Not just to an "outsider". To our closest allies and to Sabrina herself.
Well of course we shifted to battle mode, someone was about to unleash a lethal memetic attack. That doesn't justify our host taking down literally everyone in a manner that she later will cover up. Which Akane was going to do either way, mind, after all if we didn't defuse the bomb somebody had to and Akane's method of defusing things seems to be freeze everyone and then make them think nothing happened and it was just another meeting.
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Honestly, what we need at this point is information, and I don't see how Chiyoda can really avoid at least a surficial explanation of what just happened. Maybe if we were completely affected along with everyone else when whatever just happened happened, but not now. We'll have to explain ourselves and probably apologize for what just happened, but at this point I don't think Chiyoda can just avoid telling us what just happened.

Not just anyone, the girl who looks just like her.

If she is a wish construct, her abilities may very well tax the original wisher, and her alone.
If this is true, then my original theory is null.

Hmm. Got nothing else at this point. Like I said, we need info.
Basically, Sabrina fucked up. When someone started tilting towards a bomb she overreacted, such that a bunch of people assumed she was about to go apeshit.
Er no, that is not what happened, our hostility did not prompt anything that wasn't going to happen anyways. We may have sped it up approximately two seconds, depending on how fast you think Toshimishi is when it comes to noticing one of her perennial troublemakers doing the thing again.

In any case, this is what we expected but it is not what we were told and we do have a right to at least point that out.
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Information is ammunition, myes.

Also, I'm pretty sure we have a hard time abiding nonconsensual mindfuckery, so if their modus operandi strays into a Gray Area, I'm assigning them a new nickname.

(Also, I'm reasonably sure the mode of attack is root/command line access somehow, and Sabrinas wish circumvents it by giving control.)
Well of course we shifted to battle mode, someone was about to unleash a lethal memetic attack.
We do not know if Imai was gonna drop the Witch Bomb. Sabrina suspected she was. You are assuming she was.
That doesn't justify our host taking down literally everyone in a manner that she later will cover up. Which Akane was going to do either way, mind, after all if we didn't defuse the bomb somebody had to and Akane's method of defusing things seems to be freeze everyone and then make them think nothing happened and it was just another meeting.
All of these are also assumptions.
I don't blame the Chiyoda group for this mess in the least, for what it's worth.

We ourselves use timestop to hit "pause" all the time when a situation gets fucky, and this situation was definitely going that way. Chiyoda either tried to pause the meeting to deal with the Witch/Lichbomb being dropped (in which case I approve, that's a perfectly valid scenario to use a panic button on), or they used it because they saw our entire group shifting to combat readiness (in which case... that's on us as a group and on Sabrina personally).
The time stop seems to have been intended to prevent any actual fighting, but that backfired due to Sabrina. Basically:
  1. Sabrina realizes Imai will say some sort of Infohazard
  2. She activates her grief to stop the sound
  3. Our veteran team members notice and prepare for battle
  4. Toshimichi realizes things might go sideways and acts
  5. Sabrina resists and causes side effects
  6. Here we are now. What do?
I don't blame the Chiyoda group for this mess in the least, for what it's worth.

We ourselves use timestop to hit "pause" all the time when a situation gets fucky, and this situation was definitely going that way. Chiyoda either tried to pause the meeting to deal with the Witch/Lichbomb being dropped (in which case I approve, that's a perfectly valid scenario to use a panic button on), or they used it because they saw our entire group shifting to combat readiness (in which case... that's on us as a group and on Sabrina personally).
Firstly, timestop is not the same thing at all, completely different mechanical effect. Second, we do not use it and then pretend nothing happened and completely stop what was being discussed. We do not do this because people in general and magical girls in particular do not in fact forget what they were about to say, or that someone was about to say something, just because you timestopped.

That takes another kind of magic altogether.
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What a twist! Here I thought that while there would be hints of something else the damage would be hidden until investigation.

