If it rots off, Its a stupid idea to give her it in the first place.

The consequences of something stupid being fixable do not make the thing any less stupid.

Seriously man, can we please get sensible ideas here?
Krekart, have you forgotten what happened when we placed a piece of rebar into prolonged contact with grief? That thing FELL APART after about an hour or two. Momentary contact does nothing other than make it glow purple, but prolonged contact destroys the item entirely. I really, really do not want to accidentally rot off Mami's hand or something, especially if there isn't a good reason for us to give everyone grief weapons.
I'll have to go back and read the bit with the rebar, but how long have we been flying around on a solid platform? Nobody we've brought with us has noticed anything. If it only takes an hour or two to seriously rot the rebar, then shouldn't Mami or Kirika have developed minor burns or something from their time flying Sabrina Airlines? What about Oriko's stuff that we've been ferrying over with Grief? Shouldn't that show some signs of damage then?
If Mami's hand 'rots off or something', we can just heal it. No big.
It's Mami.


You know, the one who is so emotionally broken that Sabrina is her only emotional anchor left and a bonafide limpet.

If we somehow friendly-fire Mami with our grief powers, I am not exactly certain if she has the emotional or logical capacity to understand it's just that instead of "Sabrina hates me".
Mami's bag hasn't fallen apart in a couple of days, I think the solid grief, or the marbles at least, are safeish. I mean, it looks like the more interaction grief has, forced or not, with normal materials (the blade and plate on the car, the gas cloud on the rebar) the more violent the reaction. Just sitting in a bag and having little to no movement beyond us jumping around normally seems to do nothing at all. Standing on a platform is going to do nothing as long as we don't use the platform as a kamikaze vehicle.
The rebar, still standing upright where you left it, is... corroded. The part that was inside of the Grief cloud is weathered and pockmarked, and flakes of rust litter the ground around the rebar.
@Cannongerbil The rebar was in a cloud of Grief, not solid Grief. Gas corrosive, solid still not proven corrosive at all. Marbles also not conclusively proven to not just be solid, if particularly dense.
Apprehension pt. 25
"No, we're not, Kirika," you tell her, while Mami nestles against you. She slides her arm around your waist, holding on to you, and you reciprocate with your arm around hers. She gives you a wan little smile, and then leans her head against you and closes her eyes.

"Can we... just stay like this for a while?" she asks.

"Of course, Mami," you reply.

She nuzzles her head against you for a bit, and then seems to go to sleep, her breathing evening out.

The suburbs, short apartment blocks by the dozen interspersed with rolling stretched of greenery, roll by beneath you.

"So Kirika," you reach out by telepathy to the berserker, now returned to bouncing on the edge of the carpet, still completely indifferent to the precipitous drop below.

"Yeah?" she turns to grin at you.

"So how do your powers work?" you ask her, turning as far as you can without disturbing Mami - just far enough to see Kirika on the edge of your vision. A thought strikes you, and you add, hastily, "Don't demonstrate now!"

"I know that!" Kirika replies, bouncing indignantly. "I'm not stupid!"

"Right, sorry," you apologize. "Just... y'know, it'd be really dangerous if you did that, yeah?"

"OK!" she says brightly. "Anyway, I can choose who my magic affects. You, uh, might have noticed."

"Mmm, good to know," you say. "How about shaping the blast? Like, projecting a cone or something?"

Kirika shrugs. "Yeah, I can! Can completely melt a Witch like that, too. Kinda funny. I hit the Witch, and then it goes 'oh nooooo I'm meeeeelllltiiiing' and then splat." She waves her hands above her head and then flops bonelessly to the carpet to demonstrate, before rolling over and grinning at you. "Well, after I hit it a few times, anyway.*

"Excellent," you say.

"Anything else?" Kirika asks.

"Not that I can think of," you say.

Kirika nods, lying flat on the carpet with her arms splayed as she stares up at the clear blue sky, the midday sun beating down on you. "Oh hey, food!"

"Hmmm? Ah, good point," you agree. With your free hand, you rummage around in the plastic bag, and find some bread, some wrapped up stuff that's cold to the touch, a few bottles of juice, some lettuce, and assorted other foodstuffs. "Sandwiches."

"Yay!" Kirika cheers. "Is there ham?"

