Edit: Oh joy I'm top of the page. What a snipe, I can't wait to hear about how cool my thoughts are and how shiny my cauldron hat is/jk

I'd say it doesn't matter. Even if they know what we probably are behavior wise (which I'd remind they'd only have rumors and hearsay, which can't be relied on. We have a front row seat to our behavior, they don't) that just means there's no downside to shooting their shot. If not they'll play to our tune.

[x] Interesting. You mind telling me what you think happened? I'll tell you my perspective after.

To be honest I think this is gonna sink whatever Parro is planning before it even starts, though she'll probably still go with it in the off chance we're just cagey...Though maybe it won't tip her off as much as I'd think because her perspective is a bit warped in relation to our own? As it is there isn't much reason for her not to keep going unless she's about to reveal some shit that'd manage to top what they've done.

Really having thought of it, I'm not at all pleased with Iowa group, but really I'm not too pissed either. They're bandits in a world where the only loot that will keep you going is corpses and the labor of others. and the Incubator system promotes that at every turn. The alternatives is human sacrifice of people who aren't likely to die in the next year, or basically waiting until the Incubator decides your too big for your britches and holds off on contracting girls in your area until you have to fight other girls/ familiar farm/die/witch. Magical girls are already exhausting to fight, and so recouping the costs just makes sense (just a kind of sense that requires you to have a cold heart, or make said heart cold to manage).

It's a violent and excluding solution to the problems magical girls have faced, but the other pre-Sabrina alternatives weren't much better, either due to being similarly disgusting or not being nearly as reliable. That they didn't come to us when word got around we may be real is unfortunate, though also I'm sure they've heard of many such rumors going around for a while before it came out they were a trap, so I can't even really ding them for it. Ultimately this has all been discussed before, but I think unless they demonstrate some broke brained desire to continue when there is no indication it is necessary or even recommended for survival I think a relatively fast path to freedom on confirmation of their ability to abide by the rules is the path I'd recommend if whoever we foist the decision off to asks for our opinion. If any of them have powers useful to repairing the damage they've done or to advancing the cause of magical girl society that could also be nice to tap (they can be compensated fairly for their work/have a role in society built in once they're free women).

Unless they did crimes entirely unrelated to getting Grief Seeds from magical girls, in which case they can be tried standard wise unless it's only a crime because it 'hurts' rich people (because I don't really care about them). I'd still say the sentence should be focused on reform though (and with beings that live forever and bullshit magic I'd say there's not much you can't reform).

Just gonna post this rather than chicken out. It's already typed. I'm sure everyone has a million plans for whatever we are/aren't going to do, who's going to do them, and scads of opinions on Iowa (and opinions on my own opinions. At this point I'd like to say I'm used to being told I'm wrong on the internet, but it always feels bad when someone says you don't make any sense or are bad/wrong).
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ok i just got an idea could we make a despair omnitrix with the ten original aliens?
and if so could we use gray matter to build real technologie?
[X] Torgamous

I agree with Nerevar's perspective on Iowa's thought process but still... If they think this has even 1% chance of working they either failed the whole "Intelligence gathering" thing badly or cripplingly stupid. And first is obviously much more likely but weird nonetheless. Did they never bother to learn Sabrina's personality and instead got info on her capabilities only and called it a day?
I can't blame them too much for their intelligence failure. They were explicitly in the middle of gathering intelligence on us when we teleported across the ocean to push their shit in. We chose the time and place of that engagement not them. I would be looking down on them and sneering at their incompetence much more if they were this uninformed at the point they decided to launch their attack.
Edit: Oh joy I'm top of the page. What a snipe, I can't wait to hear about how cool my thoughts are and how shiny my cauldron hat is/jk

I'd say it doesn't matter. Even if they know what we probably are behavior wise (which I'd remind they'd only have rumors and hearsay, which can't be relied on. We have a front row seat to our behavior, they don't) that just means there's no downside to shooting their shot. If not they'll play to our tune.

