She does realize her threats hold no water, right? They're in an extradimensional space courtesy of Yuki and they're antimagicked. Nothing's gonna come of that threat, she must be hoping psychological warfare will work on Sabrina or something.
She does realize her threats hold no water, right? They're in an extradimensional space courtesy of Yuki and they're antimagicked. Nothing's gonna come of that threat, she must be hoping psychological warfare will work on Sabrina or something.
Pretty sure she just doesn't believe that Sabrina could possibly be everything she says and survive long term with her growing meguca state, since her worldview is that everything is terrible and that everything that isn't terrible is doomed.

On a separate note, I really don't see the criticism of Sabrina "revealing information". She's revealing her purpose and her publicly stated aims. People don't have to be her friends to be worth saving.
Mmm. Sabrina made a huge mistake here. Possibly a calculated one, but if so I think she made the wrong choice.

Giving the interrogatee information is careless. You're only conceding the upper hand and potential leverage.

Unless we have a very good reason for showing her our cards here I don't think we can trust ourselves to interrogate someone again.
This wasn't an interrogation. It was a conversation. Lots of normal conversational behavior looks like a mistake if you think it's an interrogation.
Pretty sure she just doesn't believe that Sabrina could possibly be everything she says and survive long term with her growing meguca state, since her worldview is that everything is terrible and that everything that isn't terrible is doomed.
Yeah fair enough. I mean, logically since Sabrina can end resource scarcity there's no reason it shouldn't work, but it makes sense that Parro wouldn't believe that.
Yeah fair enough. I mean, logically since Sabrina can end resource scarcity there's no reason it shouldn't work, but it makes sense that Parro wouldn't believe that.
Yeah, she's a long term ruthless raider who has successfully starved enough people before to have a reputation for it. Some part of her, no doubt, can't believe the world can be better, cus then all the awful shit she did was 100% her choice and she wasn't just "doing what had to be done"
Mmm. Sabrina made a huge mistake here. Possibly a calculated one, but if so I think she made the wrong choice.

Giving the interrogatee information is careless. You're only conceding the upper hand and potential leverage.

Unless we have a very good reason for showing her our cards here I don't think we can trust ourselves to interrogate someone again.
Nothing on whether it was the right thing to do, but to be fair, the vote did say we would tell her our perspective afterwards.
"You tried to kill Ta Kaung Chien out of desperation?" you ask mildly. You remember, of course. Taking hostages as a desperate last ploy, gun to their Gems. Maybe they'd been bluffing.


"Is that her name?" Parró asks. "I'm bad with these foreign names."

Somehow, you doubt it.
Huh. Guns to Soul Gems. Lichbombed.
*Updates non-existent notes*

"The world doesn't work like that for us, girl," she says. "And all I gotta do is wait until things fall apart, until your guard slips, and I'll be out again. And you better watch your back when that day comes."

"If there is one thing we can both agree on, Parro, it would be that if you find yourself in a fair fight, someone has made a mistake. You don't set out to change the world without expecting an uphill struggle.

As for the future, I do hope that one day we'll be able to sit down together and revisit this conversation, and I will be able to find it in me to accept your heartfelt apology."
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"If there is one thing we can both agree on, Parro, it would be that if you find yourself in a fair fight, someone has made a mistake. You don't set out to change the world without expecting an uphill struggle.

As for the future, I do hope that one day we'll be able to sit down together and revisit this conversation, and I will be able to find it in me to accept your heartfelt apology."
Nah, that'd just make her more difficult to eventually swing round- give her a personal reason to not want to change (spiting us).
She's an idiot, she saw that Sabrina is so powerful, is claiming keeping people alive is a bad idea, that being nice is weakness, and that she will backstab the moment she gets a chance.

I swear if Sabrina was the type of person to take her words onboard she'd actually be talking herself into getting killed.
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The stick is... not having free cleansing. It's not that complicated.
Well, that and the fact that we have ridiculously powerful friends who aren't nearly as forgiving as we are. Seriously, if Parró somehow broke out of Yuki's pocket dimension (which is highly unlikely), and somehow managed to kill or capture Sabrina (which is even more unlikely), it would be the last mistake she ever made because Homura does not fuck around when it comes to dealing threats to her loved ones.
Nah, that'd just make her more difficult to eventually swing round- give her a personal reason to not want to change (spiting us).
Yeah, but satisfying to spitball.

Thought occured to me while drafting a line that ultimately got discarded:

"You have any allies who'll answer your call to aid, hm?"

Now, probably she doesn't actually know anyone willing to drop everything and go to Japan to fight someone who could get the drop on and beat the Iowa gang... but she might know someone who'll eventually come looking for a fight.

And we can't exactly prevent her and her friends from QBcommunicating with people they know outside without going into ethically questionable behavior.
She's an idiot, she saw that Sabrina is so powerful, is claiming keeping people alive is a bad idea, that being nice is weakness, and that she will backstab the moment she gets a chance.

I swear if Sabrina was the type of person to take her words onboard she'd actually be talking herself into getting killed.
[Jk] "Whatever you say, Starscream."
She's an idiot, she saw that Sabrina is so powerful, is claiming keeping people alive is a bad idea, that being nice is weakness, and that she will backstab the moment she gets a chance.

I swear if Sabrina was the type of person to take her words onboard she'd actually be talking herself into getting killed.
I don't think she's thinking especially clearly right now; she came into this conversation with a distinct set of expectations, which Sabrina threw right out the window. And now Sabrina's just sitting there across from her, smiling.

[-] "...I don't know why you're trying so hard to sway me to your line of thinking. If I agreed with what you were saying, I'd have no choice but to kill you."

I don't think this is the right answer.

But goddamn am I tempted.
[X] "Your worldview is artificially being upholded by a malicious intelligence. Think about that and your place in the word."
[X] Nah. You don't have to do anything right now. Go talk to Anri.
I'm like 99% sure Yuki said that she can cut off telepathy in areas she controls.
Can confirm.
"And I'm glad for that support," you say. "Speaking of, uh, support, how secure can you make your territory against outside espionage? Including against Kyuubey?"

Yuki frowns, steps slowing as all of the mischief drops off her face, leaving nothing but an intent, calculating look.

"Secure enough that telepathy fails, if need be," she says. "But there's no way to be truly sure if he's simply pretending or not. Why do you ask?"
Actually used the site's search function this time!

...Is there a way to search for a phrase instead of just words?
"Ah, fuck this," she mutters, smile and drawl both draining away. The expression she levels at you is one of flat calculation, her eyes flickering momentarily to the empty Soul Gem mount on your proxy's chest. "Guess we're both sick of the foreplay. What do you want?"

I'm a little curious about what she thinks is going on with Sabrina's absent Soul Gem.

"The world doesn't work like that for us, girl," she says. "And all I gotta do is wait until things fall apart, until your guard slips, and I'll be out again. And you better watch your back when that day comes."


[X] Nah. You don't have to do anything right now. Go talk to Anri.

Witty comebacks can be fun, but I think Sabrina's continued success is the only retort we need.
So if we're going to make an exit without a comeback, how should we make the exit?

On A scale of
1 leave properly using the door like a normal person
10 Dissolve the clone in a puff of smoke

I mean?
So if we're going to make an exit without a comeback, how should we make the exit?

On A scale of
1 leave properly using the door like a normal person
10 Dissolve the clone in a puff of smoke

I mean?
All the lights go out.

There's a sinister laugh fading into nothingness.

The lights turn back on, and Sabrina's no longer there. There's no sign of her.

No sign of anything except a card, drifting gently to the floor, asking her to rate our exit out of ten.