It is clear that the only possibility of working with this group is diffusing the witchbomb first or only including people in the know when we speak to the group at large.

Save the magical girl from witching out then call for an immediate recess. Ask that our people be released and we meet with our group privately in a location away from this place.
Under the assumption that the effect is "Mandate of Heaven" we might be immune to it due to Madoka and her wishes. The amount of energy that was used to ascend a mortal to Godhood, was the same amount of energy that was used to create us. While we are not a Goddess we might hold the Karmic Weight of one, which would make us harder to effect. Additionally, if the effect is mandate of heaven, then we might be immune to it simply because we don't belong. Our soul is a part of the law of cycles, our heaven Madokhalla, our Goddess Madokami. This is the theological system we are apart of. Toshimichi is calling on an authority that doesn't hold authority over us, so while the sheer amount of power invoked is likely enough to effect us anyways, it doesn't actually work due to us being outside the domain of Heaven's Mandate.
Ok, cursory vote:

[] Apologize for hostile actions, we may have overreacted.
[] Questions
-[] what just happened?

Very very barebones, but it's basically a backbone for what I think the gist of the vote should look like.
Firstly, timestop is not the same thing at all, completely different mechanical effect.
It stops all unallowed activity in the area. It has the same effect as timestop. You are arguing semantics.
Second, we do not use it and then pretend nothing happened and completely stop what was being discussed. We do not do this because people in general and magical girls in particular do not in fact forget what they were about to say, or that someone was about to say something, just because you time stopped.
We totally do. See: Oriko hunt, Ono, Yakuza raid.
Firstly, timestop is not the same thing at all, completely different mechanical effect.

I don't see how using a different mechanism somehow changes the morality of it. Either way we're pausing other people, rendering them unable to contribute to the discussion.

If they do memory manipulation then that's a different story, sure (though in my opinion that too is justifiable to avoid infohazards) but they did no such thing here and now.
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Trying to use their knock-off timestop to stop a brewing conflict seems reasonable. The fact that it went spectacularly wrong wasn't something they could have predicted.

The problem is, what comes next? Does Amaterasu walk up, clap a hand over Clapguca's mouth, and let time resume? No, because nobody says she has instantaneous teleportation. Also, we clearly heard the word "stop" before it came into effect, and nobody knows she can do that either.

So to my eyes, this wasn't an attack on us. It was, however, almost certainly going to be followed up by some sort of attack on everyone's memories. Which we came into this meeting feeling was extremely not OK.
We totally do. See: Oriko hunt, Ono, Yakuza raid.
Er no, completely different effect. When we're hunting Oriko, and we timestop, Oriko doesn't forget we were hunting her. Whereas here, if the girls don't forget Clapguca was about shout something and it looked like there was about to be a fight, someone will ask "well what happened to the words/fight?" and they'll think "I don't know, one moment it was happening and the next everyone was just sat down doing nothing", which inevitably leads to "what caused them to stop, it wasn't just Toshimishi saying stop because Clapguca hates Toshimishi and would happily talk over her, and the other girls looked ready to throw down too".

Hence, the need for an additional effect that fixes that problem.
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Er no, completely different effect. When we're hunting Oriko, and we timestop, Oriko doesn't forget we were hunting her. Whereas here, if the girls don't forget Clapguca was about shout something and it looked like there was about to be a fight, someone will ask "well what happened to the words/fight?" and they'll think "I don't know, one moment it was happening and the next everyone was just sat down doing nothing", which inevitably leads to "what caused them to stop, it wasn't just Toshimishi saying stop because Clapguca hates Toshimishi and would happily talk over her".
this is literally fanfiction lmao
In non-shitpost words: ALL of this is your assumptions on what will happen. We literally have nothing concrete nor actual evidence on what actually happens in these meetings, only suspicions and suppositions that it MAY involve Mind Control and/or Memory Manipulation of some sort.
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