Understanding Kyuubey's actual sensor suite would be a good start - not that we have time to do that. It is certainly laying low - remember, this thing is some variety of super intelligence. Even if it has flaws, some of what is does is "perfect" compared to us. Our nature is outside of prediction, even for magic. Not communicating with us IS a form of attack - it is trying to improve its ability to understand. It has demonstrated superhuman focus and patience for certain. That isn't affecting our actions, however. We are about our people, and executing our personal and cultural transformations is improved by partitioning some info away from the Incubator. We are on thew same planet with it, but it isn't our focus, just an obstacle. No matter its accomplished deeds, or its ability, we will focus on the victories we can achieve.
[] Somewhere on your priorities list, below staying alive, sane, and non-evil, there's an entry that says "figure out how to turn a clear seed back into a soul gem."
[] Since how Clear Seeds interact with Grief Seeds implies that they might be part of the way to Soul Gems, you've been channeling positive emotions into a Clear Seed in the hope of eventually getting it the rest of the way.
-[] Choose according to reaction from Yuki:
--[] You hadn't known that dewitching had the reputation that it does until after you spoke with Ms. Bennouna, but in hindsight it makes a lot of sense. The first step to it would inevitably be to remove all of the grief from a grief seed, because dewitching a girl with exponentially more grief in her soul than it took to witch her out in the first place would be impossible, but doing that without your powers would be infeasible... Absent, at any rate, doing a ton of really evil, immoral shit. You suspect that all the badness around the topic is not a coincidence.
--[] But once all the grief is out of the seed... You've got a clear seed doing Weird Shit already, and all you really did was toss a bit of magic at it while channeling happy thoughts. Where that's going, specifically, you have no idea -- but you felt she should know.
--[] We see a possibility to save victims of Soujo and Soujo, that would require a scaled up effort. Ask her advice on building a workshop / hospital. Additional cooperating people have to be accommodated.
--[] There are failure modes - total amnesia if the soul comes back, not creating a Soul Gem, just a different Witch with copies of our powers, salvaging a Soul Gem that is effectively a different person, etc.
--[] We understand the difficulty of skirting natural Law, we just aren't sure which parts are Law yet.
I was hoping Kaizuki wanted to make a further iteration, here is what was on my mind.
Make a resource block, that would allow detailed reactions without restricting ourselves to one response from the girl we are talking to.
Tsurya has more to her than a safehouse and Da Girls. While she's very different from Mami, her Clever stat is OP. As allies, we should see if that buffs us.
Please, anyone put up further concerns to "what Yuki wants to hear from us, what we need to ask of Yuki"