"Probably?" you nudge the wrapped package with your free hand, awkwardly teasing the paper open. "Yeah, it's ham."

Kirika bounces over, eagerly starting a sandwich for herself, while you carefully ease your arm out from around Mami. She makes a little mewling complaint, but is apparently thoroughly asleep, so you begin assembling two simple sandwiches, layering ham and vegetable between slices of bread.

When you're done, you nudge Mami gently. You can see her lips moving as she mumbles something, but it's too soft to hear over the wind. "Mami, lunch," you nudge her again.

She opens her eyes, looking around muzzily and smiling warmly at you, before seeming to remember where she is, and where you're going. The smile fades a little, but you smile at her and present her with the sandwich. She accepts it, warm fingers brushing deliberately across yours as she takes it.

"Thank you, Sabrina," she says warmly, before starting on the sandwich, tucking it away in neat bites.

"No problem," you reply, equally warmly, while you begin eating your own sandwich. Some rustles, barely heard over the rushing wind, signify Kirika constructing her second sandwich, having scarfed down the first.

The suburbs, by now, have given way to countryside, which then shifted back to suburbs again - you're definitely on the outskirts of Ishinomaki, now, you think as you pass a bottle of juice to Mami. So this'd be a reasonable time...

"Rin, Akiko," you call out telepathically.

"What is it?" Rin responds first, mental voice still strained and upset. "Yes, Miss Sabrina?" Akiko replies next, a trace of worry now present in her voice that wasn't there before.

"I, and my friends are headed in to Ishinomaki right now."

Dead silence.

"For the purpose of?" Akiko manages.

"To end the war," you reply. "Would it be... terribly inconvenient if we made a... scene?"

"... no?" Akiko says faintly.

"Right. See you- actually, hold that thought," you say, and end the call. "Hey Mami, Kirika?" you glance around the carpet, at Mami, still leaning against you, and Kirika still burning off her energy pacing around.

"Mmm?" Mami peers up at you, while Kirika snaps to comically series attention.

"Can you sense the Grief I'm manipulating?" you ask, pointing at the carpet beneath you.

"A little," Mami says, at the same time as Kirika's cheerful "Nope!"

"It's faint," Mami continues, shooting a look at Kirika, who pulls her lower eyelid down and sticks her tongue out at the blonde.

"Hmm... do you think that it can be sensed from the ground?" you ask.

Mami thinks about it. "I think so?" she says. "But I think my... experience... lets me sense it better?"

"Hey!" Kirika complains.

"Do you think the Ishinomaki group might sense me, then?" you ask.

Mami frowns. "I think so? They've been established for a while..."

[] Go loud
[] Go home
[] Go stealth
[] Look for Akiko
[] Look for Rin and Sakura
[] Look for the Ishinomaki Girls
[] Write-in


This update just kept on going and going, 'til I decided enough is enough.
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Looks like we need to be quick and clean. I don't like the sound of the Sendai's voices. Something bad's probably happening. On the other hand, sandwiches! And Mami being the comfiest Magical Girl from miles around. Perhaps we could go loud and have Kirika disable potential hostiles once me jump in?
[x] Go loud. Grief wings, barrier of mist, the works.
[x] Look for Akiko. Rin and Sakura are hard to corner with Sakura's abilities, and Akiko is likely to know more about the situation anyway.
-[x] If we find Akiko under fire, use our grief shields to protect her while bailing her out. Try and see if we can talk the Ishino girls down, but don't push it if they are obviously unwilling to listen.
[x] Keep an eye out for other megucas while on the way, but try not to engage them.
[x] Regroup with Rin and Sakura afterwards, then retreat to some place safe.
-[x] Once they are no longer in any direct danger, get them to fill you in on what is going on. Don't back down on this, if it feels like they are hiding something or being less than truthful, keep pressing.

[x] If combat erupts at any point:
-[x] Be intimidating and flashy, but focus on the defence. Intercept attacks with grief shields and subdue them either using grief binds or Mami's ribbons, but don't seriously harm anyone if you can help it. We're here to stop the war, not kill everyone involved.
-[x] Keep Kirika away from the fighting. She doesn't have a reliable way of subduing hostile megucas without resorting to her antimagic, and we want to keep that ability a secret until it becomes necessary to bust it out.

