No, we're not, Kirika," you tell her, while Mami nestles against you. She slides her arm around your waist, holding on to you, and you reciprocate with your arm around hers. She gives you a wan little smile, and then leans her head against you and closes her eyes.
Can we... just stay like this for a while?" she asks.
Of course, Mami," you reply.
She nuzzles her head against you for a bit, and then seems to go to sleep, her breathing evening out.
The suburbs, short apartment blocks by the dozen interspersed with rolling stretched of greenery, roll by beneath you.
So Kirika," you reach out by telepathy to the berserker, now returned to bouncing on the edge of the carpet, still completely indifferent to the precipitous drop below.
Yeah?" she turns to grin at you.
So how do your powers work?" you ask her, turning as far as you can without disturbing Mami - just far enough to see Kirika on the edge of your vision. A thought strikes you, and you add, hastily, "
Don't demonstrate now!"
I know that!" Kirika replies, bouncing indignantly. "
I'm not stupid!"
Right, sorry," you apologize. "
Just... y'know, it'd be really dangerous if you did that, yeah?"
OK!" she says brightly. "
Anyway, I can choose who my magic affects. You, uh, might have noticed."
Mmm, good to know," you say. "
How about shaping the blast? Like, projecting a cone or something?"
Kirika shrugs. "
Yeah, I can! Can completely melt a Witch like that, too. Kinda funny. I hit the Witch, and then it goes 'oh nooooo I'm meeeeelllltiiiing' and then splat." She waves her hands above her head and then flops bonelessly to the carpet to demonstrate, before rolling over and grinning at you. "
Well, after I hit it a few times, anyway.*
Excellent," you say.
Anything else?" Kirika asks.
Not that I can think of," you say.
Kirika nods, lying flat on the carpet with her arms splayed as she stares up at the clear blue sky, the midday sun beating down on you. "
Oh hey, food!"
Hmmm? Ah, good point," you agree. With your free hand, you rummage around in the plastic bag, and find some bread, some wrapped up stuff that's cold to the touch, a few bottles of juice, some lettuce, and assorted other foodstuffs. "
Yay!" Kirika cheers. "
Is there ham?"
Probably?" you nudge the wrapped package with your free hand, awkwardly teasing the paper open. "
Yeah, it's ham."
Kirika bounces over, eagerly starting a sandwich for herself, while you carefully ease your arm out from around Mami. She makes a little mewling complaint, but is apparently thoroughly asleep, so you begin assembling two simple sandwiches, layering ham and vegetable between slices of bread.
When you're done, you nudge Mami gently. You can see her lips moving as she mumbles something, but it's too soft to hear over the wind. "
Mami, lunch," you nudge her again.
She opens her eyes, looking around muzzily and smiling warmly at you, before seeming to remember where she is, and where you're going. The smile fades a little, but you smile at her and present her with the sandwich. She accepts it, warm fingers brushing deliberately across yours as she takes it.
Thank you, Sabrina," she says warmly, before starting on the sandwich, tucking it away in neat bites.
No problem," you reply, equally warmly, while you begin eating your own sandwich. Some rustles, barely heard over the rushing wind, signify Kirika constructing her second sandwich, having scarfed down the first.
The suburbs, by now, have given way to countryside, which then shifted back to suburbs again - you're definitely on the outskirts of Ishinomaki, now, you think as you pass a bottle of juice to Mami. So this'd be a reasonable time...
Rin, Akiko," you call out telepathically.
What is it?" Rin responds first, mental voice still strained and upset. "
Yes, Miss Sabrina?" Akiko replies next, a trace of worry now present in her voice that wasn't there before.
I, and my friends are headed in to Ishinomaki right now."
Dead silence.
For the purpose of?" Akiko manages.
To end the war," you reply. "
Would it be... terribly inconvenient if we made a... scene?"
... no?" Akiko says faintly.
Right. See you- actually, hold that thought," you say, and end the call. "
Hey Mami, Kirika?" you glance around the carpet, at Mami, still leaning against you, and Kirika still burning off her energy pacing around.
Mmm?" Mami peers up at you, while Kirika snaps to comically series attention.
Can you sense the Grief I'm manipulating?" you ask, pointing at the carpet beneath you.
A little," Mami says, at the same time as Kirika's cheerful "
It's faint," Mami continues, shooting a look at Kirika, who pulls her lower eyelid down and sticks her tongue out at the blonde.
Hmm... do you think that it can be sensed from the ground?" you ask.
Mami thinks about it. "
I think so?" she says. "
But I think my... experience... lets me sense it better?"
Hey!" Kirika complains.
Do you think the Ishinomaki group might sense me, then?" you ask.
Mami frowns. "
I think so? They've been established for a while..."
[] Go loud
[] Go home
[] Go stealth
[] Look for Akiko
[] Look for Rin and Sakura
[] Look for the Ishinomaki Girls
[] Write-in
This update just kept on going and
going, 'til I decided enough is enough.