Reasons are not, or at least need not qualify as, excuses. In this case, we have been told that they do not and must not. I'd like to dig into Riona's
reasons for what she does and why
she might think her actions are justified, in order to better figure out how best to approach and handle her. This entails discussing her reasoning in a manner that may appear as though we are searching for hypothetical 'excuses' that could be used to absolve her or mitigate her actions, and I'm concerned about how meaningfully we can differentiate between the two discussions, when one has been contraindicated while the other is nearly necessary if we want to analyze Riona any further than "gem/shoot her now, and how best to do so".
Pursuant to this last part, two things. The first: I'm not convinced we've pressed this conversation in-character enough to decide we can't get further information or concessions out of Riona about her activities. Through Riona, Firn has told us in-character that
"And you're gonna keep me here, keep me talking, until I spill my guts?" she muses. "Probably smart of you."
Strongly implying that there is still something to press. (Even leaving aside our various analyses of Riona's behaviour and what it may or may not indicate about what she's trying to communicate and what Firn is trying to communicate about her.) Though of course further clarification on the matter will appear when Firn drops the next update. Nevertheless, going off a stop like that I am very reluctant to decide here and now that we'll be dropping further negotiation attempts in favor of planning our angle of attack.
Secondly, and paraphrasing a thought I had during the threadlock (and thanks, SaltyWaffles, for providing a good springing off point for me here to comment on):
people are already running out of patience with this whole situation.
Speaking as one of those people who are running out of patience with this whole situation (and even with peeking into the thread and
reading about this whole situation), and speaking as one of those people feeling the temptation to just find a nice convenient way to only-partially-metaphorically shoot Riona in the face for the trouble, I still find it concerning that people might actually vote that way. Or let it bleed too far into the tone of the thread as Sabrina's background chatter as serious propositions. Like. As much as this whole run around is a mess and is being a bear to deal with, it feels untrue to
both the "this is how Sabrina has been up to now and we should hold to that"
and the "this is a way we want Sabrina to change in response to changes in how the thread feels it's best to deal with this" positions, to vote for Sabrina to aggress at Riona out of being
fed up with dealing with her shit. There's plenty of reasons that people can absolutely be outraged or calculated in their response and decide that it's best to vote to gem her now and ask further questions later, and thus shape Sabrina's character that way- but the idea of doing so in order to
avoid having to deal with the situation further strikes me as really weird.
I dunno. For all that most of that was written mid-threadlock, my concerns there haven't changed too much.
That's all I've really got, probably until the next update.
Uh, also, when we're through here, can we reconnoiter the fuck out of Iowa before they show up so we can make
sure we have applicable and useful information? Like, everything from calling in a favor from techguca, to possibly literally getting Sayaka to send her bird-watcher-minions, or even doing a fly-by at satellite level from the air? And then also establish short signals and coded communication with at least Homura, and probably Mami, for when we have limited communication from within a privacy sphere? Because there are situations we should walk into more prepared than we have been, and this is an exemplar of why.