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I have a question about the mist barrier. If we go with the mist barrier, wouldn't that lead to a lot of collateral damage?
The grief cloud is partially for intimidation factor, partially to allow us to quickly solidfy them into grief shields at a moment's notice. You know, to guard against surprise attacks.
Go loud? Bring the noise? Don't know how much 'gucas are around appart of the Sendai group, nor how they will react mind you. Doing this may lead to funny results like preventive response. Granted, we can deflect it but... eeeeeeeeeeeehhh.
Why does this feel like a Payday plan?

Edited vote

[x] Crasian01
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"I, and my friends are headed in to Ishinomaki right now."

Dead silence.

"For the purpose of?" Akiko manages.

"To end the war," you reply. "Would it be... terribly inconvenient if we made a... scene?"

"... no?" Akiko says faintly.

*rolls eyes* Dramatic Sabrina is Dramatic. Let's hope we can live up to the hype, hey?

Right then, solid grief that we're actively manipulating can be sensed. Is this a bad thing? Not really; it's faint, so it probably feels more like a familiar than a full witch and the Ishinomaki are likely far more focused on finding Sendai than worrying about one familiar flying around.

So, with that in mind and remembering that only Sendai know what we can do, they won't make the association between 'one lost familiar' and 'invading trio from Mitakihara' and any that DO show up looking for familiar will be in for a rude surprise. Thus, stealth mode is still an option.

@Cannongerbil :your current vote sets out which order we go to find Sendai and what to do in case of combat, but there is no mention of what the end goal is. Once you get to Akiko, I assume they're gonna want to regroup, but then what? Are you gonna extract, or interrogate, or set out looking for Ishinomaki girls, or some other option? Same applies if we get into combat, are you planning to subdue and interrogate hostiles or subdue and retreat?

[x] Stealth Mode - standard safety measures apply (i.e. checking with senses for Megucas, etc)
[x] "Akiko, we're coming for you first. Where are you? Any landmarks we can use?"
-[x] "Rin, where can you and Sakura meet up with us?"
[x] Pick up Akiko and magic carpet to rendezvous point.
[x] First priority is to get out of the city and into the suburbs - less likely for Meguca to find us there. Once out of the danger zone we can decide what our next move is with the group.
[x] If combat erupts, fight defensively - use shields to cover retreat and Mami's ribbons to bind/trap/delay pursuit (Anti-magic is last resort)
-[x] regroup ASAP and get out of dodge - fighting risks permanently pissing off Ishinomaki before we know everyone's motivations and may lead to collapse of negotiations before they even begin.
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From their reaction, I really think we just confirmed that we have brain damage to the Sendai girls.
Man, when Kirika ever starts fighting it will be a real shock for everyone, who doesn't really know her, when she goes from adorable to berserker.

[x] Go for stealth. Keep your grief presence as suppressed as possible, for as long as possible when you extract the Sendai girls.
[x] Look for Akiko. Get her to a point Sakura can teleport to even if it means going back to Mitakihara.
- [x] If Akiko is under attack, decompress grief as a distraction. Or grief signature feels like a witch let's use that to our advantage. Keep in touch with Akiko. If the Ishinomaki meguca break contact, then recompress grief.
- [x] If they do not break contact, go loud. Make them know the storm is coming for them. Grief, pyrotechnics, and rainbow colors if nothing else, it will make them pause or draw their attention. Worst comes to worst, drop the hammer. Addendum: Do this at close range to avoid enemy intervention.
- [x] Watch for other meguca, do not engage if possible.
- [x] Use your grief to create mobile cover for your group. Fire grief marbles but keep the speed low, aim for injury not the kill. If possible have Mami subdue them with ribbons. Have Kirika provide indirect fire or destroy their cover. Do not have her use her anti-magic under any circumstances.
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@Cannongerbil :your current vote sets out which order we go to find Sendai and what to do in case of combat, but there is no mention of what the end goal is. Once you get to Akiko, I assume they're gonna want to regroup, but then what? Are you gonna extract, or interrogate, or set out looking for Ishinomaki girls, or some other option? Same applies if we get into combat, are you planning to subdue and interrogate hostiles or subdue and retreat?

Once we get to Akiko and get them to a point where they aren't in immediate danger, we talk to her and decide out next action based on what she tells us. Letme edit that into the vote.
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