@Redshirt Army could you add the stuff discussed about asking the relevant parties about witch communication experiments to the vote, to be put in the vote in abeyance catagory if nothing else. Seems like it would be nice to get that info, and nerevar (not to put any words in their mouth), who is a regular here seems to think it was worth putting at a high priority after immediate concerns.

Edit: not saying we should do it instead of anything, just that we should mention a time for the experiment when we drop off the pleiades.
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Okay, sorry about that. But is it something your interested in too? I don't mean to be pushy about it. Just so long as it doesn't get lost in the meantime I'm fine with waiting.
That's fine.

Do we have an agenda for dinner? Anything we specifically want to talk to them about? I know we don't wanna do everything ourselves, what do we want to start work on for delegation first? I'm gonna guess housing for incoming girls and for holding the pirates. Its obviously sus that we have prisoners but given the circumstances, I think they will be more understanding of the situation than otherwise. Nevertheless, they are gonna deffo bring up the government if nothing else. What level of involvement, if any do we want the feds to have now or in the future?
God you people write a lot. I leave for a day to study for an exam and you lot are already 4 pages away.

Also, holy sweet fuck you people are mad geniuses. Witch comms? Hells yeah.
Yeah, I'm thinking sabs is gonna be frustrated briefly by the iowa girls being just an awful situation all around, then get distracted by all the cool possibilities that she feels a little better and can do what redshirt has in the vote.
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Good point, but I think that dropping them off wont be next update, so we don´t need to dump it into a hyper vote.
To be honest (about the witch comms), were the pleiades able to give witch kazumi a body, but she was just crazy and so they had to do what they did in kazumi magica? If that was just the grief doing that, is it possible that may be all we need is that and to turn them into a clear seed with enough hope to 'reactivate' them? Because otherwise if it takes as much hope as it does grief to let them reform that would take a real long time to do.

Edit: in another tangent, while we definitely can't touch doppeling directly it will be interesting to see if witched girls have any better understanding of their inner witch, and if in the far flung future any are crazy or daring enough to volunteer to try to unlock hidden potential, it could be a point of interest for epilogue! Sabrina to be researching (from afar of course).

Edit2: more importantly than the edit above, we should consider including a visit to tsubaki mojito when we go in a cleansing trip (letting her know we are coming of course) to at least drop off a clear seed if she is willing, since being a single parent is a pain even if you don't have to both hunt witches and hold a regular job. We can mention Wally, but only if she is interested, which if she wished for the power to defeat witches, I would imagine she has some interest. She could make things a lot less ugly for the people of Mitakihara if she would help.
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Speaking of Kaizumi, has that thing about her soul gem being unusually full the first time we met ever been addressed? Meaning, have we ever found out a reason for that?

Because as far as I know, we haven't.
Probably not having enough seeds to go around. Whether that was because there weren't enough potentials in asunaro to witch to support them all, or if kyuubey was holding off on some contracts to force her to witch is another question.

Also see what I mentioned above about hypothetically asking tsubaki if we could drop off a clear seed during our next cleaning trip. We could even do a dead drop for her, maybe give it to a police station and say it is her so she can claim it without meeting us or us going near anything she might not want us too. We can mention Wally and tell her she can let us know if she's interested, but that the seed is unconditional.

Though I think did have a brief contact with her, but I think we didn't have much to say, so it kinda came off as awkward. Does anyone remember how that went down? I might cringe a bit if I read it myself if we didn't handle it well. Might only ask if we head through that area as part of our cleansing trip. Could let her know one week after last contacting her and note the clear seeds have proven pretty stable, and that we could just refresh some for her if she wants (could drop some off at top normal level somewhere she designates, and she could drop some off for us, so she doesn't need to meet us at any point. Don't even have to mention anything else, just do that to work up a working relationship. If she asks why, be honest and note we are pretty embarrassed about how we kinda just flailed around before, and want to be helpful if nothing else.
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I was thinking how sabrina could trivially launch something into orbit and it struck me, why haven't more girls wished for spaceship/sci fi powers? Those would be excellent recruitment prospects.
Could we make voodoo dolls? Could make one of ourselves and tickle it to see if it works. Can't dodge something like that unless you stay out of our range. Just tuck them into a voodoo bed and they are pretty much done. Instant naptime. Similarly a sleep spell would do wonders, and wouldn't really impinge too much on people's will since it's more just a disabling move.
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What part of our powers is Thanos themed to make our power enhancer witch magic look like the infinity gauntlet? None, because it is a stylistic choice. It would probably only work in our range, and it would use witchy grief. If it seems like something a witch could do, we could probably do it with witchy grief. Mainly would be useful if we could do the whole manipulation inside our 4-d space, so we could mess with someone who would otherwise notice our grief moving towards them.

