Elaborate? Because I have no idea what you're talking about.
Its probably a reference to other quest that would not make sense unless you read said quest. Or worse, reference to a local meme of other quest and you wont get it unless you interact with questers there.

So uhh unless you wanna go read another quest we in the dark.
Wishing for a specific kind of magic seems often to result in broken effects, and not in the good sense, such as Grief manipulators only being able to move it from gem to gem
That's not because they wished for it directly. It's a limitation of all grief manipulators who aren't metaphysical trust fund babies, regardless of the directness of their wish.
So, uh, about that Iowa Group leader…
Not much detail we can provide without knowing why she wants to talk. Best I've got is three options.
1. Casual Brina. This is what we're doing this afternoon instead of playing Earth Defense Force.
2. Our best Nanoha. We're happy to be friends provided she now understands that we will fuck her shit up if she decides to be unfriendly.
"Well, Miss Vee?" That voice crackles over the speakers again. "Would you like to talk?"
I think the best approach to take with Miss Parró is a fair and impartial judicial one. She's a murderer and a slaver with dozens of victims going back years and her crimes demand justice. Therefore, in the absence of any kind of state authority capable of enforcing laws upon magical girls, we've taken it upon ourselves to arrest and imprison her under common law anti maritime piracy principles. We did not execute her because we don't do extrajudicial executions and we're not imprisoning her permanently because this is just pre-trial detention; she can expect to be tried before a jury of her peers and given an actual sentence as soon as we can reasonably arrange it. We're somewhat concerned about violating her right to a speedy trial but as long as we take care of it next month after handling walpurgisnacht we're still well within the limits used by actual governments.

As far as we know, there's nothing that we want or need from her. Her victims are already dead and can't be saved and we already have her at our mercy. We certainly do not want to be her friend and there's no point in trying to intimidate her; in fact we're only talking to her at all because she requested it and we'd appreciate it if she didn't waste our time. In general we should try to present ourselves as the legitimate holder of the authority we've claimed in imprisoning her, a person who's willing to talk but does not consider her particularly important
I do wonder what Parro's plan is.

Does she think that because we're "soft" that she can lead us around by the nose to work towards an escape attempt, either directly during the meeting or indirectly by securing additional privileges?

Or does she figure that death is better than imprisonment, and figure she might as well try to take the ringleader of the group that captured her down with her in some form of last ditch assault, again either directly or by dropping her own witch on top of us?

Or does she just want to vent some spite at us?

I'm not really taking the idea that she might have had some form of legitimate change of heart seriously at this point.

I am seriously considering sending a grief clone in to talk with her instead of the "main" Sabrina body - no need to risk anything valuable, and I don't really care about the discomfort the a witchy sensation would cause Parro.
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I do wonder what Parro's plan is.
One thing I can think of she might posses is some info about Puella Magi system, specifically dewitching, perhaps she came across some experiments or captured and interrogated experimentators. On the other hand, perhaps she might try to offer help in defeating Walpurgis - Iowa IS a whole ass flying ship; how effective it would be against Walpurgis which withstood a small army's worth of firepower courtesy of Homura is another question. Third option is that she banks on Sabrina having a bleeding heart and trading information about megucas in distress (probably due to Iowa Group fucking them over) and offers to lead us to them and use THAT as an escape attempt.

All of these hinge on the fact that she knows Sabrina; Iowa did scry on us so who knows what they learned. Apparently not enough to know not to piss off Sabrina and Co though :V
[X] gib dino to Parró

Reported, called the police and told my mom.

One thing I can think of she might posses is some info about Puella Magi system, specifically dewitching, perhaps she came across some experiments or captured and interrogated experimentators.

If thats the case first we make a lie detector to see if its true.

Then we make the lasso of truth and FORCE her to tell us said secret.

Because fuck her, if she thinks we wouldnt pull shit like this if she tell us she knows something about de witching then she is hella wrong.
[q] gib dino

Been a while since I voted in this quest, but with such an important vote... :V
I am feeling so out of loop (pun not intended) now...
Apprehension, part three:
Something catches your eye as you walk past a shop selling plush toys - a gigantic plush toy of a brontosaurus. You pause midstep, giving it a long, considering look. Mami similarly stops, following your eyes to look at the plush toy. Behind you, Sayaka, Homura and Madoka continue for a few steps before noticing the two of you have stopped.

"... nah," you decide at last.

"Are you sure, Sabrina?" Mami asks. "I wouldn't mind buying it for you..."

"Yeah, I'm quite sure," you say. "Just caught my eye, you know? Besides, it'd probably be more trouble than it's worth."

"True," Mami agrees, looking at the bags of clothes you're already carrying. She chuckles a little. "Maybe Homura could put it in her shield?"

"Nah," you say, grinning at her.

"OK," Mami agrees.
We, however, do not have any more details on the dino plush.
I don't know if it's a reference to something else though.
We, however, do not have any more details on the dino plush.
I don't know if it's a reference to something else though.
Dragon Crossbreed Quest, from before SV. First thread here. Dinosaur significance is very spoilery, and spoiled below.
"I made a terrible mistake." You say. "I...Hitomi was trying to get my dinosaur back from someone who had stolen it." Mami smiles a little.

