The meat, it is fresh.
Generally speaking, you can write-in your own vote by writing:
[ ] Your vote here. Include an X or x between the brackets, of course.
-[ ] You can include sub-items using hyphens.
[ ] There can be spaces between vote items.
If you like an existing vote, you can copy-paste it to vote for it. You can also vote by username, which will list you as voting for the most recent vote by that user, just by writing:
[ ] Username
This has the benefit of letting the person "controlling" that vote make adjustments without all of their followers having to vote again to confirm the changes. It has the downside of potentially having your vote change in ways you don't like.
This can also result in chains, where you delegate your vote to one user, who then allocates their votes to another user, and so on.
Generally speaking, once a number of votes are well established, as is the case in this voting period, it's best to raise concerns with the current winning vote directly with the person running the bandwagon - most of the time, we're happy to address any issues that come up.