Yes. I think Menthewarp realized this, and has suggested we give this to the hypothetical therapist, for use with consenting patients. Would be lovely for anyone who wanted it.
But yeah, Utilitarianly, It is still probably much cheaper to have Yuki just supply the housing and let others do the actual prisoner work, than to do something way out of left field, especially when it would be something that is even more peripheral to our powers than witching and grief removal, which we should be spending that time on.
I also think Looking into Doppels, even if Firn Didn't make this quest with them in mind, would still be interesting. I bet Firn DOES have some cool ideas thought up for if we somehow manage to unlock that. I guess if we could make like, 'grief shock absorbers' to protect the soulgem from the sudden burst of energy from the soul gem filling all the way up, that might result in a doppel like situation. Really though if we are ever gonna do it, we probably need to do some sort of journey to the center of the soul to make a deal with the witch within, since I don't think we can do the other thing in good conscience due to the risk.
Mind you, talking to your inner witch is also probably super dangerous, but that is a more unknown quantity than than the thing that definitely crack pings your soul physically. Mainly I'd just like to read a battle story post to this:
Possibly we could start with making a witch item, like a journal (using enchanted grief incase this is a long trance sort of thing) that allows communication between us and our inner witch. Considering they may have a connection to our witchy powers, it might just work. Risk wise, mean words written down aren't exactly gonna be that dangerous, and it would certainly let Firn foreshadow/provide in story hints if they wanted to (doesn't necessarily have to be all that cogent if Firn doesn't want us jumping ahead too far).
@Firnagzen this wouldn't have to be something that breaks anything you don't want broken like that. You could even just have it work, but only provide responses when you want to, so as to make it not OP or otherwise cramp your style.
If we did get a line of communication going, we could then possibly strike a deal, or at least be able to understand them better if we wanted to do a Doppel sort of thing. Doppels just seem like too cool an idea to ignore, even if Magia record didn't do them like some would have liked. It would also be fitting the incubators never knew it could be a thing it we did it, since they would never be able to emotionally connect with anyone.
Edit: also depending on if Firn has any more steps in mind, Doppel might inform on anything else needed for dewitching. There also could be a similar but different effect from dewitching, since it would make a lot of sense for someone to be changed by the whole process even if maxing out on hope does let them become meguca again.