"You know, I'd be willing to get you a new one if you just asked."

You open your mouth...and frown. "The one who stole it? She was a girl with black hair." You sigh. "...I gave the info to Hitomi but then she found her in the school today." You look at Mami. "...But...I didn't think the girl was going to be willing to kill. I saw her about to hit Hitomi with something. Some kind of weapon. I ran in front of her without thinking and then I felt three sharp claws in my stomach."

Mami frowns. "...a magical girl."

You nod. "...It was a magical girl." You say, quietly.

"What was her name?" Mami asks.

"Kirika." A third voice answers. Immediately, you and Mami turn to the voice to see Kyubey standing by on a nearby winowsill. Hitomi's eyes widen as you all stare at the newcomer. "Kirika Kure is her name."
I'm with DarkVeracity. We are here because we are her jailer and she had something to say. We should clarify our intentions toward her and her crew in case it wasn't already clear, inform her we're in the process of sorting out the logistics of her trial and eventual long term rehabilitation rather than her current ad-hoc confinement, and hear out what she has to say.

We should probably also let her know this is likely going to be her last chance to speak with us until her proper trial, as we are quite busy setting up a world government, thwarting the evil plans of the invisible alien that sneaks into little girls' rooms at night to steal their souls, and shipping our friends with one another, so she should make sure she covers anything she expects to want to say to us in this talk.

Obviously, the first thing we need to do is:

[x] gib dino

Then we can move on to:

[X] Approach for Iowa:
-[X] Inform them of their legal situation and our intent to get them a trial and to make arrangements for their eventual rehabilitation.
-[X] We are hearing her out as a courtesy, and she should not waste our time.
--[X] Anything she wants to say to us any time soon, should be said now, because she likely won't get another chance before her trial. We are busy.

Also, while we're here, there is a SCIENCE!!! buddy we need to check up on. We can't visit the jail without visiting Anri.

[X] Check up on Anri before we leave the jail.
-[X] Look over Yuuri's Grief Seed
--[X] Empty the Clear Seed Anri was using.
-[X] Inform her we've set up a team on the re-embodying part of the problem.
-[X] See how she's doing mentally and if there's anything we can do to help.
-[X] Show Anri the image of an Evil Nut and see if she can make one since she made them in the Kazumi manga.
--[X] They might serve as a suitable Grief container that could be mass produced, or at least be the first step toward one.

I think that ought to do it.
I completely forgot about Anri lol

The 'locked in' vote also brings Sabrina into a conversation with Yuki, anything to say to her? I was thinking we could tell her about new groups we've reached out to including the North American ones Sabrina's met online
If we're going to be talking to Anri about Science!, we should discuss converting Warehouse-kun into a place we, Niko, and Anri can work together. I know I bring this up frequently, but it's something I'd really like to see happen, and it is actually convenient timing to discuss it.
[X] Check up on Anri before we leave the jail.
-[X] Look over Yuuri's Grief Seed
--[X] Empty the Clear Seed Anri was using.
-[X] Inform her we've set up a team on the re-embodying part of the problem.
-[X] See how she's doing mentally and if there's anything we can do to help.
-[X] Show Anri the image of an Evil Nut and see if she can make one since she made them in the Kazumi manga.
--[X] They might serve as a suitable Grief container that could be mass produced, or at least be the first step toward one.
A part of me is at least extremely apprehensive about directly showing Anri the image of an Asunaro Almonds. We know she can make them through metaknowledge and Oriko's precog, but we don't know if she knows it herself. We took her down before (I believe) she ever put them into practice. Directly confirming that Witching normal people is possible might not be the best idea here. I do agree that it might serve as a Clear Seed alternative, though, so I think a better way would be to just ask her how she would make one.

Maybe a lie detector might be good here too. We should probably get to experimenting on that soon. (Now maybe?)
If we're going to be talking to Anri about Science!, we should discuss converting Warehouse-kun into a place we, Niko, and Anri can work together. I know I bring this up frequently, but it's something I'd really like to see happen, and it is actually convenient timing to discuss it.
Makes sense.

[x] gib dino

[X] Approach for Iowa:
-[X] Inform them of their legal situation and our intent to get them a trial and to make arrangements for their eventual rehabilitation.
-[X] We are hearing her out as a courtesy, and she should not waste our time.
--[X] Anything she wants to say to us any time soon, should be said now, because she likely won't get another chance before her trial. We are busy.

[X] Talk to Yuki about using Warehouse-kun as a lab for collaborative SCIENCE!!! among Constellation's members
-[X] Find out how secure it would be to let some of the more cooperative prisoners participate, since it would still be in Yuki's territory.

[X] Check up on Anri.
-[X] Look over Yuuri's Grief Seed
--[X] Empty the Clear Seed Anri was using.
-[X] Inform her we've set up a team on the re-embodying part of the problem.
-[X] See how she's doing mentally and if there's anything we can do to help.
-[X] Show Anri the image of an Evil Nut Asunaro Almond and see if she can make one since she made them in the Kazumi manga.
--[X] They might serve as a suitable Grief container that could be mass produced, or at least be the first step toward one.