina for themselves. E.G. If the Tokyo girls unite and try to take us, the Osaka and Kyoto girls tell them to back down. If many people are indebted to us, then it will be a deterrent for any coalition (internal or outsiders) to try and take us.
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It isn't relevant right now, but it's best to find out if Sabrina actually has a past before all this happened, lest it smacks us right in the face when we least expect it. We don't need to invest tremendous amount of resources into it or anything, but we should at least make sure that we don't have any living relatives or past life we need to worry about.

Sabrina is actually Walmart Night's pre-witch form.
To be completely fair to Umika, that particular incident happened after her editor basically took her book, rewrote large sections of it (screwing up a major running theme in the process), and refused to get it published under her name (instead crediting it to an idol singer).

But fuck fairness, she's a fourteen-to-fifteen year old girl and the fact that an editor was willing to look her shit over at all is farther than about 99% of aspiring authors get.

Also what exactly is facepalm-worthy about wishing to heal people? Like, if I had absolutely zero inkling my soul was on the line, that doesn't seem like anything except a purely compassionate gesture. She didn't really have any other problems.

Ditto talking to animals. Isn't wishing for a superpower kind of par for the course in...ahem, wish fulfillment? (Also the girl in question recently lost a cat and part of why she was suicidal is because she never really got to establish a real connection to it like she wanted; ALSO she wants to be a vet when she grows up.)

Really I'm fine with all their wishes and the thought processes behind it except Teddy Bear Museum. All the rest are kind of excuseable because we already have the precedent of "dur poor kitty got hit by a car i sad ;_;"

Like Kazumi Magica is by no means a masterpiece but people shit on it more than I think is fair.
Walpurgis is also a constant across timelines so...how does that work? :D

Use the old Homura headcanon. After Sabrina/Homura becomes a witch, she goes back to first timeline and fucks shit up, kicking things off in the first place. Homura's time travelling is on a different 'track' from Wally's arrival, so despite only having made one 'trip', Walpurgis appears in all timelines at that moment, forever.
Walpurgis Night is an event/class of witch isn't it? They constantly talk about it as if it's a class of hurricane. It's named that way because a Walpurgis Night is a witch attack so powerful it requires a team of Magical Girls to defeat, a gathering of 'young witches'.

It's why Homura could never beat it. You simply can't on your own.