Obviously anything we do has to be in the 100m limit. We really don't need to witch kiss anything unless someone can think of a way to somehow use it as a buff on someone instead of a mind control effect. I'm viewing sleep effects as being distinct somewhat from mind control, which is a pretty obvious last ditch effort that means your in Dutch with us even more than Iowa is.
Now I am curious if Mami knows of any witches whose witch kiss made people hulkishly strong and attack people, since that would introduce the possibility of kisses being like a witch analogue to enchantment, which might be useful since following certain methods and patterns in magic is likely to allow for more powerful or easier to make effects. So for example, we could use a witch kiss as like a regen buff to make it so anyone under its effect heals at supernatural speeds without having to use magic (except perhaps whatever oomph we put in the kiss), and if we can't just make it have no mental effect, we could just have it emphasize a mental aspect of the buff'ees preference (like courage, or happyness). Might have to limit it to Mami though if it actually necessitates kissing.
Though if they really are like familiars then I'm gonna guess its a no go again. It'd also need a reason for us to do it, especially if anyone had any misgivings about it (which they will, and rightly so).
EDIT: good grief I just realized we have never even tried to use witch powers to make our body move faster. That would be a super cool way to up our CQC game, since we have plenty of strength to spare. Could even give ourselves a glowy aura make it look like Devil Trigger From the DmC series (that I have never played but have always thought looked cool when I see others playing it). we can totally just test that out (after making sure anyone nearby knows what we are doing, whenever we actually decide to. not now of course) and see what people think about it next sparring session. Heck, its so simple I wouldn't even be surprised if it takes much time at all, so we could probably just pull it out right before a spar.