Very tired girl.
- Location
- Plato´s cave.
- Pronouns
- She/Her/It/Its
I think she is some form of manifestation pf Tokyo or the royal line, probably wish based, so s few decades aren't all that surprising.
That's how it reads to me. She says the issue is that there would be a war if those groups had more power, but... it seems like they'd just be able to be free of needing her grief seed management and resources?
I think the threat to her personal power and ability to manage the city is the main thing, and potential conflict is probably secondary to it.
I don't think she is making the odds of war up. Sure, there is almost certainly more going on than we know and she hasn't even said why those groups may be out for blood, but she seems to be more spinning an unfavorable situation so that the resulting solution benefits her rather than making things up entirely.
To get back to the Chiyoda, I'm wondering if she's trying to use her hypothetical mind control powers on us now? Maybe that's why she did the clumsy "join us Sabrina" thing—she was trying to make us accept it? If she was using them, how would we know?
Right and then she has started a war with the rest of Constellation 10/10 best logic best use of mindcontrol.
She is far to competent for such blatant and frankly stupid applications of mindcontrol.
Now, she might be trying to influence us subtly, but I haven't seen any evidence of that so far.