- Location
- The state of Paranoia
There must be some limit to either how much energy a given quantity of grief can generate, or how fast it can be made. Otherwise, the incubators would just collect a bit of grief, and then ramp up its energy production until it can reverse entropy/power their civilization/whatever they do with it.I'm not convinced we have one. I wouldn't be surprised if there simply wasn't a limit on how much energy grief can generate.
Regardless, what matters for the quest is that this quantity or rate of energy production is absurdly large. While I'm not against playing with anti-matter, Godwinson is right that we could also just do whatever we want with the grief. In this case, we can just make the explosion without bothering to create a hydrogen bomb or glob of anti-matter first. Even better, we can probably choose which type(s) of energy we make, so we don't need to worry about radiation sticking around afterwards. We basically are a clean nuke.
Plus we can choose the yield of the explosion. Iowa is somewhere in this uninhabited stretch of tundra? Hydrogen bomb size. Iowa is sitting in a building over there? Just big enough to vaporize the building.
It also means that we can power the entire planet with completely green energy. We just need to create the infrastructure (or allow governments/companies to make it) to move the energy to where it needs to go.
Anti-matter and bombs do have one benefit though. We can throw them at Iowa without being right beside them. We don't know what powers they have, so the further away we are while we nuke them (figuratively speaking, probably), the better.
We could do airburst though. Fly up above them and let out a nuke-sized explosion.
Or Walpy-chan. We could do that to her too.
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