"Call me when you're ready to talk," at most. I know having a schedule is convenient for us, but this is not the time to sort one out.
That is a good point. Here's Kaizuki's vote with that edited in:
[X] Give the Mandalay girls their space. They're clearly overwhelmed.
-[X] Call me when you're ready to talk.
[X] Check in on the prisoners.
-[X] Find out what all their names and powers are, and Yuki's read on their personalities.
--[X] Mention that according to Nadia, one of them must be a sub-3 month experience new hire? Any indication on which one?
-[X] Ask Yuki what secure containment procedures she's planning on using.
--[X] If there are safety issues or Yuki plans something unacceptable (i.e. more than just gemming), break to voting.
[X] Take the Yuki express back to Fukushima with everyone, assuming it's safe.
-[X] Mika, Kazumi, Yuki, Shiogama, Mami, Kyouko, Homura, Sayaka (and anyone who cares is welcome to listen in)
--[X] So, just so everyone is on the same page, the current state of, eh,
politics is that Mitakihara is official-official in defense pacts with Fukushima and Asunaro, guarantees the safety of everyone living in or around Mitakihara as a matter of course, is unofficially guaranteeing the safety of anyone possessing a clear seed, and is officially guaranteeing Mika Nakano in particular following everything she's done to help today. Functionally, you're already most of the way to a mutual defense coalition covering everyone here.
---[X] The thing is, you figure that ties between everyone here closer than the status quo could be
incredibly valuable to all involved. Without Yuki it might not make too much sense. But the fact of the matter is that with Yuki's power, if everyone here is willing to extend the necessary trust to each other, this coalition -- which has just demonstrated a level of power head and shoulders above even Iowa Group -- could be minutes away from each other. And that changes
so many things. It means that it would be a waste for things to be only about defending each other.
----[X] It would be extremely simple to establish free movement via Yuki's power between Mitakihara, Fukushima, Asunaro, and Mika's holdings in Ishinomaki, or any combination of those places or others -- which would be very nice by itself, but the real value of closer ties would be in the communication, cooperation, and exchange that trust and free movement would allow. Mami has demonstrated that someone without the specific ability can learn to do things like making clones -- not to mention style hair, access a hammerspace, etcetera. Mika is probably capable of giving other people flight through enchanting if she feels like it. If Akemi is up for it, luck manipulation seems like something people would really, really like to have applied to their personal obstacles. Asunaro possesses some extremely strong analytic powers. These are all things that could be exchanged for, shared freely, experimented with cooperatively, or even just
there in case they're needed, instead of being beyond reach. And with infinite magic backing it all -- which, to be clear, you
would back
all of it, even beyond clear seeds, because it would no longer require you to spend lots of time flying intercity -- the potential is absurd. Things could be
-----[X] Listen to & interact with responses to this.
------[X] If naming comes up: Mahou Shoujo Kyoukai (see Redshirt's proposal earlier) is your proposal.
------[X] Don't break up with everyone before you end things -- we want to invite Mika to Tokyo with us, but not this vote.