[x] Interesting. You mind telling me what you think happened? I'll tell you my perspective after.

To be honest I think this is gonna sink whatever Parro is planning before it even starts, though she'll probably still go with it in the off chance we're just cagey...Though maybe it won't tip her off as much as I'd think because her perspective is a bit warped in relation to our own? As it is there isn't much reason for her not to keep going unless she's about to reveal some shit that'd manage to top what they've done.

Really having thought of it, I'm not at all pleased with Iowa group, but really I'm not too pissed either. They're bandits in a world where the only loot that will keep you going is corpses and the labor of others. and the Incubator system promotes that at every turn. The alternatives is human sacrifice of people who aren't likely to die in the next year, or basically waiting until the Incubator decides your too big for your britches and holds off on contracting girls in your area until you have to fight other girls/ familiar farm/die/witch. Magical girls are already exhausting to fight, and so recouping the costs just makes sense (just a kind of sense that requires you to have a cold heart, or make said heart cold to manage).

It's a violent and excluding solution to the problems magical girls have faced, but the other pre-Sabrina alternatives weren't much better, either due to being similarly disgusting or not being nearly as reliable. That they didn't come to us when word got around we may be real is unfortunate, though also I'm sure they've heard of many such rumors going around for a while before it came out they were a trap, so I can't even really ding them for it. Ultimately this has all been discussed before, but I think unless they demonstrate some broke brained desire to continue when there is no indication it is necessary or even recommended for survival I think a relatively fast path to freedom on confirmation of their ability to abide by the rules is the path I'd recommend if whoever we foist the decision off to asks for our opinion. If any of them have powers useful to repairing the damage they've done or to advancing the cause of magical girl society that could also be nice to tap (they can be compensated fairly for their work/have a role in society built in once they're free women).

Unless they did crimes entirely unrelated to getting Grief Seeds from magical girls, in which case they can be tried standard wise unless it's only a crime because it 'hurts' rich people (because I don't really care about them). I'd still say the sentence should be focused on reform though (and with beings that live forever and bullshit magic I'd say there's not much you can't reform).

Just gonna post this rather than chicken out. It's already typed. I'm sure everyone has a million plans for whatever we are/aren't going to do, who's going to do them, and scads of opinions on Iowa (and opinions on my own opinions. At this point I'd like to say I'm used to being told I'm wrong on the internet, but it always feels bad when someone says you don't make any sense or are bad/wrong).
Well, you're not wrong.

That has been our policy for a while. Constellation has within its ranks former slavers, out best friend has repeatedly killed people in cold blood, our best buddy burned down the house of another friend with her family inside, and the relationship we're trying to reconcile between our girlfriend and the one we just picked up some nice shampoo for was broken up partially over a disagreement about murdering random innocent people in order to facilitate second hand cannibalism.

We've generally preferred a policy of "go forth and sin no more" in response to even extreme responses to Kyubey's system, because Kyubey's system is sufficiently horrible that you cannot accurately judge what someone would be like absent the pressure of that system. And as we are destroying that system and aleviating those pressures, we rightly expect a lot of the crimes and cruelty to stop on their own.

If Iowa are willing to get with the program, I'm fine letting them do so. I just doubt they're going to get with the program based on what we saw the other day and what we've heard about their activities elsewhere. I'd like to be wrong in that assessment, but so far nothing is pointing in that direction and Parro continuing to play stupid games is not helping her case at the very least.
She probably did figure that out, given that they cut off the spell and started arguing with each other as soon as Mami got a lock on them. I think she changed her mind when she realized that we actually cared about the Myanmar girls because she just can't wrap her head around the idea that someone as obviously powerful as Sabrina, who doesn't act like some wet-behind-the-ears rookie, would actually give a damn about people she'd never even met before. And to be fair, meguca life is rough enough that it's an easy conclusion to jump to even if you aren't a horrible person. Look at what Homura said to Madoka in canon: "A person becomes naive if they're too kind. Careless if they're too bold. And no matter how hard you try to protect others, there's no gratitude. Those who can't comprehend such things aren't fit to be magical girls."
I agree with all this. But I think it's also important that we never really seemed to care about Iowa: Sabrina ignored them, asked what they did to their captives, and went back to ignoring them after they showed that they weren't going to answer. I don't think that was on Iowa's list of "things people will do if they beat us." How could the day Bison graced your village not be the most important day of your life?

