Archangel of Nutella.
I would say, nobody is a 'monster from the start', but it is possible KB saw a need for an actress like Riona in its system, and simply offered Riona a Wish at the 'best' time possibly, so as to endorse the 'right' sort of feelings for Riona to become what she is.Of course, it's entirely possible that she was always a remorseless nutjob who never cared about anyone. But her power carries such perverse incentive structures that even if she was incredibly intrinsically moral, she'd have slid down to something like where she is now almost regardless of what she was like. And given the themes of both PMMM and PMAS... I'd think less of the writing of the quest, if she was always a monster from the start.
Sure, it wouldn't be smooth sailing, but I consider it a valid possibility that Riona has been manipulated into not really regretting her own Wish and actions, but rather always had an 'acceptable' target for that guilt.
I would consider it more likely that Riona is a case of 'power corrupts', though. Her actions becoming inexcusable when she starts confusing what's 'good' and what benefits her, that is, when she starts making excuses to build up her own personal army.
I feel there's probably Lawful Good protagonists with powers not unlike Riona's, who nobody would question for having and using those powers. Riona's already seems to have gone down the deep end, but someone else with her powers? It could become a quest of reviving those sousl properly?Or, to put it in other words: If a magical girl makes a wish to revive someone from the dead, and ends up with Rionna's wraith creating power, is there a "moral" path for her that doesn't end with her own death, if Sabrina's abilities don't get involved?