Refreshing grief seeds may be out this trip but maybe we can still offer to just cleanse gems. They can't raise that much of a stink over just cleansing their soul gems once, can they?

You smile at Kurenai, and Terumi. "Would you like me to cleanse your Soul Gems? No strings attached, just to show that I can."


She hesitates for a long moment, before shaking her head.

"It would be best not to," Kurenai says. Terumi's smile dims a little, and she puts her Soul Gem away.


"It's a momentous thing that you can do," Kurenai says. "But for now, it would just make life difficult."

We already offered, and Kurenai said no.
Kyuubey's greatest power was convincing people it wasn't worth mentioning. Should we let that stand?

Also, intending more action congruent with Magical Girl success. And squeezing out words, see if that lets us consider adding more intentions.

[X] We want to investigate the Psychology Department
-[X] walk and talk
[X] propose further friendship with Oaski girls
-[X] talk about Enchanting (and mortals and such)
-[X] Discuss visiting us as contractors
-[X] swap hobbies / interests

[X] request Toshimichi's phone number, and make an appointment
[X] Kurenai could recommend groups we should contact
-[X] Ask for telepathy introduction to a malcontent group
-[X] Responsible / friendly groups outside of Tokyo they can vouch for? Ask for contacts.

[x] Solicit questions for us?
-[x] Answer honestly, barring the bombs.

[X] Consider how to sightsee with Sayaka, conditional
[x] Consider IRC access, conditional. Sayaka can participate too!

Better done during trip home, and Not In Front of The Eavesdropping Functions. Or empath-scanning. Or whatever surviellance they have, which may not be limited to five senses. Certainly, make Kyuubey work more for it - using telepathy is the worst form of partitioning in that direction. Do we want it to have a copy of our plans? And we are referencing the Witchbomb in front of Kyuubey. It knows, but that violates our aesthetic. Gotta say no here.

[sidelining!] By telepathy, to Sayaka: It seems pretty likely that Chiyoda have some kind of memory manipulation available, and are using it to forcibly keep things secret. You don't approve, but given how destabilizing some secrets can be, there's a twisted logic to it. Meiji's behaviour might be because they learned some secrets.
-[sidelining!!] You doubt much good will come of poking at memory gaps with Osaki, but you'll need to develop some countermeasures before dealing with Chiyoda. Something to work on during the enchantment practice session.
Power of Friendship needs to be considered. It is natural to what we are. Politics will be somewhat the school standard of the humans we OOC know, and partly reliant on norms that exist for these girls in particular.

Choice of friends is no joke here. Sabrina has to seem like an option to them, due mostly to her obvious good personality and her obvious positional advantage. We yet have a few steps between us and friends in fact, so we should take those steps and see if the other characters want to follow. Magical Girls that aren't in crisis stay out of crisis by having good friends. It is a matter of survival balanced on a sharper edge than muggle humans walk. This is common sense for us all.

The step we could do here is "promote association." Our interview is kinda done, barring juicy tid-bit during talk of references. Our "conversation with new Magical Girls" is still a few kilos short. Establishing a reason to see them again is only good? If it isn't bad, why is it not important? Without listing them, there are lots of reasons important enough to call these characters over to our side.

This may apply to a bunch of other girls very soon too. In addition to random assassination and war for survival, we must deal with popularity. Let's be proactive! Whether my player-self likes it or not, Sabrina has strong appeal to certain girls. She will gain a fanbase, but they will be people at close range. Real people - yes, NPC's are real people. This isn't an Instagram account, the friends in our expanding circle need appropriate reciprocal behavior.

Starting to seed actual friends in Tokyo is only one overlapping path to insure we can achieve our best aims in the cleanest manner.

Leaving things undone is not pro. If we are supposed to wrap this soon, then we just have to get all the events done faster. Why be in too much hurry to go - how many minutes of conversation are we at? How many more are available in one or two updates? Not impossible to fit it in. Not engaging the Tokyo setting fully is a waste of our QM's effort to create it, as well as dishing out a blow to realistic flow.