Also, we went from finding out the general direction that the rain magic was pointing to performing a pinpoint highly customized anti-Iowa attack plan in zero seconds. The most parsimonious explanations probably lean towards having friends already in the area. This is especially true if they have any vaguely correct-ish theories about how Yuki's power works, because a claimed building in Mandalay sure looks a lot like we had infrastructure there already.
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I'd also say their behavior during the attack seemed often like stuff they'd do to prevent unnecessary fighting against their usual enemies (meguca who, understandably, don't want to have this happen), along with a bit of spite while under the impression they were being 86'ed. It isn't even entirely unreasonable for them to think someone would form a group to finally kill them, especially if the people who did were 'good' (that is, didn't take the comparatively patient outlook we have on these activities). Actually I could even see that forming a misunderstanding. She could think there's some catch to our power even, some dirty work that could/would be unpalatable to our friends that they could get out of jail in exchange for helping us with.

Nerevar's got it right though. If they don't do crazy shit I don't exactly care about relitigation of past issues related to the reality of every girls life after the wish. It's continued unacceptable behavior and crimes bad enough to prosecute years after the fact unrelated to magical girl problems that we care about most.
I don't think Sabrina has to actually see her do it to know weather or not Parro has killed before.

Since we're talking about imprisoning people, and eventually trying them, what can and cannot be actually proven matters. What we know of them is pretty damning, but we don't have much in the way of actual proof, though we could probably subpoena the girls from Myanmar who were being exploited when we dropped in.

In that case, how about asking her to explain her own perspective on what happened that day, in chronological order, and exactly which parts of it she's apologizing for? Could be framed as sympathetic, "getting both sides of the story." Even if not, it's a reasonable enough request that pushing back would look terrible... but the more details she admits to before Sabrina gives any more meaningful reply, the less wiggle-room there is for tailored distortions or omissions.

That is the currently winning vote for a reason.

Really should have debriefed them earlier.

... well, never to late: What Would Columbo Do?

"Just one more thing..."

My biggest problem with extending any trust to these girls is that Parro flat out said they had no intention of stopping their SOP, collecting extra Grief seeds while waiting for us to inevitably fail to change anything. Even a Clear Seed would just mean having time to stockpile more Seeds for when it ran out. Reform, to some extent, has to happen before we can afford to let them out, and there simply isn't that much time available before Wally.
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That's a good argument. I don't think I could see them being cleared anywhere until rather after anyways. Until we can develop several things that ensure no one needs to do this even if we died they could be ultra paranoid about it/it'd be hard for anyone to stop them easily without access to free grief no matter what.
"You know, this wouldn't be a problem if you'd let me get you a smartphone," Mami says, amused as she hooks her arm through yours.

"Bah, phone cameras," you grumble, wrinkling your nose.
Sabrina did let Mami buy her a smartphone. It was the shopping trip that got interrupted by Iowa snooping on us. The tail end of the shopping trip, after we came back from defeating Iowa.
"... also, Mami," you say, making a desperate attempt to divert the topic to something else. Anything else. "Ah... I know I still have that flip phone that you bought for me, but I was thinking that it might be good to update to a smartphone? I... feel like it would be nice to have GPS navigation and Internet access on the go."

"Oh, that's fine," Mami says, smiling and hooking her arm around the crook of your elbow. "But only if you let me buy you the new one too?"

"I can't impose on you like that, Mami," you say.

"It's not an imposition," Mami says. "And besides, given that your phone is still so new, I'm sure we can do a trade-in."

