I don't think soul magic implies mind magic in that way. On top of that, there are a lot of people involved in a flight who she wouldn't get to see or have any easy way to pick out. How did she get her luggage on the plane, for example? The baggage handlers are just some dudes who do what the baggage tags tell them to, and the tags are printed by a computer based on the actual booking database.
I could extend my scenario to that level of detail, but the base question of "can Rionna fog men's minds" is the real turning point." I would expect such. I guess you say no?
I could extend my scenario to that level of detail, but the base question of "can Rionna fog men's minds" is the real turning point." I would expect such. I guess you say no?

I don't have a productive reply to this line of thought except you know what I've realized this speculation feels like?

Pfft, it feels like speculation on the quasi-RP on the #milesgloriosus IRC about what our hypothetical meguca think about Sabrina's modus operandi, and, for example, whether or not she's just secretly a brainjacker who managed to subvert Nadia, or something.

Not quite sure how that informs our actions here, except that maybe either Riona doesn't think we're a brainjacker, never speculated about the idea, or thinks we could be a brainjacker and has some variety of proc and came loaded for bear soulguca-powers-wise. **shrug** Interesting things to think about. Though if Riona doesn't megucasocial in general, it means she's probably not plugged into the speculation we doubtless left in our wake earlier.
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Indeed. But it is a hard one to remember, sometimes. I'm still working on it, and I've been working on it for well over ten years. I dunno, memo? People are hard. What's that quote- be kind, for everyone is fighting their own battle? Everyone's the hero of their own story?

Heh. "It's hard to hate someone when you know their music", maybe.
It's in my sig. :p
I could extend my scenario to that level of detail, but the base question of "can Rionna fog men's minds" is the real turning point." I would expect such. I guess you say no?
If she can't then she might be able to get on with sufficiently magical shit that Kyuubey has no choice but to cover for her. Jump over the airport, ceiling crawl to your seat, then bend the metal parts of the armrest in so you can't be removed without machinery?
International airport, big enough to have direct flights from Edinburgh and bundles of runways, and she's waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs after we pick an apparently random bit of roof? She's got hax of some kind.

Presumably she was able to sense us. If her contacting us at the apartment is any indication, her range is huge.

It was the stairs heading to the roof of the main arrival terminal, too - so not exactly a "random" part of the airport.
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More thoughts about the Riona interaction: I was thinking about how I'd handle this in Sabrina's shoes, though I'm not sure that's how Sabrina can handle it, just because of who she is; I was actually going to write up a quasi-omake with the reaction of 'Brinabrain Contributor 612' to the whole thing but couldn't make it work right.

In the immediate situation, I'd brush over or ignore Riona's rudeness (it's possible I wouldn't even notice it, honestly; social obliviousness is like my 7th name), or at the most acknowledge it briefly with something like "I don't know you from magical space Jesus, that's a rather personal question".

Then a short answer about the non-infosec-requiring information, basically like the frankenvote I put up earlier. Something that didn't come across in that vote, but when trying to can down on my (and I think Sabrina's) tendency to go for longer, flowing sentences, I think overcorrecting to short, terse syntax would be the result;

"The grief control was what I wished for;
Kyubey said my soul was strange;
I don't know why;
I was hoping you might know more.
I do have a few ideas;
I don't want to speak about them in public;
I have information security measures I can deploy;
can we do this in a more private place?
[telepathy: I know certain things about Magical Girl life that Mami has chosen not to know.]
I would like to work with you in the future;
I'm curious why you're here;
how did you hear of me?
[when in a privacy sphere, with Mami outside for safety]
Before I start, can I ask you a few questions;
what do you think of Kyubey;
what do you know about Witches?"

It would be as much keeping things in order for myself as possible, but if Riona wants to get to the point, that's as to the point as I can think of. I wouldn't be able to help making so many of my statements questions, but for Sabrina, things like "Can we do this in a more private place?" would be better phrased as statements, "Let's do this somewhere more private."

Longer term, I'd be keeping caution. It's interesting how fast we went from "Riona is a possible threat who could insta-gank us and we want soul gem protections out our ass just in case" to "how do we avoid offending her so we can be friends/fuck it let's offend her she has no right to be this rude". We still know almost as jack-shit about her as we started, beyond a little more insight as to the brand of rude she is, and the fact that she doesn't seem like she wants to insta-kill us right now. People have layers; people are multitudes; it's still possible that Riona is a hostile. Says my paranoia, if nothing else, and caution is still the watchword of the day.

We want her as an ally; until we know we can trust her we should still be keeping at least as much an eye on her as we now keep on Oriko, not house-arrest-wise, but in the sense that I feel like particularly up until the Long Conversation 'yesterday', there is or was still some need to keep an eye on what she's doing, if not for our own sense of security, than for others. Riona, like Oriko, could do a lot of damage; we hope that she won't, but we don't even know as much about her as we do many other folks in order for me, at least, to feel secure making that bet.

... eh, that's all I've got for a moment, I just suddenly felt the need to articulate all that.
I mean, given how weird Sabrina's soul likely is, she probably just assumes she knows why she's like that. I think it'd be easiest to just be honest and tell her we don't know (I mean we have our theories but let's not go throwing around rebellion spoilers at random people out of speculation :V)
let's not go throwing around rebellion spoilers at random people

"I think I might or might not be a lovechild of two Goddesses who will have come into existence a little farther in the timeline if I don't counteract the reasons they will have become deities in the first place, of course."

