Hmm. I'm not sure I trust Riona to run off with a Clear Seed just yet, but frankly, that's immaterial. She's got one of the possible missing pieces to fixing things, so now's when we start bargaining for her assistance.
[ ] Working to share cleansing is essentially your primary goal at the moment.
-[ ] Briefly explain what Clear Seeds are... and your dissatisfaction with them as a long term solution, given their use still relies on dumping grief into souls.
--[ ] You've looked into alternatives, but so far nothing promising.
-[ ] With your unique power, you're hoping dewitching might be possible. It's a secondary goal, at the moment.
--[ ] Show Hildegarde, ask for her professional opinion as a soul manipulator. Emphasize that you know dewitching studies need to be done slowly and carefully.
[ ] As long as she stays in the area, and doesn't shit stir, you'll provide free cleansing. Explain your offer to refugees and sharing of Clear Seeds with trusted groups for free.
-[ ] If you trusted her not to abuse it, you'd give her a Clear Seed, too. Drawing your ire is a bigger deterrent in Japan than it is in Scotland, though. Can you trust her?
[ ] Ask if she's willing to help with your goals. The help of a soul manipulator would be very helpful for obvious reasons. Negotiate payment, if necessary.
-[ ] If she's unwilling to stay long term, share that you have a power copier on staff. Offer to compensate her for a copy of her power and some instruction for Sayaka on how to use it.
First draft.