Well, I could tell Diplomacy isn't going to work, ever since the chapter where "reasonable, highly spoken of, compared to Mami, Rionna" was replaced with "confrontational, does horrific stuff in the name of 'justice', and maybe not always 'justice', Rionna", but was willing to let players at least try.
But with you sounding off on the moral excusability of Rionna's actions, there doesn't appear to be any real options for the quest.
So how did the quest end up in this pickle? I blame bad decisions in storytelling based on a bias for preferential treatment given to certain long term posters and use of the narrative to flip the context of debates, so that the edgelords with murderboners will be less incensed and the posters they were arguing with will be provoked into getting more heated in their debates.
And frankly, the quality of the Quest has plummeted during this dumpsterfire!
Just for the record, I am not one who normally tells someone what they should and should not write. Writers should write for themselves, not what others think would make for a good story - even if it's a participitatory medium such as a thread.
And you are not the only writer, that I have noticed, to have occasionally dipped into this kind of behavior, unconsciously or deliberate.
However, you have repeatedly engaged in this behavior throughout the thread, and you are being rather blatent about it in the current arguement.
To the point that I, who am philosophically opposed to Rewrites or Reboots of any kind, would recommend you Reboot the Quest, fresh from any arguments, and refrain from adapting the narrative in order to rephrase debates.
Edit: I forgot to explain why I recommend a Reboot.
Your last chapter wasn't any good. It was vaguely the same as the previous two or three chapters and I could hear the train whistle for the QM Railroad. And yet posters are so invested in your Quest, that several have probably automatically liked it even though they did not actually enjoy it.
She rubbed Sabrina's face in how horrifically awful her actions were. Beforehand, there was every indication that she was aware of how incredibly evil she was being and acting, and quite frankly just didn't care. Then she says she doesn't want a fight.

It would make a bit more sense if Sabrina had really fucked up the social and made her lash out hard, but I never got the indication that it was like that.
So, yeah, I don't really blame some people too much for going straight for murder/gemming or just getting really frustrated with her.
And I kind of also feel like this came out of nowhere. There was basically no hint at all to this other than a incredibly vague warning from Oriko, despite Nadia and Oriko probably knowing about her beforehand.
Actually the "no hint" part is wrong. Still feels like there was an elephant in the room that some people neglected to mention.
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