I could extend my scenario to that level of detail, but the base question of "can Rionna fog men's minds" is the real turning point." I would expect such. I guess you say no?
Pretty much. We know there are people who can do mind magic and, as far as we know, they can't do anything to the soul. I expect the difference the be somewhat analogous the the difference between a psychologist and a brain surgeon.
You interrogate prisoners, not your own allies. It would be a sign that she didn't come here to make friends.
An interrogation is by definition hostile, but the consequence of that is that you can't say this is an interrogation until she has demonstrated hostility. Asking questions without answering them is not sufficient.

BTW trading information also isn't something you do with friends. Observe how, when Mami asks us a question, we don't demand she agree to answer an equal amount of our questions before answering, and the very idea seems absurd. You don't build a friendship out of impersonal transactions, and you get much more out of people if you help them without demanding an explicit agreement to repay you.
BTW trading information also isn't something you do with friends. Observe how, when Mami asks us a question, we don't demand she agree to answer an equal amount of our questions before answering, and the very idea seems absurd. You don't build a friendship out of impersonal transactions, and you get much more out of people if you help them without demanding an explicit agreement to repay you.

While true in general, on the other hand there is the case to be made that, when friends or friendlies both feel the need to discuss something sensitive to both of them, and both are aware that they default to drastically different modes of communication, setting out ground rules of the discussion, including things like "I would only feel comfortable sharing x information or thoughts if you would do the same" so that both parties feel secure in what to expect from a touchy discussion, including one another's boundaries, can be useful in some situations. I'm not wholly certain that's directly relevant to the specific discussion happening here, but it is a thing.

Also: We are still at the level of interpersonal transactions. We haven't known Riona for five minutes yet. Saying "Sure I'll answer some of your questions, but then I'll have some of my own for you, alright?" isn't that awful as an exchange, that I've seen. It makes the conversation a dialogue, and not, as people have said, an interrogation, or perhaps more aptly, an interview.
[X] Onmur

I'm not entirely sold on every part, but I trust that there are reasons behind the parts I'm not sure of that I haven't seen, and in the sure knowledge that I am not an expert on PMMM, I'll default to trust. Usually I would hand my vote to Aura in a situation like this, but I'm actually sold on fewer parts of Redshirt's vote than I am of Onmur's. I'm alright with short updates, but I so much prefer the way Onmur phrased Mami's choice (because it's important to remember that it was a choice, and frame it so) that I have to give it to Onmur. Onmur, I would suggest trimming a bit, because I do think feeling our way through this first interaction carefully is important, but I'll also trust your gut regarding this.
[] Onmur

It's close, but I think the Mami phrasing and the offer to cleanse are important.
[] Redshirt Army

[x] Vebyast
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No one likes my frankenvote? Alas.

[x] Onmur

The Mami phrasing is one of my larger sticking points at the moment. Count me in for this one.
I'm not a fan of Onmur's wording regarding Mami, because it's ambiguous. It could mean the Lichbomb as easily as the Witchbomb, and I don't think Riona would appreciate the lack of clarity.

I'm also not sold on agreeing to a privacy sphere this early on. First of all, I think that planning that far ahead is a bit premature, and would really like to sound Riona out more instead of extending the vote into an uncertain future.

Secondly... when we excluded Mami from a privacy sphere so far, it was with people she already knew she had reasons to trust - Kazumi, Niko (who was extended trust as part of Kazumi's group), Nadia, and Kirika and Oriko (only after an extended period of trustbuilding and assistance).

I think jumping to specifically excluding Mami right in her face with someone we just met is gonna be... questionable. All else aside, we're gonna be locked in a room with a potentially hostile stranger, and Mami wouldn't be able to tell if anything happened to us. That's gonna stress her out.

So if those issues got ironed out, which would look something like:

[ ] Be efficient, blunt, firm. Beware Riona's patience doesn't snap.

[ ] Give her the commonly known details about you: Amnesia, odd Potential, Wish.
-[ ] Telepathy: Warn Riona that Mami doesn't know the witchbomb, in a way that is both vaguely deniable but still direct enough not to piss her off.

[ ] Offer to help sort out her accomodations while you talk.
-[ ] Offer cleansing.
-[ ] Show her Hildegarde.
-[ ] Share your hopes she will shed some light on your existence, and for you two to work together.

I'd be fine with Onmur's vote.
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Vote update, addressing some criticism and stealing some ideas.

[x] Stay calm. Be efficient and to-the-point. Keep in mind that Riona just had a tiring flight.

[x] You explicitly wished to be able to control grief. You're aware that your soul is strange (the Incubator mentioned it), but aren't certain why.
-[x] Magic was obviously involved, but you don't have any personal memories prior to waking up half-dead in an alleyway a few weeks ago.

[x] Telepathy Riona: Mami chose not to know the final fate of soul gems.

[x] Is she planning to stay? You can help find accommodations. Talk while you walk.
-[x] Express willingness to work together.
--[x] Indicate you can ensure privacy while working on sensitive projects.
-[x] Offer to demonstrate cleansing.
-[x] Show Hildegarde.