Also expected, but missing. I'll have to be the one...
[jk] Ask about season for the Quidditch team

Avoiding the Psychology Department seems like a bias we should not honor. I use the word bias, because no other explanation is more present. Sabrina, as contrasted with any particular player, has no reason to act against that goal. I suggest players should support their personal feeling on the matter with some posting.
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If we have time today, maybe we could ask the IRC about the Iowa group.
Worthwhile, but I'll specifically note that I think that should come after school's out, since we can do it with Mami present. Before then is better spent on things we can't talk to her about. Especially as we'll be talking about Dewitching progress tomorrow, but even if we choose to do that with Homura present instead, there's still stuff like Feathers to look into.

Ah, good point! Adding.

[x] It sounds like you should discuss things with Chiyoda sometime over the next few days before committing to anything.
-[x] Ask Kurenai for Chiyoda's contact info.

[x] You'll try to arrange for some other "personal" visits to other Tokyo groups to gather their perspectives and address their concerns as well, before a more official meeting with the Council.
-[x] Are there any other Tokyo groups Kurenai thinks we should visit? Ask for contact info - including the more belligerent groups. You'd like to try to calm them down if you can.
-[x] Are there any groups outside of Tokyo they can vouch for when it comes to Clear Seeds? Ask for contact info.

[x] By telepathy, to Sayaka: It seems pretty likely that Chiyoda have some kind of memory manipulation available, and are using it to forcibly keep things secret. You don't approve, but given how destabilizing some secrets can be, there's a twisted logic to it. Meiji's behaviour might be because they learned some secrets.
-[x] You doubt much good will come of poking at memory gaps with Osaki, but you'll need to develop some countermeasures before dealing with Chiyoda. Something to work on during the enchantment practice session.

[x] Ask Kurenai's group if they have any questions for us?
-[x] Answer honestly, barring the bombs.
-[x] Once everything's answered, thank them for their time and leave.

[x] If there's time left before school ends, and Sayaka's interested, ask Osaki for the contact info we'd need to go do some Tokyo tourism without making a fuss, then go see the sights.
-[x] Otherwise, head home.
--[x] If there's time before lunch ends, head to a library and hit up the next IRC on Nadia's list. Sayaka can participate too!

[x] Discuss the politics of Tokyo in more detail with Sayaka. Ask for her persepective.

Edits in cyan.

I'll note that while the talk of Tokyo's Council's policy controls does answer our question to their views of hiring out, we didn't exactly talk about our hiring plans this update and I think it may be worth informing folks explicitly and in so many words that we will be looking into hiring girls from Tokyo to aid Mitakihara in dealing with Walpurgisnacht.

Even if that's just as simple as "We're expecting Walpurgisnacht to hit Mitakihara around the end of the month, and will probably look to hire help."


As a final note, it's not for precisely here and now, but one other thing comes to mind. We talked with the Shiogama girls about the possibility of hunting witches, but there may be another thing that they can do if their sight is good enough and they do indeed know about soul gems and witches.

We've been meaning to talk to the potentials at Shirome and Yokosuka for a while and... never really got around to it. It might be worthwhile to instead put that into the hands of others who can spot potential and know enough to give them the warnings they need.
Fiddled with the vote a bit to include more actions and condense it down to 150 words. Cut off the post-Tokyo action part of the vote - we can decide whether to talk with Shiogama or go on IRC next time, it doesn't need to be part of this vote.

[x] You'd like to talk with other Tokyo groups to get their perspectives and address concerns before making any major moves.
-[x] Gather contact info for:
--[x] Chiyoda.
--[x] Other Tokyo groups Kurenai recommends.
--[x] Tokyo groups near major tourist attractions.
--[x] The "belligerent" groups. You'll try to talk them around after meeting with Chiyoda.
--[x] Any non-Tokyo groups Osaki vouches for.