"Ah, true," you say. "Well... if you're sure? And if you let me buy something nice for you in return."

"I don't need anything else as long as I have you," Mami says, smiling and cuddling a little closer to your arm. "But... if that's what it takes, then alright."

A quick stop to pick up something you'd missed the opportunity to, you'd said. Fortunately, the short queues smooth your way, and Mami slides in to pay with an insistent nudge and a sweet smile, just for you, that has your defenses and feeble protests crumbling all but instantly.

The largest amount of time was spent on arguing over which phone to get, of course, but you cut it off early and concede in the interests of time. You've spent so much of your friends' time today, and you need to pay it back somehow - helping with Madoka and Sayaka and Hitomi's homework seems like the least you can do.

Mami tracks your gaze to the plushie, and giggles. Both your hands are full of bags -which you're going to tuck away into hammer space as soon as you're not in sight of so many people- so she bumps your shoulder instead, a smile dancing on her lips.

"Are you sure, Sabrina~?" she asks, voice lilting playfully as she echoes the very same question she'd asked the last time you were here.

"... no, I'm not," you say, not looking away from the plush. It's strangely compelling, for some reason.

"Well, I still wouldn't mind buying it for you," she says. She lowers her voice, a slight blush stealing across her face. "But it might be a bit of a tight fit on the bed."

"Yeah, that's true..." you say.

"But it could sit in the bedroom, anyway," Mami says encouragingly. "And it does look nice."

"... do you really think it's OK?" you say.

"Of course it is," Mami says, her voice strengthening. "We do have more than enough to afford it, even leaving aside the funds you acquired."

"Mm..." you say.

Mami shifts the groceries to one hand, ignoring the way the bags bulge out in excess of what an ordinary schoolgirl should be able to carry on one arm, and gently rests her freed hand on your upper arm.

"What's wrong, Sabrina?" she asks softly.

"Well... aside from a weird feeling of impending doom about the plush, which I think has no actual basis in reality, it feels... weird spending so much money on something like this," you admit. "Which probably isn't rational, but you know."

Mami frowns slightly, her fingers stroking gently against your arm.

"Are you sure about the feeling of impending doom?" she asks.

"... I'm reasonably sure, but do tell me if you spot a particularly fluffy dragon-girl with a scythe?" you say hesitantly. "Or a giant spider? Or if Kirika tries to steal the plush?"
In the very same update Sabrina upgraded her phone, she also saw the brontosaurus again.
You're tempted for some reason by the giant plush brontosaurus -the same one that caught your eye way back then- you see in the window, and you could buy it, but... nah. Maybe next time, when you're not rushing off to help your friends. Besides, something tells you it'd just be trouble, anyway.
And while I'm much less sure of this, I think that was the last time we saw it, and Mami never said she wouldn't mind buying it. That was probably an earlier shopping trip unless I'm just wrong and there was a later trip that I don't remember.

On a related note, as someone who hasn't been keeping up with the full thread for the last few weeks, and doesn't know whatever the hell the dinosaur and the dragon girl is supposed to be referencing, this is a very strange thing to hear. This must be what other people feel like when they listen to Sabrina.
On a related note, as someone who hasn't been keeping up with the full thread for the last few weeks, and doesn't know whatever the hell the dinosaur and the dragon girl is supposed to be referencing, this is a very strange thing to hear. This must be what other people feel like when they listen to Sabrina.

Firnagzen nudged the thread towards picking up the plushie

The dinosaur plush and mention of a dragon girl are references to the Dragon Crossbreed Quest, a Dark Souls and PMMM crossover

The mention of a giant spider and Mami liking tarantulas are references to Witch Quest, whose main character is a spider-shaped Witch named Rochelle

Neither of those have really been discussed lately, it's just Sabrina being weird without our input

That was probably an earlier shopping trip unless I'm just wrong and there was a later trip that I don't remember.

