If we want a telepathy network that's not dependent on Kyubey we pretty much need to set it up ourselves which then immediately runs into the second order problem of how to get other magical girls to use it. It either stays a tool you have to be told about which limits it to girls who have survived on their own long enough to become connected in the magical girl social scene or we figure out how to mass broadcast unsolicited telepathic messages to newly contracted magical girls which I can't imagine most people would be very happy about
I think wide-scale telepathy network is stuff for the epilogue; in preparations to Walpurgis/Feathers fight it makes sense to construct and use small scale prototype. Even with Homura helping we dont have unlimited time; too many things to do, much more important projects to research, social life, etc. Baby steps and all that.
In terms of actually setting such a network up Niko's various mad science experiments seem like a good lead but it would be really helpful if we knew a magical girl with telepathy as her primary power. It's actually fairly surprising that we haven't run into or even heard of any yet - you'd think reading minds would be a common wish. Then again that seems like a power that's useless fighting witches so maybe magical girls who get it usually die young. If we ask someone well-connected like Nadia or those girls running Tokyo we'll probably be able to turn someone up

Mami's entire magic is about conceptual "Connections", so she's an excellent choice to provide the magic at the core of any replacement telepathy network. Imagine an enormous web of invisible, intangible, semi-metaphorical "ribbons" stretching out and connecting every magical girl.
If we ask someone well-connected like Nadia or those girls running Tokyo we'll probably be able to turn someone up
Kind of did when Sabrina and Co were about to meet Tokyo Council for the first time, in order to get anti-mind-magic enchantments.
Mind reading is apparently decently common according to Nadia.
Which strikes me as a very weird thing, because these are middle school age girls, almost certainly in various life threatening or otherwise immediate or long term stressful situations, that are being handed the opportunity to make a wish at a conveniently peak stressful moment by a great deceiver.

I can't remember if it was this thread or not , but I had once made the comparison that PMMM is basically the Japanese magical girl version of what Worm is to the American comic book industry.
Out of Universe: A depressive, grimdark, cynical deconstruction of the standard youthful fantasy of being a superhero and making a positive difference in the world.
In Universe: Outside alien race reaching out to people at their worst moments in order to grant them powers that are secretly using the people to engage in a system-created-conflict that is designed to combat entropy so the alien race can multiply and live forever.
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Maybe not so much for girls who get to make wishes? Kyubey is all about the phase change from hope to despair and that's usually not going to be a super hopeful wish.
Mind reading is apparently very rare.
According to Nadia, it's actually pretty common:
Mind magic... There are many who can read minds. It is a common desire, fimti?
[Q] Resist tat dino plush

Yeah, I have no idea how to approach Parró. Should we have Mami hold our Soul Gem like we did for Amy? Maybe, who knows, I don't.
Kind of did when Sabrina and Co were about to meet Tokyo Council for the first time, in order to get anti-mind-magic enchantments.
Mind reading is apparently decently common according to Nadia.
Which strikes me as a very weird thing, because these are middle school age girls, almost certainly in various life threatening or otherwise immediate or long term stressful situations, that are being handed the opportunity to make a wish at a conveniently peak stressful moment by a great deceiver.

I can't remember if it was this thread or not , but I had once made the comparison that PMMM is basically the Japanese magical girl version of what Worm is to the American comic book industry.
Out of Universe: A depressive, grimdark, cynical deconstruction of the standard youthful fantasy of being a superhero and making a positive difference in the world.
In Universe: Outside alien race reaching out to people at their worst moments in order to grant them powers that are secretly using the people to engage in a system-created-conflict that is designed to combat entropy so the alien race can multiply and live forever.

Recall that the magic a girl gets isn't always closely related to the content of the wish. I don't think the incubators have a lot of control over it, so my guess is that you get magic according to unknown traits unless you make a wish for a specific kind of magic. Wishing for a specific kind of magic seems often to result in broken effects, and not in the good sense, such as Grief manipulators only being able to move it from gem to gem. So, my hypothesis, which is untestable at present but could show up in the story some day, is that people have natural magical affinities. If your wish isn't for a particular kind of magic, the wish can be granted without using up the contractee's 'potential', and they have a strong affinity for a certain kind of magic, then they get the wish & an unrelated primary magic, such as Kyoko wishing for people to listen to her father and gaining the magic to duplicate herself.

When you wish for a specific magic AND you have an affinity for it, that's when you get the super strong outliers like Sabrina.

Also, we may not have a plush dino, but we do have a MECHA 'ZILLA GUREN LAGANN!!!
Recall that the magic a girl gets isn't always closely related to the content of the wish. I don't think the incubators have a lot of control over it, so my guess is that you get magic according to unknown traits unless you make a wish for a specific kind of magic. Wishing for a specific kind of magic seems often to result in broken effects, and not in the good sense, such as Grief manipulators only being able to move it from gem to gem. So, my hypothesis, which is untestable at present but could show up in the story some day, is that people have natural magical affinities. If your wish isn't for a particular kind of magic, the wish can be granted without using up the contractee's 'potential', and they have a strong affinity for a certain kind of magic, then they get the wish & an unrelated primary magic, such as Kyoko wishing for people to listen to her father and gaining the magic to duplicate herself.

When you wish for a specific magic AND you have an affinity for it, that's when you get the super strong outliers like Sabrina.

Magic is always thematically related to the wish though how direct that connection is varies a lot. Sayaka in canon is at the extremely direct end of the scale - she wished for Kyousuke to be healed and gained the power to heal people herself because it was the most directly connected magical ability. Kyouko is at the other end of the scale with a magic whose thematic connection to her wish is a lot looser. She wished for everyone to listen to her father's words and gained the power to create illusions (duplicating herself is just one use of this). There's an underlying connection there but there are also plenty of other kinds of magic that would have an equally strong thematic connection to the wish (mind control jumps to mind as an obvious alternative). Perhaps we can interpret this to mean that she had some kind of affinity for illusions in particular that made them be selected over the other equally good options but it's hard to say. There aren't any real cases of a girl wishing for something and obtaining a magic with no connection to it at all (though there are some very circuitous ones - Kirika in canon wishes to continue changing to be suitable for Oriko and gains the power to slow time so that she can spend more of it at Oriko's side)
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I swear to Mom if feathers turns out to be a paleontologically accurate dinosaur plushie animated by grief and given will by wish shenaniganry...