[x] By telepathy, to Sayaka: Mention your suspicions of memory magic being used to keep "the secret". Mention that Meiji's behaviour might be related to finding out.

[x] You'd like to offer psychological help to refugees coming to Mitakihara, and Rissho has a renowned psychology department. Osaki's thoughts?

[x] Ask Kurenai's group if they have any questions for us?
-[x] Answer honestly, barring the bombs.
-[x] Once everything's answered, thank them for their time and leave.

[x] If there's time and Sayaka's interested, do some Tokyo tourism. Call ahead as needed.
-[x] Otherwise, head home.

[x] Ask for Sayaka's persepective on Tokyo politics.

150 words.
I think Tokyo tourism should be done with Mami. If we've got time we could run by one of the nearby non-Council groups.
Worthwhile, but I'll specifically note that I think that should come after school's out, since we can do it with Mami present. Before then is better spent on things we can't talk to her about.
Anything we can't talk with Mami about, we also can't do with Sayaka here. Unless you mean scouting for date locations.
[X] Redshirt Army

I am still partial that the next date with Mami should either be Italy... or the moon.
[X] Redshirt Army

I am still partial that the next date with Mami should either be Italy... or the moon.
If our next date is less than three weeks away, it might work out as a group date, roughly speaking? Getting too isolated from the several other girls with Doom hanging over them is something we have avoided. Our anomalous transportation power allows that it's safer and easier to tote everyone to Italy and back. We could select individual romantic spots for the various dates and tourism for those abstaining, all within a radius. Do you think Kyosuke will be able to avoid reading the mood? Will we commission in advance a small platter presenting one loooong strand of spaghetti to our moms? Does Kirika already know how to drive a Vespa?

We do. That's why I've been asking @Firnagzen how much time is left before school ends - I want to know if we have time to head to Tome today.

About an hour for commercial flight. We subtly out-perform turbofans?
About an hour for commercial flight. We subtly out-perform turbofans?
Subtly? Subtly?! We can outperform scramjets. The only limits we have are the fact that passengers don't do well in 1000 g acceleration:Citation Needed:, and that we don't want to cause collateral damage, be it broken windows from our supersonic wake or something else.
So the worry is that cleansing or Clear Seeds would cause power imbalance in Tokyo.
So ... we take them out of Tokyo? If you want free cleanses, join Sabrina'sMami's Empire?
Yeah, it sounds like there's memory modification of some kind going around. Best not to get cocky and assume we're immune - maybe set up some means of recording what happens around us for later review?

We're crazy good at multitasking, so we could probably write a transcript of what we see live onto a medium kept in our storage space.

Other than that, there's a lot of details in this update to unpack, and I'll be updating the Tokyo Politics chart with the relevant info.
Why are we using notebooks? Just scrawl base-4 into Magnetic Tape. We read it by touching a finger against the tape and spinning it, looking like the world's biggest sci-fi dork.
passengers don't do well in 1000 g acceleration:Citation Needed:
Let's not break their soul gems, or our own, alright?
So the worry is that cleansing or Clear Seeds would cause power imbalance in Tokyo.
So ... we take them out of Tokyo? If you want free cleanses, join Sabrina'sMami's Empire?

Why are we using notebooks? Just scrawl base-4 into Magnetic Tape. We read it by touching a finger against the tape and spinning it, looking like the world's biggest sci-fi dork.
Because it should be something that Sabrina can easily notice and figure out if her memories of making the record are removed as well.
okay the whole base-4 thing was more of a joke, but it was more on me ruminating on whether we can (hand?)write video and be able to play it back on VCR machines.

Sabrina: DON'T WORRY! I used grief to make videos of my memories!
[Plays video]
Sayaka: ... Sabrina is just three hours of you cuddling Mami?
Sabrina: .. ... ... ................ I guess my mind wandered?
we actually totally could do that. we could also use our grief to encode a hard drive directly or physicaly manipulate any storage medium. flipping some transistors would be child's play for us.