Yep, Mami offered to buy it for Sabrina a very long time ago:

Something catches your eye as you walk past a shop selling plush toys - a gigantic plush toy of a brontosaurus. You pause midstep, giving it a long, considering look. Mami similarly stops, following your eyes to look at the plush toy. Behind you, Sayaka, Homura and Madoka continue for a few steps before noticing the two of you have stopped.

"... nah," you decide at last.

"Are you sure, Sabrina?" Mami asks. "I wouldn't mind buying it for you..."

"Yeah, I'm quite sure," you say. "Just caught my eye, you know? Besides, it'd probably be more trouble than it's worth."

"True," Mami agrees, looking at the bags of clothes you're already carrying. She chuckles a little. "Maybe Homura could put it in her shield?"

"Nah," you say, grinning at her.

"OK," Mami agrees.
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Going off dim memory: Priscilla and co go to a mall, Pris picks up the plushie, then they all meet at the food court for lunch. Pris orders the mega-pepper challenge pizza (she's worried about her budget and if she finishes it's free), and noms it without issue because Scoville is powerless before her lizard-ness. Sayaka didn't get the memo, thinks that it's clearly no big deal if Pris is just sitting there and casually chewing away, and goes for a bite. Her friends do their best to help Sayaka and tell Pris to finish the pizza because they've got this. Pris does so and follows after, but but neglects to ask someone to keep an eye on their stuff for them while stepping away to help comfort Sayaka, and Kirika slides into the opening presented and gets Oriko a really spiffy gift.

Edit: Shame the quest never got to Homura, but I understand why they ended it.
Neither of those have really been discussed lately, it's just Sabrina being weird without our input
Even if the dino plush talk, and specifically me pushing back against the dino because it's an ill omen, didn't qualify as discussing Dragon Crossbreed Quest,
[x] gib dino
-[x] Keep a weather eye out for giant spiders and even more giant half dragons
Shadowhisker crafted this brain damage personally.
So does that mean Oriko also likes giant dinosaur plushies? We could always recommend that to Kirika so she could order one off Schamazon?

Actually are there any Wcdonalds esque businesses here or are they all the real mccoy?
[JK] Well Parró, by the Magical Girl conventions of 2004, any magical girl defeated in combat by a fellow magical girl is automatically BEFIENDED, so I'm glad to see you are now positively inclined towards me. Why, my archenemy who I nearly killed, I now regularly have tea with as one of my closest confidants.
So does that mean Oriko also likes giant dinosaur plushies? We could always recommend that to Kirika so she could order one off Schamazon?

Actually are there any Wcdonalds esque businesses here or are they all the real mccoy?

Pretty sure they're just called the real thing here. I mean there's... uh...

*Furiously flips through note cards*

"Great!" you say, and clear your throat. "Right, right, in that case... I'll get one Miki-Ds Sayaka to go, and can I get fries with that?"

A moment of silence.

Sayaka turns, ever so slowly, to glare at Madoka and Hitomi.

"Who told her?" she demands. "Which of you traitors?"
Earlier this day! There was uh... Mcdonalds? Probably? I mean it's a slang term but I'm pretty sure it means the regular spelling of Mcdonalds. I mean, at least it starts with the letter M?

There's also uhh...

*Continues flipping*

"I do have an email address I try to check every day, at least," Nadia says. "I do have Skype, but it's not something I can regularly access, understand?"

"Yeah, gotcha," you say. "Email will do - oh, mine is sabrina dot vee dot mitakihara at gmail dot com."
Skype! Yea, Skype's there! Regular spelling! Gmail too! Maybe Google?

Hm... Wasn't there also-
"KFC!" Kirika says, perking up.

Oriko smiles at her. "KFC."

You raise an eyebrow. "... KFC?"

Kirika beams at you. "Yes! Three piece chicken meal for me," she says.
KFC! Can't forget that! It's an acronym, but it gets the job done! I'm probably missing like a dozen or so more references, but yep!
This is the first quest to make me ctrl+f "KFC" through 43 pages. :p Why did I do this?
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