This is just me imagining stuff. Now, what I'd really like is to be able to form a bag of chips or other stuff from other matter by rearranging atoms. So we can make snacks for us and our friends on short notice.
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Yeah. I'm pretty sure we could do just about anything you'd imagine a witch could do that doesn't ruin the plot in any way or blatantly offends Firn's sensibilities, so long as we are willing to prep the grief for it, and find a way to not weird out our MC's friends/girlfriend when doing so.

On that note. I wonder if we could make wonka-vite, chew it, and suddenly become younger looking. Could always chew some Vita-Wonk to counter it if needed. Or we could just do something inscrutable with magic. I kind of wanna weird someone out. Maybe we can use our powers to do blatently impossible close-up magic at hitomi's during a lull in serious discussions. Or like pull a fake bouquet of flowers from our sleeves (not live).
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Our powers are witch based, and witches are only capible of acting within their barriers. That's why we have our range limit, because we are the witchy magical girl. Witches, and by extension sabrina can't effect other people outside their area. Maybe we would be able to witch kiss somebody, so yay mind control?
Obviously anything we do has to be in the 100m limit. We really don't need to witch kiss anything unless someone can think of a way to somehow use it as a buff on someone instead of a mind control effect. I'm viewing sleep effects as being distinct somewhat from mind control, which is a pretty obvious last ditch effort that means your in Dutch with us even more than Iowa is.

Now I am curious if Mami knows of any witches whose witch kiss made people hulkishly strong and attack people, since that would introduce the possibility of kisses being like a witch analogue to enchantment, which might be useful since following certain methods and patterns in magic is likely to allow for more powerful or easier to make effects. So for example, we could use a witch kiss as like a regen buff to make it so anyone under its effect heals at supernatural speeds without having to use magic (except perhaps whatever oomph we put in the kiss), and if we can't just make it have no mental effect, we could just have it emphasize a mental aspect of the buff'ees preference (like courage, or happyness). Might have to limit it to Mami though if it actually necessitates kissing.

Though if they really are like familiars then I'm gonna guess its a no go again. It'd also need a reason for us to do it, especially if anyone had any misgivings about it (which they will, and rightly so).

EDIT: good grief I just realized we have never even tried to use witch powers to make our body move faster. That would be a super cool way to up our CQC game, since we have plenty of strength to spare. Could even give ourselves a glowy aura make it look like Devil Trigger From the DmC series (that I have never played but have always thought looked cool when I see others playing it). we can totally just test that out (after making sure anyone nearby knows what we are doing, whenever we actually decide to. not now of course) and see what people think about it next sparring session. Heck, its so simple I wouldn't even be surprised if it takes much time at all, so we could probably just pull it out right before a spar.
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Speaking of Kaizumi, has that thing about her soul gem being unusually full the first time we met ever been addressed? Meaning, have we ever found out a reason for that?

Because as far as I know, we haven't.
IIRC, Kazumi had a bad habit of suicidal self-sacrifice, will rather stand at the edge of the abyss than let her friends know they don't have enough Seeds. Which led to Kazumi witching out, also a catalyst for like 90% of the wacky shit in Asunaro, so uh, good thing Sab's here.
OnE mOrE ThInG I wonder if we could Spawn and despawn our weapon to let us move faster when wielding it, despawning it to cancel it's momentum when a swing misses or to let it slip past guards. We could also move our other arm as it it had a hammer in it, spawning it in at the last moment to overwealm an oppenent or to surprise them.

And if Kyouko can make bigger spears, maybe we can make bigger/smaller hammer heads to trade strength for speed, or even use different sized hammers for different hands (with the backs having a sort of claw to try to grab and disarm--not that this would work against a meguca).

could we use magic witch glasses to see peoples witches? or to see who likes cat and prefers dogs?

I'm gonna say something else interesting eventually, I'm sure.
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