Archangel of Nutella.
"Sayaka please, as a friend?"never said it would be easy, but since when has that stopped is? especially when it would seem or friend's life (and our friend's wife) is at stake.
"Look at this:"
*Shows a photo of O&K cuddling*
"Aren't they the cutest ever? Don't you want to help them?"
"This makes me uncomfortable, but also fills me with anger."
"I'll set you up with Kyouko if you agree to help."
"First, I'm not interested in Kyouko like that. Second, you are doing that, anyway."
"Yes, but if you agree right now, you got a perfect excuse to stop pretending you don't want it."
"I just said I'm not interested."
"Yeah, Sayaka..." *wink* "you're 'not' interested."
"I'm not- you're going to keep teasing me until I agree, aren't you?"
"Honestly and unashamedly, yes."
"... Fiiiiiine. I'll help your token evil friend."
"Great, and I'll arrange a couple of things with Yuma's help."
"You know, right now would be the time to stop teasing me."
"But you agreed, no need to be shy."
"Urgh. Sabrina. Let's make this clear: I. Like. Kyouko."
"... I-I meant Kyoukose!"
*Nods and winks* "Yeah, I know exaaaaactly what you meant..." *Walks away*
"Blghargh- that was your fault, Sabrina! You and your stupid teasing, nothing else!"
"... Stupid sexy Kyouko."
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